@The-Captain said in G40 Waffen-SS Panzer Army:
is best suited when used in a defensive role.
that was my initial thought as well
Strategic bombers are big and slow, but tough and packing turret guns.
Fighters are small and fast, but weak and fragile.
Tactical bombers are a little of both, smaller quicker than the big bombers, tougher than fighters.
This goes without saying, but we are also confined to using a 6 sided dice. And as i have stated before, we are playing a grand strategic game on a table top.
Thus the air combat values of 1 across the board, save fighters on defense at 2.
I wished I could convince you. :cry:
The aerial combat is only for 1 round.
After, all Fgs vs Fgs revert to A2 vs D3 for the rest of the battle!
Or at least this one:
Just a little more complex bonus: 2 fighters paired give one of them A2 while the other keep A1 for single air combat round ?
MrRoboto: Wish you would just read this. You would understand.
Fighters are the best on defense, and can escort and intercept SBR.
Tactical bombers are (on purpose) the best on offense, and the best all around (again on purpose) pure combat air unit. However tactical bombers can no longer SBR, they cant escort SBR, and they cant intercept SBR.
Strategic bombers have a good offense (nearly exact same as unsupported tacticals), but with increased range. and the ability to SBR3 units, 3 different roles. balanced among themselves. and, if you do the math the new fighter is actually slightly better than the old fighter.
the 3 roles are historically accurate aswell…what else would you want lolon the battlefield a tactical bomber is going to be more efficient both in the air and vs moving ground units than a strategic bomber
again one more time…
Fighter = Best defense, air superiority (SBR escort and intercept)
Tactical = Best offense, best all around air combat unit
Strategic = Long range, good offense (better than fighters not as good as supported tacticals), can SBR
Yes I’ve read it multiple times. It’s what you want to achieve and it’s also what I want to achieve!!!
But your current model just doesn’t result in this!
The balance of Fighters to Tacs is right at the moment. Fighters are way better in defense and air-combat, unsupported tacs are better in attack. Supported tacs are way better.
But your strategic bomber is balanced totally wrong! You want the attack to be between unsupported tacs and supported tacs. And that’s where it should be.
I try to explain it to you one more time.
Compare the Strategic bomber (12 IPC, 4 attack, 1 defense) with your fighter (8 IPC, 2 attack, 3 defense)
6 Fighters: 48 IPC, 6 HP, 12 Attack, 18 Defense
4 Strats: 48 IPC, 4 HP, 16 attack, 4 Defense
Get this: In your current model, even fighters attack better than strategic bombers (They are ahead in about 55% of the time). Not to mention their defensive value. Even with the greater range, I would never prefer a strategic bomber over a fighter.
Compare the Strategic bomber (12 IPC, 4 attack, 1 defense) with your Tactical bomber (10 IPC, 3-4 attack, 3 defense).
5 Strats: 60 IPC, 5 HP, 20 Attack, 5 Defense
6 Tacs: 60 IPC, 18-24 Attack, 24 Defense.
Now you planned to have the attacking strat somewhere between unsupported tacs and supported tacs. But that’s not the case. EVEN UNSUPPORTED tacs are stronger in the offense, than the strategic (Tacs are ahead 60% of the time!).
Why would I ever want to buy a Strategic instead of a tactical? The Tac is ALWAYS better in offense, incredibly better at defense and if I can support them, they are more than doubling the offensive power compared to a strategic bomber. Range alone does not justify that.
Have not read through everything YET nor really thought too hard on any specific detail, but just off the cost, I love the transport price reduction to 6 IPC.
At 7 IPC, before coffee, with kids nagging you for your attention, it’s just plain annoying to figure out how many transports + units and keep it under a certain cost. All other warships are even numbers, this makes the xport even as well.
As for cruisers, I liked the idea of giving them AA guns and leaving them at 12 IPC. Maybe add the bombard increase of yours to 4, but leaving them at 12 ipc. Maybe I’m just stupid, but I like to buy cruisers as is - not a whole lot, but I find them really effective anchor points for reinforcement fleets, etc. (5 destroyers, 3 transports and 1 cruiser being moved from W. USA to the fleet in the Philippines for instance. Cruiser makes a HUGE difference in whether or not that little fleet is attacked by Japanese air power, and if attacked, should do more damage than if it was 5 destroyers, 3 transports and 2 submarines.)
