Another evasive answer. Of course if the Revolution happens too early to be balanced then it happened to early to be balanced, but that is NOT the same as saying that if the Revolution happens before turn X (IN A GAME YOU HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN) then it cannot be balanced.
I’m not talking about or care about your ideas and stop talking about mine.
I will reprhase the question.
Is EVERY potential World War I game (not talking about the one you already made, talking about all possible games) automatically balance-doomed if the Russian Revolution and the US entry are allowed to happen before the turns that represent the start of those events in reality (whichever turns correspond to early-mid 1917)?
IN cases where this is possible, the economics and the setup are not historical. Ours is based on data regarding the economic capabilities on all belligerents. The CP are constantly facing increasing pressure to win, they can’t wait it out and they have limited strikes they can make to win. Other games that allow this will not be realistic or give the CP too many units to compensate for early entry.
Stop trying to force your game’s rules on everyone else by declaring anyone else idea’s impossible. It’s one thing to say yours are better (opinion), it quite another to do what you are doing by saying that everything that other people put out is impossible and could never work in a game for which we have hardly any specific detail (ignorant fallacy). The inability to consider ideas other than your own as even POSSIBLY viable is what is really childish.
Then stop responding to me. You started this. I have my opinion and experience and stop arguing against it. You can do whatever you want. Spend $80K and make your own game. ok?
What does the board look like for this game coming out? How many territories? What exactly are the victory conditions? What are the unit statistics? What is the income of each country? How are units produced? Are there convoy rules? If so, how do they work? What does each unit cost? How many territories are on the Western Front? Are there any special rules for Italy/Ottomans? How important is Serbia?
You will find out in due time, but i have reposted sections of the rules. If i told you anything you would start new arguments so why bother.
How can you say what can POSSIBLY work and not work if you don’t know all of these answers? I shudder to assess the quality of your “experience” with the other game where, if you acted during that one as you do now, you probably were trying to boss the other players into doing what you wanted during testing so your ideas of “balance” would be “proven.” In fact, the way you are acting now, I wouldn’t be surprised if this testing group was just you playing with yourself.
OH boy. Nice
You say that the revolution must not happen before turn 10. Prove how this game that is coming out will be busted if it is allowed to happen in turn 9. Or 8. Or 6. Otherwise, you have no ground to stand on in saying that only your dogmatic assertion will work.
When you buy it you can start off with the US forces already in Brittany on turn one. You can even buy a giant stuffed animal and knock down the pieces. Do whatever you like I dont care.
Different powers enter the war at different times from game to game of Global. The reason that that is not imbalanced is because the balancing took into account these variable entries. Yet somehow it is impossible for a WWI game to take into account variable entries, especially when we know that this game will be much smaller and therefore easier to comprehend what changes do to balance? Asinine.
Different powers enter the war at different times from game to game of Global. When they enter is entirely dependent on whether the axis feel it is too their advantage. The reason that that is balanced is because the balancing took into account these fixed entries. Yet somehow it is impossible for a WWI game to take into account fixed entries, especially when we know that this game will be much smaller and therefore easier to comprehend what changes do to balance? Aspirin.