“That’s funny. TG Moses playing a capitalistic game. I’m sure you got beat down”
Yeah, I guess it teaches you never to give money to other players. :wink: But the key to winning Monopoly is trying to get one of each colored property. I hardly get more than one of the same color unless it’s midgame. Reason being is that people will shell out obscene amounts of money and other properties to complete their three property set of the same color.
I have probably owned 4 sets of Monopoly over the years, and the one I like the best is the Star Wars themed set. It’s great when you have three other players and you all band together to destroy the “Evil Empire” (the player with a “lock” on the game). Funny how we still lost. :P
BTW: Good to see ya back Candyman. We can always use more member in the A&A: game forum.
“After Risk, my first strategy board game that I was introduced to was Fortress America (part of the Milton Bradley game master series). My cousins, my uncle and myself would play every major holiday together.”
Fortress America is a great game. It deserves to be in the “Gamemaster Series” along with all the other greats.
“All over Monopoly - nostalgic gold medal.
I also enjoyed the few times i played “Condominium 2000” and “Payday”.
Illuminati, however, goes down as as the easy silver medal award winner (the old one - with the black plastic money chips). My Bavarians kicked so much a**.”
Ha, I still remember Payday and Illuminati (never played Condominium 2000) and they were both great games. But I’m unsure if they still make Illuminati anymore.