Just some quick thoughts…as I said, really didn’t look and think too hard at it.
Well Jen if you invest your money in destroyers, instead of cruisers, you’re always off way better (WAY!!! better).
The sole and only argument for cruisers is, if you have exactly 12-15 IPC or 20-21 IPC and need to defend immediately against one attacking plane.
If it might make a difference if you can hold a seazone with 1 cruiser instead of 1 destroyer, maybe to defend transports, in the first case. Or 1cruiser+1 dd instead of 2 dd in the second case. Then yes, in these extremely rare cases, a cruiser purchase is slightly better.
How about?
Fighters ADMC 2-3-4-8 Â Air combat AD 1-2
TB. Â Â Â Â Â ADMC 3/4-2-4-9 Air combat AD 1-1
SB. Â Â Â Â Â ADMC 4-1-6-10
I would suggest a read through of WWII aircraft. I think these stats are pretty graduated and fit historical military roles while accomplishing the task to model increased air combat before land battle.
Sorry working from my phone, but please read.
How about?
Fighters ADMC 2-3-4-8 Air combat AD 1-2
TB. ADMC 3/4-2-4-9 Air combat AD 1-1
SB. ADMC 4-1-6-10
This seems better. Although I’d probably never buy fighters.
In the offense, 2 unsupported tacs (cost 18, attack 6, air combat 2) are about as strong as 1fighter+1tac (cost 17, attack 6, air combat 2). In the defense I’d be better off to just build AAA and inf, skipping the air combat.
There is no incentive to buy fighters.
Let me suggest this:
Attack 2
Defense 3
Aircombat attack 2
Aircombat Defense 3
Attack 3, improved to 4 with paired fighter/tank
Defense 2
Aircombat attack 1, improved to 2 with paired fighter
Aircombat Defense 1
10 IPC
Attack 4
Defense 1
Range 6, ability to bombard for 1d6
No Air combat
Let me suggest this:
Attack 2
Defense 3
Aircombat attack 2
Aircombat Defense 3Tacticals
Attack 3, improved to 4 with paired fighter/tank
Defense 2
Aircombat attack 1, improved to 2 with paired fighter
Aircombat Defense 1Strategics
10 IPC
Attack 4
Defense 1
Range 6, ability to bombard for 1d6
No Air combat
Looks good to me. This is Uncrustable’s project though. I’m just contributing.
It was a typo that i somehow didnt catch lol, it has been fixed. South Africa because of historical reasons. British Commonwealth countries of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Eire, and Newfoundland were considered autonomous communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
Yes, all six became (for most purposes) self-governing Dominions under the 1931 Statutes of Westminster, with the ability to decide on their own whether or not to declare war (rather than automatically going to war when the UK did, as happened in 1914). One qualifier, though, is that as a result of an economic collapse trigged by the Great Depression, Newfoundland asked the British government in 1934 to resume ruling it directly; it retained Dominion status, but in essence it was governed as a Crown colony.
Under the current OOB model, strategic bombers are the dominent purchase over tactical bombers.
Current OOB chart:
120 IPC (the tacticals cost 121)
12 Fighter 36 attack | 48 defense
11 Tactic 33-44 attack | 33 defense
10 Strategic 40 attack | 10 defense
your chart:
120 IPC
15 Fighter 30 attack | 45 defense
12 Tactical 36-48 attack | 36 defense
10 Strategic 40 attack | 10 defense
my chart:
120 IPC (the strategics cost 117)
15 Fighter 30 attack | 45 defense
12 Tactical 36-48 attack | 36 defense
9 Strategic 36 attack | 9 defense
each unit now has a unique roll to fill…
Fighters - SBR escort and intercept. Best defense and cheapest. Best air stats.
Tacbomber - the best all around fighting air unit
Strategic bomber - comparable attack to tactical, not quite as good as escorted tacs, but long range and SBR, poor defense, cant scramble
So we have bombers at 12 IPC after a lengthy debate.
OP has been updated
What about the scramble air combat rules during a regular land attack?
