In a way, fighters and tacs on a carrier already get +1 movement compared to land based planes because you don’t count the sea zone that the carrier is in. For example: take the airbase on Japan and sea zone 6. If you have a fighter on Japan and another fighter on a carrier in SZ 6, they will actually get to move the same distance. The fighter on Japan gets 5 movement because of the air base. The fighter on the carrier only gets 4 movement but since it doesn’t have to count SZ 6, and the airbase fighter does, then both fighters get to move the same distance.
I know this doesn’t solve the issue of your planes attacking an island that’s 3 spaces away, I just wanted to point out that carrier based planes do sort of get a movement bonus already. By the way, I’ve run into that exact same problem many times and it is very frustrating. Although, I will say it is nice when it’s YOUR island that is being attacked and your enemy can’t bring his air force to bear on you.
I thought that in Global building airbase in the pacific will allow this kind of move for fighters:
I know this doesn’t solve the issue of your planes attacking an island that’s 3 spaces away, By the way, I’ve run into that exact same problem many times and it is very frustrating.
From an historical point of view, you don’t see the need to invade Iwo Jima or Okinawa and building airbase for Fighters and Tactical bombers to bring them near Japan since, anyway, they won’t be able to reach it and come back.
Then, you come to the same solution as usual.
Bring aircraft carriers: they will protect the fleet and will be able to attack Japan from another Sz away and Fgs on them will be able to escort StBs flying from those island without any help from airbase.
The only solution, to save the “historical point of view”, is to treat airbase on island as a carrier for movement allowance of any aircraft including Strategic Bomber Fighters and TcBs.
When moving out without returning to homebase island, it will give only the +1 bonus move.
Same effect as stated in the AirBase OOB description.
Sorry, I misunderstood that 3 spaces away was in fact 3 sea-zones. I will post a thread on my specific historical issue.