• Hi there,
    Ive just got the pacific game and am really struggling with some of the basic rules. It seems as though the rulebook focusses so much on all the politics and turn order etc that it neglects some of the basic combat situations which make it a little tricky for a beginner. It would really help if there were more combat examples in there.

    I would appreciate it if you could clarify the below as I cant seem to find any answers in the rule book.

    Can bombers bomb units on the ground on their own? I’ve seen the rules on bombing bases etc, but nothing explicitly stating if you can just attack a bunch of units. Would that battle work exactly the same as a land on land battle?

    Can all air units attack all ground units? Ie can a fighter destroy tanks / battleships etc? If not, how does the fighter’s hits get allocated during a battle? Also, what happens if just 1 bomber is fighting 1 other bomber, do they fire on each other or is this not possible?

    Can you move 2 spaces with an aircraft carrier, then unload and have aircraft fly 2 spaces to conduct combat and return on the same turn? I.e you could effectively cover 4 spaces in 1 move.

    With facilities, what exactly does damage mean? With industrial complexes, does 1 damage mean one less unit that can be mobilized? Since you can go up to 20 damage, I wondered if this meant 2 damage was needed to reduce by one mobilization.

    If a naval or air base is damaged by 1 point, does it still give the movement bonus? How much damage before it loses that bonus?

    Thanks for your help, Im sure this is all hidden in the rulebook somewhere, but I cant seem to find it.

  • Morning Almoose. Glad you are enjoying the game.
    Bombers can attack ground units, but by themselves they cannot capture an empty territory, therefore claiming the income.
    Works the same.

    Only naval units and ground units cannot fight each, as they occupy different territories(sea or land). Amphibious assaults are different, because a battleship or Cruiser can bombard. The ships are immune to defensive ground fire.

    A Bomber can hit a Bomber and this is a very good attack to make, as the attacking one rolls on four and the defender on a one. (Best to leave Bombers in a territory with ground units or to count how  far it is to the enemy’s Bombers.)

    Carriers move in  non combat, unless they are moving into a hostile SZ with other naval units.
    Air units fly off separately and the Carrier can follow for them to land upon.
    Air units on a Carrier can only move 4  to attack if they have a viable landing spot(another Carrier closer).

    Bases stop functioning at 3 damage. One and two damage has no effect on its bonuses.

    Please ask again if I have been unclear.

  • Thanks for the help, that is really useful.

    With the Industrial Complexes - how does damage work with them re their abilities?

    Im sure I will have some more questions, so its nice to know there are people around to help!

  • As you said, every one damage means one fewer unit you can mobilise.
    An IC can take double its damage, then all excess damage is ignored.
    It is not removed from play, but remains on the board.

    If a Major IC has 20 damage, you would have to repair 11 to place one  unit, 12 for 2 etc.

    Sorry I missed that question first time around.

  • Official Q&A


    Can you move 2 spaces with an aircraft carrier, then unload and have aircraft fly 2 spaces to conduct combat and return on the same turn? I.e you could effectively cover 4 spaces in 1 move.

    No.  Air units take off from a carrier before it moves and land after it moves, so they always move independently of each other.

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