Right now the defender has the option to scramble (cant scramble bombers)
All air units roll a 1, except fighters on defense roll a 2
The hits are divided by 2, rounded down.
AA hits are also allocated during (AAA get the AA dice on defense only)
your chart:
120 IPC
15 Fighter 30 attack | 45 defense
12 Tactical 36-48 attack | 36 defense
10 Strategic 40 attack | 10 defense
Dude can you please calculate correctly? It is completely wrong, you made 3 calculation errors!
The chart looks like this:
120 IPC (Tacs costs only 117)
15 Fighter 30 attack | 45 Defense
13 Tacs 39-52 attack | 36 Defense
12 Strats 48 attack | 12 Defense
BUT, each unit now has a unique roll to fill…
Fighters - SBR escort and intercept. best air stats by being cheapest and having defense of 2 in air. Best defense and cheapest.
Tacbomber - the best all around fighting air unit, best offense + good defense
Strategic bomber - same attack as unescorted tac, not quite as good as escorted tacs (AS IT SHOULD BE), but long range and SBR, poor defense
Dude, you are driving me mad. I told you already I know what you want to achieve. But your models just does NOT WORK THIS WAY.
You are not even responding to the facts that I showed you.
One last time, I hope you will read it and really think about it this time.
Your strategic bombers are just too weak. Fighters beat them in offense and of course in defense. I bolded that part in my last big post to you and you just ignored it. Unsupported Tacs beat them too.
Range alone won’t be enough to buy a Strategic bomber, if they are so much weaker in everything else than fighters and tacs.
as OOB tacticals are a rare purchase (more rare than cruisers)
This is not even remotely true. Tacs are bought every single game, by more than one power. Cruisers are built absolutely never.
Fighters - SBR escort and intercept. Best defense and cheapest. Best air stats.
Tacbomber - the best all around fighting air unit
Strategic bomber - comparable attack to tactical, not quite as good as escorted tacs, but long range and SBR, poor defense, cant scramble
All these roles are much better represented in my setup.
Since I’ve enhanced the air combat value of fighters and tacs (but fighters still got more), the purpose of fighters is mainly participating in air combats.
Please have a look at my setup again:
Fighters: Att|Def|Air-Att|Air-Def|Cost - 2 |3 | 2 |3 |8
Tacs: Att|Def|Air-Att|Air-Def|Cost - 3(4) |2 |1(2) |1 |9
Strats: Att|Def|Cost - 4 |1 | x | x|10
Now if you’re defending against air attacks, fighters are obviously the best choice. They are the best planes in defense against ground units, but still far, far worse than every ground unit.
But since they’re so good against air-attacks and still doing halfway okay against ground units, they are worth buying.
If you’re attacking with air only, you will need the fighters as well, since they boost your tacticals and also protect AND boost them in the air-combat.
Tacticals are the best attacking unit, when supported (just as you want it). They are better than strats, cause they cost 10% less. While they lack the range of the strats, they make up for it by having some small defensive capabilities against ground and air.
Strategics are pure glass cannons with high range. Their high range and very strong attack makes them worth buying. They serve for SBR and attacks that are far away.
Fighters: Cost 8 Attack 2 Defense 3 Range 4
Tacticals: Cost 10 Attack 3-4 Defense 3 Range 4
Strategic Cost 12 Attack 4 Defense 1 Range 4
120 IPC
15 Fighter 30 attack | 45 defense
12 Tactical 36-48 attack | 36 defense
10 Strategic 40 attack | 10 defense
All air combat values 1 except fighters defend at 2
This DOES exactly what is wanted.
Fighters are the cheapest, best on defense, support tacticals, escort and intercept SBR
Tacticals are best all around fighting air unit in normal combat
Strategic bombers are better than naked tacticals, but not as good vs supported tacticals on offense, long range, can SBR, poor defense
You are insane if you look at that chart and say “fighters are better at offense”, they are not.
again reference the current OOB chart:
120 IPC (the tacticals cost 121)
12 Fighter 36 attack | 48 defense
11 Tactic 33-44 attack | 33 defense
10 Strategic 40 attack | 10 defense
Strategic bombers essentially now DO NOT change from OOB,
Tactical bombers received a slight buff to both offense and defense
Fighters received a nerf on offense, and a slight nerf on defense
How, when those 3 sentences are true, could you say fighters are better than bombers?
