Why don’t you post the rules here for all other people to see and if they want ? Be easier.
Aircraft Carrier Giving Movement Bonus like Airbase
There is no problem with the game where this idea corrects some deficiency. You make house rules to fix a problem or address Historical or player options. This overkill’s player options. Seems like somebody who likes playing Japan wants even more advantages.
There is no problem with the game where this idea corrects some deficiency. You make house rules to fix a problem or address Historical or player options. This overkill’s player options. Seems like somebody who likes playing Japan wants even more advantages.
I’m not sure which post you answered.
Knp7765 or mine. -
The OP. Basically the topic i ask: does this help anything?
The OP. Basically the topic i ask: does this help anything?
By OP. you mean the opening post?
Sorry, I’m still learning more and more abbreviations. -
original poster
BTW, I wrote an OP for a similar issue.
If you have some time, I’d like you give me your opinion about 1- the issue and 2- the solution I proposed.http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=32188.msg1204629#msg1204629
Not so sure of saying that the aircraft get a blanket +1, but if they move on the aircraft carrier before launch you could say that they have only used 2 movement points vs 3. That way they would be limited to just the attack on the island, but not get a bonus for flying to other locations.
I like this way of seeing the aircraft move on a carrier when they go in the same SZ.
Let’s just say that after the carrier have moved, planes only have 2 remaining movement points. And cannot go to another Sea-Zone away.
Just enough for inland air support and coming back on the carrier.Restriction: the carrier must move during the Combat Move step.
It is different from a carrier which stay behind waiting the results of any battle and moving during the NCM.
This House rule have some real consequences: Japan and Hawaii are 3 SZ away from each other. So, if you have a lot of CV and Fgs, you can now launch a direct amphibious assault from either island on the other.
You can pretty much house rule anything you like, If I were going to do this I’d simply give everyone long range aircraft. That way you’re not going to create too much havoc in the balance department.
I don’t get to play all that often, so when I do we usually have to use a couple of HRs here and there to speed the game up.
Obviously long range aircraft is technology, which notes dramatic changes in game options for players. The long period where this advantage existed in many AA games shows it’s value or utility to player options, but to just GIVE this away makes too many changes to the game.
Just let it be a proper Technology.
You can pretty much house rule anything you like, If I were going to do this I’d simply give everyone long range aircraft.
That way you’re not going to create too much havoc in the balance department.:lol: :lol: :lol:
I’m just offering a suggestion that gives the OP’s group something to maybe speed up or make his game more interesting.
You can pretty much house rule anything you like, If I were going to do this I’d simply give everyone long range aircraft.
That way you’re not going to create too much havoc in the balance department.:lol: :lol: :lol:
Baron, Baron, Baron. LOL If you want to point the havoc finger….lol nevermind have at my friend.
Actually, I was just amazed by all the expression… “create… in the balance department”
I never thought about pointing the “havoc finger” on someone or some posts.
:wink: -
Actually, I was just amazed by all the expression… “create… in the balance department”
I never thought about pointing the “havoc finger” on someone or some posts.
:wink:Actually I don’t see anything funny about it at all. Plenty of people give players in thier group a free tech on occasion. To me it makes more sense then completely changing the stats of a unit by using an already established tech.
Actually, I was just amazed by all the expression… “create… in the balance department”
I never thought about pointing the “havoc finger” on someone or some posts.
:wink:Actually I don’t see anything funny about it at all.
I wasn’t laughing about the content of your post but on this colourful expression you have just used.Plenty of people give players in their group a free tech on occasion. To me it makes more sense then completely changing the stats of a unit by using an already established tech.
Talking about this long range aircraft tech, is it a +1M or +2M for Fg, TcB and StB ?
The last time I played with Tech was on an Iron Blitz computer game.
Because with +1 M bonus AirBase and +1M tech you will get enough move points to make the maneuver. -
Not so sure of saying that the aircraft get a blanket +1, but if they move on the aircraft carrier before launch you could say that they have only used 2 movement points vs 3. That way they would be limited to just the attack on the island, but not get a bonus for flying to other locations.
I like this way of seeing the aircraft move on a carrier when they go in the same SZ.
Let’s just say that after the carrier have moved, planes only have 2 remaining movement points. And cannot go to another Sea-Zone away.
Just enough for inland air support and coming back on the carrier.Restriction: the carrier must move during the Combat Move step.
It is different from a carrier which stay behind waiting the results of any battle and moving during the NCM.
This House rule have some real consequences: Japan and Hawaii are 3 SZ away from each other. So, if you have a lot of CV and Fgs, you can now launch a direct amphibious assault from either island on the other.
However, toblerone77, adding the tech increase the bonus to all aircrafts. So your adjustment has a wider scope than mine have suggested which is more limited than the Original Post:
So we finally decided to let aircraft carriers give fighters/tactical bombers a +1 bonus movement like an airbase.
The fighter is bring with the carrier 3 S-Z away during the CM phase, then you launch aircrafts with only 2 Move points left. In addition, aircrafts are forbidden to go into another SZ.
1- Japan and Hawaii are 3 SZ away from each other.
