They were expendable. With John Wayne and Robert Montgomery.I was able to obtain a colorized version.
I don't get it… Can someone help me out here?
Let’s be clear on this. A law was passed that required you to hand over your children to the state to be educated according to the state wishes not your native ways.
Anytime the state intervenes and tries to do social engineering it always backfires due to the corruption of individuals on both sides who take advantage. I think what Gargantua is saying is that everyone should be treated equal. A society without racism is one where everyone is treated equally by the same laws. No preferential treatment for whites; no preferential treatment for Aboriginals or any other group. All are created equal.
What’s wrong with Equality Mal? Why do you insist on holding up RACE based legislation? That’s so last century man…
The UN definition of genocide does not require the plan be to kill everyone but to destroy a culture. That was EXACTLY what the plan was, to destroy the native culture by making a law that ALL native children be raised by the state.
Actually, the plan (which went terribly wrong) was to educate first nations so that they could be integrated into society…
You see, we arrived in what 1492?
All of the 1500’s - First nations did not adapt
All of the 1600’s - First nations did not adapt
All of the 1700’s - First nations did not adapt
All of the 1800’s - First nations did not adaptAfter 400 years of not adapting - and almost being WIPED OUT. The government took the pains to try and do something for first nations, and to try and modernize the culture for it’s own sake.
You have to look at the whole picture here Mal. Ironically the residential school system is the reason we have First Nations doctors and lawyers and so on today.
After 400 years of leaving these people to their own end, on average - they still couldn’t read, and children received NO formal education. This was a big problem. Think about where people who cannot read often are today.
All that said, first nations are hardly the ONLY group who has had their kids taken away from them to go to schools. Your own children have to go to school by LAW for 30 hours a week. OR YOU GO TO JAIL. And I’m guessing you’ve never heard of the Doukhobors?
These -white- folks went to JAIL after having their children stolen from them. In-fact, the government made them their own prison no more than an hour’s drive from where I grew up. But you don’t see the Doukhobors receiving -equal- support, simply because their skin happens to be the wrong colour.
Racism is wrong Mal. Please stop supporting it!
The reason I take this issue so seriously, is because everytime a band of natives goes and blocks a road, or blames the -white man- or accusses -the canadian public- of stealing their land, and burning their talking sticks. All Canadians get victimized.
I’m not native, I don’t know any natives, so I’m uninterested in their current or past issues by lack of association. I’ve got my own problems… like how green my lawn is.
If anyone deserves a negative vote, it’s the old fat white guy that spends 3 hours at Home Depot comparing lawn fertilizers.
Garg, don’t set me up as a straw man. Exactly where did I say I supported giving natives special treatment? I think if you were a native kid and got screwed in a church run boarding school you should get special treatment, not because you are native but because a priest was screwing your bum.
Garg, are you saying going to a local public school is the same as being taken from your family on a reserve and stuck in a boarding school 100s of miles away out of contact from you family for months on end being taught in a foreign language and being beaten for speaking your own language? Public schools out west are way more harsh then I remember then in the east lol?
Trust me, the natives I know who live on the land on reserves around here have zero interest in adapting to a 9-5 job and why should they if they are not collecting a cheque from the government? I do agree there is a culture of dependency and that things must change. I’m just not sure white washing what happened to native kids in the residential school system is the way to change things. Perhaps a change in the property laws so that natives can get mortgages on their land so they can attract investment onto native lands would be a start. Garg, how familiar are you with native land property rights? Thought so…… Women lose their status rights when they marry a non native but men do not. There is much room to improve the toolset natives have so they are not dependent.
Devil’s advocate mode…read this…
Garg, many might consider it racist to state the natives should just give up their way of life for ours since theirs is so obviously inferior. I think with proper land rights and treaties settled the natives could be very self sufficient.
I don’t think you’re understanding where I’m coming from Mal.
I want to leave these people alone and to their own ends. Today. Right now. They should be able to live however they want to. The canadian public does too. In fact, the most successful referendum in our entire nations history, was a decade ago in British Columbia, when the government asked the public if they would be in favour of phasing out ALL first nations treaties, procedures, and policies provincally. It recieved some 80+ %. Then the government did nothing :S.
But to leave these people alone - as they deserve, That means we stop sending money. But everytime we talk about stopping the money, First Nations block roads, bridges, railroads, businesses and terrorize the Canadian people. People today live in fear of speaking out against injustice committed by First Nations, lest they be called Racist…
You realize that the money spent on Indian affairs over the last 100 years, is roughly equal to our ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT right?
It’s almost dollar for dollar, by the time you calculate +/- interests.
The reality is, these people DON’T want to be left alone, if it means the free money stops. That’s the issue at issue here.
British Columbia, when the government asked the public if they would be in favour of phasing out ALL first nations treaties, procedures, and policies provincally. It recieved some 80+ %. Then the government did nothing :S.
Phasing out treaties? Is that like phasing out your mortgage with the bank? One cannot unilaterally decide to break a treaty. If the natives own the land you have to pay to use it. If we signed a treaty 100 years ago and it seems unfair now, tough. The Indians don’t get to retroactively change treaties in their favour.
It is true that the blockades are not lawful and those should be dealt with. This occurs in Ontario too. Google caledonia land dispute. There does need to be some standing up to the bullsit that occurs. I just question the white washing of the residential school system as your first salvo. I say go after corrupt chiefs and change land ownership laws so natives can actually own land on the reserve and develop it.
