Anyone out there given this a crack after DoMan and I put it together?
Austrian Strategies
Italy has NO other opponent. AH is it’s mortal foe. You have to lock down Venice, not because it can hit you, but to condense your front line down to one territory.
No need to push farther, just dig in.Romania is not as important because russia has many other weak spots.
If you instead stage a massive army in Galicia, you threaten Poland, Ukraine and Romania.
You force Russia to question your intentions. -
After hearing Flashmans’ game report, I’m starting to come around to hitting Venice hard and not hitting Romania. If Russia commits to Romania, then hit it with Austria and Ottoman Bulgaria. If the Russians did this, presumably it would give Germany an opening in Poland.
Yeah, as the Flash report showed Austria has to attack south by rule (Serbia), it doesn’t have the strength to mount and sustain attacks to both the east (Romania) and the west (Venice) on its first turn. If they do (as Flash did) they just have two very weak fronts going that will halt the CP advances because they are spread to thin. They have to pick which side to go offensive round one, and Italy is the better strategic target (as Oz has pointed out). It cuts down that front to one territory, they can get German reinforcements if needed, and Italy gets less income. Romania (east) will still be there turn two. If the Russians stack it you can double hit them making it much easier for the Germans to gain advantage over the Russians. If they activate Romania with a nominal force you can crush it w/Austria, and reinforce w/Turks. Russia will be hesitant to counter attack w/Germans coming across from the north (could get cut off).
In the bigger picture I think the CP as a whole must come up w/strat early on to dig in on one front to set-up defenses at strangle points (in enemy territory if possible), and go offensive on the other. If they don’t then the CP as a whole will see the same thing as A/H did, two weak fronts collapsing. I think they need to pick a side, and roll with it, but also take advantage of tactical errors on the other side if they get a chance.
It makes sense for A/H to gain ground in Venice round one to dig in. Then being patient waiting for the Turks to catch up to triple hit the Russians starting on the second turn (Germany will probably have a foot hold in Poland). The way the game is set up it is much harder to attack when multiple powers are def together. Russia is pretty much alone w/only minimal English support that may not come in time (there won’t be 10 English ftrs def Moscow in this game LOL). I like how Flash attacked the Brit navy to attempt to slow down British reinforcements coming into France, or the Russian north through Scandinavia BTW.
Well, you don’t have to attack Venice if you don’t want- you can control the front with two Austrian territories- one lightly held and one heavily held. The Italians can’t attack the lightly held territory if your Austrian stack in the heavily held territory can now take Venice.
You could be defensive on Italy and go after Russia first along with Germany. Without the eastern front, all available forces can now go one way- west (maybe south).
Your right, but if your intent is to go hard for Russia then you would be def two territories on the Italian front instead of one territory that you can dig in (Venice). Now they can contest your A/H lands where you hold the line there instead of the strangle point on Italian land. You would be giving up income instead of the Italians IMO. IDK, maybe I’m off here, but I would rather dig in on the enemy lands on my terms as the CP, and force them to bulk up to overwhelm me (where I could just retreat back if I want to). It isn’t going to be easy for the Italians to come up with the power to take me out in Venice (just looking to keep it contested), and I’m not sure the French will be able to help them out.
I think the A/H could go either way, as long as they don’t try to go both ways turn 1. To me it just seems more advantageous to hit Venice over Romania on the first turn, I can’t wait to try it out. It very well could prove to be a worthy strat to hit Romania first, not having the ability to try stuff out yet. That part is coming though hopefully Mon or Tues.
One thing I probably wouldn’t do again with Austria is take Switzerland; there’ll be plenty of German units moving in there from Alsace & Munich. Still, a modest Austrian force there does threaten Piedmont, forcing Italy to defend it or abandon it.
Don’t assume its so easy for Germany to take Poland. This is a massive tt for Russia; it can put a huge force here, and I’ve backed this up with 2 fighters in flying range from Moscow. The decision to give Poland a fictional coastline has a big effect, forcing the Germans to plan a major attack rather than a piecemeal conquest of northern Russia.
I say go into Venice with a strong force, stay for a turn or two while Italy builds up enough men to attack, and then simply retreat leaving one inf to hold em up.
How does that help?
Well it puts the burden of attacking on Italy, and allows you to send reinforcemnts just to the east for a turn or two, then after that you’re free to focus on Italy. Of course I speak as one without the game yet.
In Djenses latest epic battle of epicness AH went for Romania, Serbia and Albania on AH1, then Venice on AH2 and wiped the floor with everything it would seem. Though I would image dice rolls played a cruical part.
In Djenses latest epic battle of epicness AH went for Romania, Serbia and Albania on AH1, then Venice on AH2 and wiped the floor with everything it would seem. Though I would image dice rolls played a cruical part.
Yes, I believe it was the immediate threat to Russia, forcing it to react rather than seize the offensive and also to weaken Poland, that helped Austria gain the advantage in the Balkans, allowing her to safely move west.
has anyone tried to make an amphibious attack on Tuscany on A1(arty + inf from Trieste) if sucessful it would split italy in two parts, delaying a counterattack on Venice (at least preventing a an early attack from Rome.
Serbia from Hungary and using the Galician forces for a thrust into Poland. Bohemia to Galicia nad vienna forces split between east and West.
If Germany then attacks poland and muces into tirol Italy could bee soon out of game while russia still has to face three enmies (Germany should go on defensive in the West)
I don’t really see the amphib attack as worth it. No units that have to come through Tuscany can get to Venic in one move. So really, it doesn’t Interrupt the Italian player at all movement wise and just kills off 2 of your units.
Larry will have you shot for that suggestion.
has anyone tried to make an amphibious attack on Tuscany on A1(arty + inf from Trieste) if sucessful it would split italy in two parts, delaying a counterattack on Venice (at least preventing a an early attack from Rome.
has anyone tried to make an amphibious attack on Tuscany on A1(arty + inf from Trieste) if sucessful it would split italy in two parts, delaying a counterattack on Venice (at least preventing a an early attack from Rome.
I tried it, not really worth it, on I1, the forces from Rome took it back. Italy will be moving those forces up anyway. It doesn’t really delay much counterattack on Venice, there is only 1 infantry that could be moved up to Venice from Tuscany. Italian counterattack will either come from Piedmont on I1 of Rome to Tuscany on I1, and to Venice on I2, that assault doesn’t change that. I think those troops are better used in Albania or Venice.
I did too. Not sure I would repeat it.
Seemed a good use of the Battleship’s Bombardment capability, but as explained by others is probably a waste of 2 Inf.I went attack crazy and piled into the Ukraine too.
I now have 19 angry Russians in there and am waiting to see if they go to Poland, Galicia or Rumania(with Fighter support).
My Fighter is in Venice, so no help. -
yeah im not sure that I try to land in Tuscany. It might be worth it if you could land more than two units otherwise that’s a move that your opponent rolls his eyes at because it only an annoyance.
I’d have moved the SZ 18 border further south, forcing Italy to garrison Naples as well.
Yeah I think that would be better too Flashman. I feel like you have to cram the AH navy in their one and only sea zone
After playing through round 1 last night. I don’t see why Austria would not hit Romania hard. Russia does not have the troops to make a counterattack credible. After the Austrian turn I had 15 Infantry and 3 Artillery there, all defending at a ‘3’. I only sent 4 Inf/2 Art to Serbia. All Trieste and Tyrolia troops went to Venice. Bohemia army went to Galatia and I split up my Vienna army roughly in two to support both the Russian and Italian fronts.
What exactly can the Russians do to that? Perhaps attack Galatia and stack Poland, but then Ukraine and Sevastopol are threatened.