So, if you have a lot of CV and Fgs, you can now launch a direct amphibious assault with air cover from either island on the other.2- You can also launch an amphibious assault with aircraft on Korea because it is in the same sea-zone than Japan.
However, a Fighter launch from an Airbase will not be able to support an amphibious assault 3 SZs-away. (As will be a Fg boosted with tech.)
starting from Japan with +1 AB bonus,
no Fig can reach French Indo China (5 zones to reach it) and land elsewhere (6th move points).But, with a carrier in Japan SZ 6 you can move 3 SZ and reach the French Indo China SZ 36.
Then any Fg on board have 2 moves to fly toward either Hainan island or French Indo China and land on the carrier (or, after the attack on FIC land in a Territory adjacent to it.)This HR implies also that Japan can directly attack with air support: Alaska and Western Canada.
In addition, this special move helping aircrafts on carrier only (Fg & Tcb, no StB) is only possible
1- when CV leaves a Naval Base and get +1M
2- during a Combat Move
3- while staying with the carrier.
You cannot do it in any other circumstances.
And 4- it doesn’t allow Fg or TcB to go chasing others ships 4 SZ away and fly back on the CV.I think this HR will be able to patch the inconsistency in the OOB rules created by the Bonus +1M to ships leaving Naval Base in which it left behind all CV’s aircrafts hindering their usual capacity to air support amphibious assault.
It is for all naval power having CVs and NBs (mainly Japan and USA) and is a very much more limited House Rule than giving a Tech.
An aircraft carrier already operates like an island with an airbase. Changing the carrier unit’s stats is probably not a good idea. I like house rules. But I wouldn’t mess around with this one.it seems the entire goal with the OP was to extend naval fighter range via the carrier unit.
I suggest the OP develop an optional tech or or something different. I have extra pieces so I could simply design stats and make it available for purchase in the game.
Good luck.
Talking about this long range aircraft Tech of yours, is it a +1M or +2M for Fg, TcB and StB ?
The last time I played with Tech was on an Iron Blitz computer game.
Because with +1 M bonus AirBase and +1M tech you will get enough move points to make the maneuver. -
I prefer to simply use units provided by HBG plus the old units from table tactics etc…and assign values. Not everybody has aftermarket units though. I also like to make my own NOs and techs. However the people I play with are friends or relatives experienced in older versions of the game. So bouncing around different ideas is a lot easier with people you know and have experience gaming with.
The forum is geared generally toward a stricter play style more attuned to tripleA or tournament play. Which is fine. I play solitaire or F2F only. I only use tripleA for solitaire or hot seat games. A lot of house rules that most cringe at don’t really bother me. Extending range or having weapons roll multiple dice doesn’t bother me either. So from my perspective most ideas I have don’t fit with a more legalized style.
All that said I’ve played plenty of no tech, no NO, and no bid strictly by the book games. It think for the most part the rules are already pretty solid. If you want to go for a more historical or frankly a more action based game, house rules are the ticket.
The fighter is bring with the carrier 3 S-Z away during the CM phase, then you launch aircrafts with only 2 Move points left. In addition, aircrafts are forbidden to go into another SZ.
1- Japan and Hawaii are 3 SZ away from each other.
So, if you have a lot of CVs and Fgs, you can now launch a direct amphibious assault with air cover from either island on the other.2- You can also launch an amphibious assault with aircrafts on Korea because it is in the same sea-zone than Japan.
However, a Fighter launch from an Airbase will not be able to support an amphibious assault 3 SZs-away. (As will be a Fg boosted with tech.)
starting from Japan with +1 AB bonus,
no Fgs can reach French Indo China (5 zones to reach it) and land elsewhere (6th move points).But, with a carrier in Japan SZ 6 you can move 3 SZ and reach the French Indo China SZ 36.
Then any Fg on board have 2 moves to fly toward either Hainan island or French Indo China and land on the carrier (or, after the attack on FIC land in a Territory adjacent to it.)This HR implies also that Japan can directly attack with air support: Alaska and Western Canada.
In addition, this special move helping aircrafts on carrier only (Fg & Tcb, no StB) is only possible
1- when CV leaves a Naval Base and get +1M
2- during a Combat Move
3- while staying with the carrier.
You cannot do it in any other circumstances.
And 4- it doesn’t allow Fg or TcB to go chasing others ships 4 SZs away and fly back on the CV.I think this HR will be able to patch the inconsistency in the OOB rules created by the Bonus +1M to ships leaving Naval Base in which it left behind all CV’s aircrafts, hindering their usual capacity to air support amphibious assault.
It is for all naval power having CVs and NBs (mainly Japan and USA) and is a very much more limited House Rule than giving a Tech.
To limit this movement bonus much more:
(and to forbid an air reinforcement on continental Asia upon landing in a nearby territory after an amphibious assault in any asian territory boarding an ocean: see the example above).5- All Fgs or TcB must return to the previous CVs group and land on any of the carriers.
6- This additional move for Fgt and TCB is not allowed if there is a Naval Battle in the SZ before the amphibious assault.