Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • Official Q&A

    If the Austria-Hungary forces are defeated, the attacking power will take control.  If the attacker has no units left after the attack (both sides wiped out), the other power present will take control.

    If the Austria-Hungary forces move away, The Russian and French players decide between them who will take control.  If they can’t decide, the Austria-Hungary player decides.

  • hi, thanks for the explaining, everything clear

    greetings ron

  • hi again, the next question: situation: turn 1 german fleet attacks UK, german battleship is on his side for get 1 hit and is in seazone 9 and lets say alone, than the russian in turn 1 put his battle ship in seazone 10.
    Turn 2 the german battleship wants to attack the russian, when the german moves in seazone 10 where is a naval to repair, is the german battleship repaired before he attack the rusian ore must he start the fight with still one hit already

    greetings ron

  • Morning brunssum.
    The German Battleship is  still damaged. Repairs happen at the beginning of the turn, before combat. The NB is in SZ10, not SZ9, where the German Battleship begins its turn.

  • hi, thanks for the explaining, i am from the netherlands so when i translate the rules in dutch some parts are not all clear during
    translation because some words in english can have more than one translation in to dutch and sometime there can be confusion,
    anyway maybe till next time

    greetings ron

  • Not a problem. English is not the most friendly language or easiest (like the people!).
    Keep well and I hope you are enjoying fine Spring weather like we are  over here in England.

  • @brunssum:

    hi again, the next question: situation: turn 1 german fleet attacks UK, german battleship is on his side for get 1 hit and is in seazone 9 and lets say alone, than the russian in turn 1 put his battle ship in seazone 10.
    Turn 2 the german battleship wants to attack the russian, when the german moves in seazone 10 where is a naval to repair, is the german battleship repaired before he attack the rusian ore must he start the fight with still one hit already

    greetings ron

    If this happens R1 doesn´t the Russian BS has to stop in SZ 11 because of the Mines?

  • @Chacmool:

    If this happens R1 doesn´t the Russian BS has to stop in SZ 11 because of the Mines?

    Only with the Potential Tournament Rules.

  • I have a few questions.

    If a territory with a naval base is captured what happens to the naval mines? Does the ownership of the mines change, or are the mines negated, or do they still belong to the original owner of the territory?

    Can an unescorted transport move through a sea zone containing a submarine?

    Planes have a range of 2. Does that mean they can attack with one movement then retreat with the remaining 1 movement, as with WW2 rules?

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Exterminate!


    If a territory with a naval base is captured what happens to the naval mines? Does the ownership of the mines change, or are the mines negated, or do they still belong to the original owner of the territory?

    Mines are active only when the territory with the naval base is either contested or controlled by its original controller.  If the territory is controlled by an enemy power, the mines are inactive.


    Can an unescorted transport move through a sea zone containing a submarine?

    Yes, as the sea zone is not hostile.


    Planes have a range of 2. Does that mean they can attack with one movement then retreat with the remaining 1 movement, as with WW2 rules?

    No.  There is no noncombat movement in this game.

  • Hi, i was reading about the fighters, me and my friends also still got some questions about it, we are still confused with the other
    games where a fighter can move 4 but cannot land on tt what is not in start of your turn under your control ore one of your allies.
    So the question is: when i attack a tt with fighters and they stay alive and i got some inf. left , can the fighter land on the tt that turn when i am in control, and when the battle has to continum next turn can the fighter still land on the tt.
    And fighters can they attack fleet and how about subs can they shoot back, ore can they only attack when i bring some fleet with me to attack, and got ships also 1 more to attack same as inf. ore tanks.

    greetings ron

  • Morning Brunssum.
    I would like to help, but I am not quite sure what you are asking.
    You have posted in 1914, but did you mean in another (WW2) game?

    You can never land in a territory you or an allied did not control at the beginning of your turn.
    Subs and Air cannot hit each other if the only units in a SZ.

    If you did mean 1914, please say. Rules for Fts are different. As is movement range(2).

  • Official Q&A


    Hi, i was reading about the fighters, me and my friends also still got some questions about it, we are still confused with the other
    games where a fighter can move 4 but cannot land on tt what is not in start of your turn under your control ore one of your allies.

    This game isn’t like any of the World War II games.  The same rules don’t necessarily apply.


    So the question is: when i attack a tt with fighters and they stay alive and i got some inf. left , can the fighter land on the tt that turn when i am in control, and when the battle has to continum next turn can the fighter still land on the tt.

    The fighter must remain in the territory until your next turn, regardless of the territory’s status.  There is only one movement phase, which occurs before combat.

    By the way, if you have fighters left after combat you must also have at least one infantry left.  Your last infantry unit must be taken as your last casualty, so any fighters you may have must be taken as casualties before the last infantry unit.


    And fighters can they attack fleet and how about subs can they shoot back, ore can they only attack when i bring some fleet with me to attack, and got ships also 1 more to attack same as inf. ore tanks.

    Fighters cannot land in or attack in sea zones.  They may only fly over a sea zone en route to a territory.

  • Hi, first thx again for the answers.
    first, so fighters cannot attack in seazones so ofcourse they cannot attack fleet.
    second, when i attack a tt and i got a fighter he also lands on the tt whitch i attack, and stay there, this is important because when i got attacked the fighter makes defending mutch easerier becasue artelliry got plus 1

    greetings ron

  • I have a few questions concerning the rules of a&a 1914 … First of all exuse my bad english  :-) 1) do i have to attack enemy navy when i move my navy to a seazone where the enemy navy is located? 2) whats the rule if i enter a naval seazone which is mines. In the first round i move into it or trou i have to roll the dices. But what happens the next round i stop into it (ex. The german navy moves to the british seazon in front of gb) do i have to roll the dices again, unless the terretory is german. Hope you can help me  :-D greetings from austria!

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Skoupson!

    1)  No.

    2)  You only have to roll when you move into or through the sea zone.  If your ships are still in the sea zone on your next turn, you don’t have to roll again, whether they stay or move out.

  • Thank you for the quick respons kriegshund  :-) i have one more question concernig naval movement… In the official rulebook is written that it is possible to attack transporters too…but a transporter does not have any defensive points? In my oppinion that means that the trasporter is destroyed automaticaly? Greets

  • Official Q&A

    That’s correct.

  • Is it allowed to move units from a contested tt into an alligned Minor power that wasnt mobilized yet?

  • Official Q&A


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