It’s ok Jen, and it turned out to help you in your game ^^
Yea, well he was a royal prick in the game and got the mod to force that the worst outcome of the two results be applied, even though the first outcome was obviously first.
I had to go back to a previous roll to check and make sure my artillery was applied right, they were not. So he lost 1 hit, but because my worst of two was like -12 hits, he still came out like a bandit.
Anyway, thanks, because Germany now has +42 IPC for next round and I AM sticking him with it. 18 rounds of illegal rocket fire. (I just took every rocket on S. Europe, figured it was the most fair. Germany’s a higher value target then S. Europe, so it would probably be the target shot at anyway. Besides, Germany was the first rocket rolled in every round, S. Europe was the second, Caucasus the third.)
Germany lost 400 IPC in armies (killing only 215 because of that dice fiasco) but she also has 120 to spend and Japan’s going to finish off the enemy anyway!