When AA1914 will really be ready.

  • OK OK I know AA1914 should be available to buy around March/April 2013,

    but I suspect there will be much “slippage” regarding that date

    and I predict it will arrive August 2013.

    No way will it be ready this coming Spring.

    I hope I am wrong, but if past experience proves correct we won’t see it till August.

  • Larry probably just sent it off to production and thats why he made that announcement.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Lets hope they don’t F*ck this up.

  • @Gargantua:

    Lets hope they don’t F*ck this up.

    Don’t worry they will

  • Customizer

    Why no 150th anniversary Civil War game?

    Larry obviously doesn’t fancy the idea, though the warfare wasn’t so different from WWI.

  • @Clyde85:


    Lets hope they don’t F*ck this up.

    Don’t worry they will

    I was going to make a plea on Larry’s page that he at least recruit some regulars to proofread the rules and maps to avoid the embarrassing SNAFUs of previous games but realized its probably already on its way to the printers…

  • @Flashman:

    Why no 150th anniversary Civil War game?

    There was, it was released back in April of 2011 and it was called Battlecry, I bought and have played several games of it, it’s quite good.

  • @Clyde85:


    Why no 150th anniversary Civil War game?

    There was, it was released back in April of 2011 and it was called Battlecry, I bought and have played several games of it, it’s quite good.

    I have always been curious of Battlecry. What is it similar to? What is the gameplay like?

  • @KrisBeKreame:

    I have always been curious of Battlecry. What is it similar to? What is the gameplay like?

    It was actually was pretty well made, I really have enjoyed the games i’ve played, even if I do wind up getting stuck as the Reb’s more often then not (not that I really mind but it would be nice to be the Union once and a while). The thing it plays most like is a table top game, however the rules are vastly simpler and the game play much more intuitive and quicker. A basic game can take anywhere 30mins to and hour to play through while a more complicated scenario, like Gettysburg, can take up to two hours to play, providing you play through the full three day scenario.

  • Customizer

    I meant a Civil War A&A game.  The warfare here would be not unlike that on the Eastern Front in WWI, and something close to the Western Front in some areas.

    Eagle Games American Civil War is about the closest I’ve seen.

  • The one thing I am very concerned about is that the game is really Ready when it is ready.

    None of this Alpha rules crap that Global 1940 went thru.

    I hope that when the German Central Powers players start whining that the game is unbalanced,

    becz they only win 10 % of the time, that Larry and Krieghund don’t start revamping the rules like they did in 1940.

    That’s right guys, get the rules straight the 1st time around and don’t listen to the constant incessant whining that will inevitably start up,

    when the Central Powers get stomped for the 99th time!

    I think what happened in 1940 Global with all the Alpha reiterations of the rules was unnecessary

    and that the proper response should have been  “Pound sand.”

    Get the game set and ready and go at the proper time and even if after PLAYTESTING,

    the Central Powers lose 90% of the time then the response is “Hello McFly! This is WW I!”

    But please no Alpha’s please.

  • But please no Alpha’s please.

    Exactly. But possibly some setup changes if the thing proves to be not balanced.

  • Customizer

    The wall of silence from LH after initial announcement speaks volumes…

    I just hope the game will allow upgrade to a more complex game later, preferably with an official expansion. We need those extra units to done justice to the period.  WWI was really much more about techs than WWII, where, nukes apart, there were largely just refinements of existing weapons.

  • I hope they allow use of gas, and I hope they make the game just feel like a WWI game should feel. And I honestly don’t mind the game being a little unbalanced, I mean both WWI & WWII were unbalanced so I think it should be 60/40 split in allies/axis victories, close enough to make it fair but far enough apart to give the game a good historical grounding. Also if they intentionally make it like that then I feel that you could say that Allies are the easy faction to play and Axis are the more challenging, almost giving the game a slight handicap.

  • Larry said no GAS.

  • '12


    Lets hope they don’t F*ck this up.

    • 1

  • @JeffM:


    Lets hope they don’t F*ck this up.

    • 1

    Alan Shepard: Dear Lord, please don’t let me f**k up.
    Gordon Cooper: I didn’t quite copy that. Say again, please.
    Alan Shepard: I said everything’s A-OK.

    – The Right Stuff

  • Well, as far as the win/loss ratios go, I can see a lot depending on the timing of the Russian revolution vs. the entry of the US.  The Russian revolution freed up a huge number of German troops for service on the Western front.  Unfortunately for the Germans, they couldn’t redeploy them in time to take full advantage of it before the infusion of fresh US troops cancelled out the advantage.

    Also, the German fleet, though smaller than the Royal Navy, was close enough to the same size to be a credible threat.  But the addition of the US fleet pretty much shifted the odds enough to make a sortie into the Atlantic by the Kriegsmarine unfeasible.  So any attempt to use the German fleet, the very existence of which was a major contributing factor to the tensions that started the war, would have to be made early.

  • Customizer

    By that time the Germans had pretty much given up on their surface fleet. They believed that the U-Boats could starve Britain into surrender before America could get organized, so they launched an unrestricted sinking policy knowing it would provoke the U.S.

    There are several ways to balance in favour of the C.P. My suggestion is that only the CPs can attack neutrals; and only they can annex and collect income from occupied tt. The Allies can only liberate neutral tt, though it becomes friendly towards them afterwards.

  • @Clyde85:


    Lets hope they don’t F*ck this up.

    Don’t worry they will

    Well as long as they have anything to do with WotC, I agree with you.

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