But the land did belong to the indians and they have a right to some of it. It’s true they’re some abuses that can be constructively dealt with. Forcing all natives off their land so they can work in starbucks is not a solution ie tearing up all the treaties……
It’s also true the further you move west the stronger the indian land claims are. Not too many natives left east of quebec. The natives in southern ontario were long ago supplanted by whites. I do see in BC how strong the native land rights causes are.
Again, those are separate issues from kids being screwed by priests in the residential school system.
You realize that the money spent on Indian affairs over the last 100 years, is roughly equal to our ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT right?
I don’t believe this, would love to see you cite some facts to support this.
Garg, you want to talk about injustices. How about Quebec language police bitching that an italian restaurant favoured Italian over French on the menu! Can’t use the word pasta!
Quebec language cops target ‘pasta’ sooner did I post that link that I came across this related link to Native blockades
Nice Malachi.
What a joke.
I suppose pates sounds better!
And is pizza a French word now?
As an Italian restaurateur I know how I would have reacted and it would have been by uttering a sentence using these 9 words:
whore, is, you, mother, a, and, your, off, fuck.
But then I have always had a way with words! -
I need to clarify.
There were NO TREATIES in British Columbia, until the Nisga treaty in the mid 1990’s. Which was imposed on the citizens of British Columbia without their input.
The Treaty Referendum I mentioned, was to allow “British Columbians” to have a say in the treaty process. Of course the CBC link I’ve cited suggests it’s “racist”.
I don’t see how letting people have a -say- in a treaty process is -racist-. But that’s the world we live in today.
For those of you who don’t know, CBC is also known as the “Communist Broadcasting Centre”.
The Indians don’t get to retroactively change treaties in their favour
Actually, that’s exactly what they are trying to do. I seem to recall hearing Theresa Spence say that first nations legislation was “out of date”. Yet at the same time, cling to a 300 year old treaty.
It’s time to phase out the special race based privledges, and release the citizens of canada from the second class citizenship slavery they live in.
And don’t get me started on the language police…
Native bands in B.C. say their land was taken from them without treaty, negotiation or payment. Native groups have therefore claimed most of the province as their ancestral home.
For the record, 107% of British Columbia is claimed as native land.
107%, how is that possible you ask? Because the different tribes have overage claims on each other, because for this 10 year period, or that 20 year period, they “felt”, their “oral history” implied they owned larger areas.
Theresa Spence is a crook from what I see.
Theresa Spence is a crook from what I see.
Exactly! And we’re her victims.
That’s what I’m talking about!
Once and awhile sanity prevails, mark this on your calendar!
Quebec language minister calls for moderation Beers blockade ends at Attawapiskat -
Thanks Malachi.
Probably too late by the Minister, but some action was necessary as her staff have obviously been too zealous in their job description. -
You think it’s getting better? PFFTP
These first nations are complaining that they don’t get as much funding, because some first nations fall under federal benefits, whereas othersfall under provincial, but the cash $ amounts aren’t the same.
That’s what this is about. Money. Make no mistake. Your kids don’t get any of those benefits, and are enslaved to pay out to someone elses kids for the entirety of their canadian lives. Remember that.
Wow… 50 First Nations leaders earn more than the Prime Minister every year…
Wow… 50 First Nations leaders earn more than the Prime Minister every year…
That is more of the problem, and since the ‘band’ actually owns and controls the land not private individuals it concentrates the power into the hands of the few, the dirty….
for those of you who called me out on my native funding comments, I’ve been doing my best to put all the research together, and am still -successfully- working on a model I can present.
But basically, last year we spent $9 billion on first nations funding, which grows at 2% per annum. (a complain from F.N.'s is that their population rises much faster).
The year before was $8, and the years before average from $5 billion to $8 billion as well. I don’t have much data pre-1990 at the moment, but I’ve filed a Freedom of Information request.
Basically… my theory is this:
100 years, x $5billion a year-ish (inflation etc obviously has it’s effect) = $500 billion dollars.
Our nation debt is $606 Billion
Calculat negative interest from debts we could have paid, alongside interest from outstanding debts we’ve incurred, and the years etc involved, and that $500 billion is probably going to wash or better that $606 billion.
Subtract from that what the natives could have earned on their land had it not been taken.
Again, no doubt lots of room for improvement. But if we want people to fend for themselves, we cannot allow them to be held hostage to tyrants that government policies have empowered.
Hey Garg, remember that genocide thingee that was mentioned?
I had to google “International Common Law Court of Justice” to make sure it wasn’t some tambourine banging pot smoking fringe group of hippies. Seems it carries a bit more weight then some hippies, not by much…we are talking about the UN…
Just had another update and link sent to me…
Subtract from that what the natives could have earned on their land had it not been taken.
Well what would the Christians have earned if they still had Turkey?
or the British if they still had America?
Is the Canadian public going to pay those bills -for the rest of time- too?
And for the record - Reservations of which there are many are thier native land. Including Casino’s, bridge tariff’s, diamond mines oh my…
If it was their land they could go to a bank and get loans against it in order to develop it, but they cannot, so it is not really their land the same way the land is owned by non-nativeland holders. My buddy cannot get a mortgage on his house on native land in order to expand his business as he really does not own the land, the band does. There is no way for him to get a mortgage.
The money that is being paid goes to corrupt band leaders while kids live in third world conditions. It is only the fault of non-natives in that we don’t have performance metrics published for all to see. Its hard enough to reveal financial dealings of the band leaders personal finances and many and varied connections to band business.