@the_good_captain It is only during the pre-emptive artillery strike that tanks don’t cancel hits. Per the following paragraph, the land combat is conducted normally, except for battleship bombardment.
Tanks - worth purchasing?
Absolutely worth it though, as said, they work best in stacks. I enjoyed 4-6 at a time moving in with my army to absolutely devastate the enemy on the attack.
Yes, they are horrible for defense. Yes, they cost 6, but that ability to negate a hit on the attack is priceless.
As with everything in this version of the game though … pair it with Artillery and Infantry. Combined arms is priceless in AA1914!
I found tanks very effective for A-H in one of my games. First, they allowed A-H to maintain a smaller offensive force on the eastern front against a weakening Russian Empire. 2 tanks could easily support an A-H force of 3-4 infantry and 2 artillery in Ukraine, allowing A-H to send minimal reinforcements east so the bulk could be sent to Italy. And since A-H can get tanks into Venice in two turns, they can be deadly against the Italians.
Since I’m used to the more traditional tank rules of A&A, when I saw the $6 price tag and attack:2/Def:1 I was appalled. However, I’ve warmed up to them after a few games. Having at least 3-4 tanks combined with large amounts of artillery supported by fighters make a very potent combination. Also, they will help save your artillery as your infantry are whittled away. You just have to be very carefull about leaving them open to a counter attack since you must have at least one inf unit in each army group.
And about art and tanks. Does an art upgrade an inf AND a tank? Or do you need to chose for every art which attacking unit it upgrades?
No, one artillery boosts one infantry OR one tank.
No, one artillery boosts one infantry OR one tank.
And since they attack at the same value it really doesn’t matter.
Tanks make up for their high cost in that can can soak up hits repeatedly after each turn without having to be replaced.
Tanks are only good for when you intend to attack, and the enemy intends to defend (they wont counter attack)
So if an enemy is trying to fill the front with just infantry, and doesn’t plan on attacking, you can buy tanks to counter act this.
As long as the enemy still has artillery, and still can mount counterattacks, tanks are a poor buy.
As long as you have infantry to absorb hits on counter attacks, tanks will repay this by deflecting hits on your next turn.
One possible strategy is to build a stack of French tanks, attack with them, then reinforce the area next turn with British infantry.
But see tanks primarily as a means of breaking through a defender who cannot afford to hit back. They’re a war finishing weapon once you have the upper hand economically.
But see tanks primarily as a means of breaking through a defender who cannot afford to hit back. They re a war finishing weapon once you have the upper hand economically.
As long as you have infantry to absorb hits on counter attacks, tanks will repay this by deflecting hits on your next turn.
One possible strategy is to build a stack of French tanks, attack with them, then reinforce the area next turn with British infantry.
But see tanks primarily as a means of breaking through a defender who cannot afford to hit back. They’re a war finishing weapon once you have the upper hand economically.
+1. Good post!!