I do not feel tactical bombers should be so weak on defense (2), as they are a fighter/bomber essentially and this makes no logical sense.
And being so weak on defense they would no longer be the best all around fighting air unit.
I also think there needs to be more than a 1 IPC difference between the 3.
OP has been updated, removing all the red.
Also reworded 5. And added an example
5. Enhanced air combat (land combat only). New scramble option, a defender may scramble air units into a 1 round air defense battle vs incoming air units, the scrambling air units must be in the territory being attacked. (cannot scramble from adjacent territory). Strategic bombers may not scramble. All air units roll simultaneously. All air units roll 1 dice hitting on a 1, except fighters on defense hit on a 2 or less. The hits are totaled for each side and divided by 2 (rounding down). AAA units also fire during this round. AAA roll AA dice on defense only as per current OOB rules. Remove casualties before continuing to normal combat.
–Example, attacker rolls for 13 planes. Records 5 hits. =2 adjusted hits
-----------Defender rolls for 8 planes. Records 3 hits. Also rolls for 2 AAA (6 dice) and records 2 hits. =3 adjusted,combined hits (1 for planes +2 for AA dice)
-------------Attacker removes 3 planes (chooses own casualties), defender removes 2 planes. (also chooses own casualties)
Wish list:
-Enhanced Convoy raiding
-Enhanced Infantry purchasing
-Enhanced Neutral militias
-Multinational coordinated attacks
-True Blockades
I do not feel tactical bombers should be so weak on defense (2), as they are a fighter/bomber essentially and this makes no logical sense. And being so weak on defense they would no longer be the best all around fighting air unit.
Some WWII tac bombers were quite weak on defense. The Stuka is perhaps the best example: it did great in Poland and France, where the Luftwaffe had air supremacy, but the Stukas that participated in the Battle of Britain were cut to pieces by RAF fighters (and were soon withdrawn from action) because they weren’t operating in a secure environment. Torpdedo bombers such as the TBD Devastator were likewise extremely vulerable because their attack runs required them to fly low, level and straight towards their target; at Midway, the American TBDs who attacked the Japanese fleet had (as I recall) close to 100% casualties. Both the TBD and the Stuka had rear-cockpit machine gunners for self-protection, but those gun positions didn’t seem to make much difference in their survivability.
I do not feel tactical bombers should be so weak on defense (2), as they are a fighter/bomber essentially and this makes no logical sense. And being so weak on defense they would no longer be the best all around fighting air unit.
Some WWII tac bombers were quite weak on defense. The Stuka is perhaps the best example: it did great in Poland and France, where the Luftwaffe had air supremacy, but the Stukas that participated in the Battle of Britain were cut to pieces by RAF fighters (and were soon withdrawn from action) because they weren’t operating in a secure environment. Torpdedo bombers such as the TBD Devastator were likewise extremely vulerable because their attack runs required them to fly low, level and straight towards their target; at Midway, the American TBDs who attacked the Japanese fleet had (as I recall) close to 100% casualties. Both the TBD and the Stuka had rear-cockpit machine gunners for self-protection, but those gun positions didn’t seem to make much difference in their survivability.
Your statements are true both on offense and defense. Air supremacy can be gained both over home land and enemy land.
Just tougher to do it over enemy land. AA dice + fighters at 2 or less on defense in air battle represents this well.
A bomber is not going to be dogfighting regardless it if can help it, it will be strafing enemy ground positions and boats. (what its designed for)
A planned offensive vs a scrambled defense: slight (emphasized slight) advantage to offense of tactical bombers. Hence the +1 attack under combined arms rules (per OOB). But its not going to be that much worse at strafing enemy troops and boats in the scrambled defense, because it has radar and AA installations on its side.
If the defender chooses to scramble its fighters and tactical bombers in an effort to thin out enemy air, the attacking fighters are going to be screening for the attacking bombers, and at a slight disadvantage in the air. Intercepting fighters however have no such obligations, and in addition to home turf (radar + AA installations) would have the advantage. (hence everything rolls at 1 in the air except enemy fighters on defense)
All the attacking bombers have to do is survive the first round of air combat and AA guns to reach the ground fighting and begin ground attacks. At which point total chaos ensues.
