• Has anyone ever heard of, or thought about, an A&A gaming week in Las Vegas?

    I was driving home in the rain last night and was just thinking that could be a lot of fun…

    The word would have to be spread to other sites, but wouldn’t it be cool if we had a large gaming get together in Las Vegas sometime? We could have people sign up and play total random strangers in 5 player teams with an “optimized” bid for the version they are playing (A&A 2nd, A&A 3rd, AAR, AAP, AAE, etc).

    How much fun would that be?

  • I would go. I’m only 3 hours away. Vegas Baby! Vegas!

  • '19 Moderator

    It’s 5 or 6 hours for me, but the short hop flights make it 30 min. :D

    Plus those of us with families could find something for the the wife etc. to do as well.

    I have some pretty good contacts around that might go for this.

    I don’ t know anything about organizing a convention though…

  • I would be in…if only for the after hours at Crazy Horse Too ;) It’s been a few years since I played against anyone on a board, would end up going out like a light in the night but would be a total blast.

  • We should really do this. Some time this summer perhapse?

  • I wouldn’t recommend a full blown convention or anything, but we could probably overrun one of the smaller places, maybe StarDust or WestWard Ho… All we need is a large playing area, or not so large depending on the number of people interested.

    Plus those of us with families could find something for the the wife etc. to do as well.

    I agree, my wife would never let me go to Vegas without her :), but she’d be happy playing slots somewhere while I geeked out over a board…

    If you’d like to pass along the idea why don’t we see what kind of response we get. They’d probably want some sort of idea about the number of people interested.

  • If we do this, I could bring at least 2 other relatively serious players with me. They are not site members, but they have been playing as long as I have.

  • I’m pretty sure that if you are playing at a Casino, with their permission to be there, you could gamble under their license. Vegas baby Vegas.

  • It’s a really long commute for me.

  • Moderator


    I would be busy throwing the game and betting on you as well. :wink:

    Uh yeah, I’m confident my 1 inf will hold Moscow.

    Oh no, I lost, that’s too bad.

    walks to cashier to collect his winnings :D

  • @haxorboy:

    I would be in…if only for the after hours at Crazy Horse Too ;) It’s been a few years since I played against anyone on a board, would end up going out like a light in the night but would be a total blast.

    Well, maybe some of us should set up a game IN Crazy Horse. :D Sweet.

  • Those are all back East though Chris. I’ve no interest in going that far, and the night life, etc of Vegas will keep my wife busy while I play- and provide something for me to do after I lose :)

  • @theSexualHarrassmentPanda:

    It looks like they are having a 2nd Edition tourney with 2man teams so I guess I will need a partner. Hmm…I wonder who else is going?

    I live about 3 hours away from Indy…but I wouldn’t be “PRO” enough to be with the all-mighty Panda Express… :D

  • I don’t know for sure how long it is for me, but I believe 8 hours, I can go during my rugby tournament there if the times correspond.

  • Sounds good to me. Short trip.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I reopened the poll because I’d like too keep tracking this idea. I have a little experience with event planning so maybe something could be organized.

    However, I’d really need to bump up some fundraising on this site to help pay upfront for something like this.

  • Glad to hear you liked the idea.

    I don’t think fundraising is the way to go. I think you’d have to charge an outright registration fee for this. My basic idea would be to try and arrange a deal with a smaller hotel in Vegas and everyone interested registers for the event. Registration would cover the cost of their room, admission to the tourney, etc. Then tack a few bucks on for prize money, gifts, awards, whatever it was decided to give the winner.

  • Well I play chess at the National Open in Vegas with 3500 other players, perhaps you can schedule the event at the same time. We play at the Riviera Casino.

  • There is no real organization here in Vegas for A&A.

    Since I do live here though, if you ever get people in town I can provide a safe place to play.


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