Posted again by mistake, was trying to close the AAA to open another game and pressed the post button, twice this game already…
2013 G40 League Post Game Results Here - Thread
PGMatt (Allies) defeats Odonis (Axis)
DizzKneeLand33 (axis) over Last Jack (allies)
allweneedislove (Allies +15) defeats wheatbeer (Axis)
Hank13 (Allies) defeats Stalingradski (Axis)
Death by US bombers! He pounced ruthlessly on every mistake I made. Well played and a deserved victory.
Odonis defeats Jeff28
Last Jack over atease
Hobo over Last Jack
Whackamatt (allies +10) defeats Mryogen (Axis)
UnknownSoldier over Last Jack
Unknown Soldier ( Allies ) over Randmacts ( Axis )
JWW ( Axis ) over Randmacts ( Allies )
Way too good
Karl (Axis) over Tyzog (Allies)
Tyzog says he’s burned out and gave me a concession. Dumb win for me but… :-P
I hope he comes back for a playoff!
Doesn’t count, just a G1
Bold (allies +6) over Tyzoq
Whackamatt (Axis) over ShrimpboatChef (Allies +7)
I (Axis) defeated Tyzoq (Allies + 11)
Re: G40 League Whackamatt (Axis) vs. ShrimpboatChef (Allies +7): Thread: – Whackamatt whacks the crap out of shrimp in six rounds. Whackamatt wins.
Stalingradski (axis) wins over Mryogen (allies +12)
whackamatt (axis) wins over Mryogen (allies+10)
wheatbeer (axis) wins over Mryogen (allies +16)
Wheatbeer (axis) over Hank13 (allies +11) in a 6-round drubbing!;topic=30778.105;num_replies=119