Again remember: grand strategic game.
15 Fighter 30 attack | 45 defense
10 Strategic 40 attack | 10 defenseYou are insane if you look at that chart and say “fighters are better at offense”, they are not.
Oh my. I begin to understand why it make no sense to argue with you. I am not insane. It is math. My statement is true.
15 hp, power 30 is BETTER than 10 hp, 40 power.
If you don’t know how to calculate that, you can easily put it in tripleA and let the software simulate 50.000 battles. Just put in 15 attacking destroyers (15hp, 30 power) against 10 defending fighters (10 hp, 40 power). It should be something like 63% for the 15hp/30power.
If you’re looking for more sophisticated, mathematical evidence:
24 IPC 24 IPC
3 Fighters vs 2 Strategic Bombers
6 Attack 8 Attack
The fighters score 1 hit averagely in round 1. The Bombers score 1 and 1/3.
Second round, Strats only scored one hit first round (2a):
2 Fighters 1 Strategic Bomber
4 Attack vs 4 Attack
Fighters win in 2/3 = 6/9 of the times directly
One fighter lost in 2/9 of the times (see 3a)
No one hits in 1/9 of the times.
Since no one hitting replays the round, the chances are:
Fighters win: 6 out of 8 times = 3/4
One fighter lost: 2 out of 8 times = 1/4
Third round (3a):
1 Fighter 1 Strat
2 Attack vs 4 Attack
Fighter win in (1/3)(1/3) = 1/9 of times
Draw in (1/3)(2/3) = 2/9 of times
Strat win in (2/3)(2/3) = 4/9 of times
No one hits in (2/3)(1/3) = 2/9 of times
So chances here:
Fighter win in 1 out of 7 cases
Draw in 2 out of 7 cases
Strat wins in 4 out of 7 cases
Overall chance after 2a (Strats only scoring 1 hit first round):
Fighters win in (3/4) + (1/28) = 22/28 times. (approx 78.5%)
Draw in 2/28 times (~7%)
Strat wins in 4/28 times (~14%)
Second round, Strats scored 2 hits first round (2b)
1 Fighter vs 1 Strat
2 Attack 4 Attack
This is the same as (3a):
Fighter win in 1 out of 7 cases
Draw in 2 out of 7 cases
Strat wins in 4 out of 7 cases
**So overall chances of the battle:
Fighter win in (2/3)(22/28) + (1/3)(1/7) = 12/21 times = ~57%
Draw in (2/3)(2/28) + (1/3)(2/7) = 3/21 times = ~14%
Strats win in (2/3)(4/28) + (1/3)(4/7) = 6/21 times = ~28.5%**
In TripleA, 20.000 battles will show:
Fighters win 58%
Draw 14%
Strats win 28%
So, you see - my calculation is indeed correct. Your fighters attack stronger than your strategic bombers.
Strategic bombers essentially now DO NOT change from OOB,
Tactical bombers received a slight buff to both offense and defense
Fighters received a nerf on offense, and a slight nerf on defenseHow, when those 3 sentences are true, could you say fighters are better than bombers?
Because these 3 sentences are NOT true.
Fighters received a BUFF on offense. 8 IPC for 2 attack is BETTER than 10 ipc for 3 Attack!!!
In a direct duel, your new fighters are ahead in 60% of the time compared to the old fighter.
You can simulate this by putting into tripleA: 5 destroyers (5hp, 10 power) vs 4 defending cruisers (4 hp, 12 powers).
I URGE you to read my last post! It PROVES mathematically, that YOU are wrong and that I am right. I am calculating correct, you are not.
Also, you did not even mention the fact that you miscalculated the simple 120 IPC chart of mine.
It is not about opinion or believing. It is simple math, non-debatable truth. So you do not need to be convinced, you only need to understand the math. And the math says: In your proposal, fighters attack stronger than strategic bombers (a lot better, even). And that is a huge design flaw, given they also are better in defense (Air combat AND ground)
double post