The Fighter Ace & Luftwaffe Ace IPC cost is 11 IPC for each unit.
There was a flaw in the IPC cost in the original text in the rules.
This has now been corrected and updated in the rules attached to the first post in this thread.
Tanks could go to 5$ not less, or game imbalanced. Heck for $4 id only buy tanks.
actually perhaps you get discount of 1ipc but you must buy in two’s
complimented it with mobile industry instead, makes for a tough choice against “Trans-Siberian Railway”
Id rather you go with “Rasputita” and create a winter rule in Russia twice per game that effects Axis units in some manner.
There’s a Russian Winter rules in the “Alternative Rules” portion of Delta found here…
All the discount units creates imbalanced games, certainly because we got 5 allies and 3 axis, so allies have a +2 advantage just in these rules.
Perhaps, but the Axis have the slight advantage when it comes to the “Strategic Objectives” portion of Delta found here…
I think only Russia and USA should have any advantage that effects prices. The other nations didn’t have capability to build cheaper units. Colonial troops should only be something that allows placement in some area w/o having a factory ( just one unit per turn).
Perhaps, we’ll find out more when some play test reports get posted.