• Werent Angola and Mozambique colonies of Portugal?
    Shouldn’t they be in the same block as them?

  • Yes they were.

  • yea, they should

  • Sponsor

    So move Portugul into the Africa block?

  • Yea.

    I think we should work on Vichy France rules next. Easier than tech

  • Sponsor

    OK, what’s your idea for France? Keep in mind that I’m not interested in making the game easier for the allies, I’m one of a dying breed that still feel that playing the axis is not a walk in the park while eating a piece of cake.

  • making it as easy as possible.

    When Paris is first occupied by Axis forces, the remaining French areas go into a new disposition.

    Southern France

    These are new Vichy French areas and become strict neutrals. ( French Indo-China has it’s own special rules, so not included)

    If any player attacks a Vichy area, it has no bearing on the other areas. They fight independently.

    French West Africa, French Central Africa, and French Equatorial Africa are considered Free French, which are pro-allies. All French naval units are removed, along with all units located in Normandy. All other French units stay in place and fight as standing armies where they are.

    Diplomacy rules are in effect only the cost is number of units in area ( obviously its not printed on the map)

  • I think the french naval units were too important of an issue to just brush aside.

    On France’s turn, roll a die for each of it’s naval units.
    1 - Replace with UK unit
    2 - Scuttled
    3 - Stays French (roll again next turn)
    4 - Stays French (roll again next turn)
    5 - Scuttled
    6 - Replace with German unit

    A French ship next to an allied territory will never become German.
    A French ship next to an axis territory will never become UK.
    If you roll those in either case, they are scuttled.

    I’d even consider writing some rules to run France as some sort of robotic power that no player controls (it just follows a flowchart for its actions on its turn)
    I’d also add some more French naval units (one or two more) if that were the case.

    Remember, the UK attacked and killed over 1000 French sailors to prevent the French fleet from falling into the hands of the Germans.

  • Yea normally i would say the ships are interned at Dakar ( French West Africa) and some rules just like you posted for scuttled ships, etc are made.

    I had the intention of making it easy and to not disrupt balance ( Battleship going to axis).

    IN any event the French navy had no impact on the war during post defeat. The modeling is supposed to reflect that, but like Xeno games does it could be fun to do the ‘lottery’ thing with the French navy.

  • Wasn’t a French Battleship (and possibly others) taken back to New York, repaired and used in the war in the Atlantic?

    I know there was also an Aircraft Carriers in the Caribbean Islands at (or near the start) of the war.

    As far as the Naval units in Dakar,  wouldn’t it make a lot of sense to change those to strict Neutral and attach them to the Territory of French West Africa?  Then you could add the unit IPC totals to that terr. for Diplomacy… or make that sea zone a diplomatic entity of its own.

    There-by making it a VERY costly affair to persuade (giving the Advantage to the Allies) while at the same time making it a bit of a bigger obstacle  attacking players (Needing to eliminate naval units prior to attacking the coast).

    Just an idea.

  • Yea they had one French warship that fired at Normandy as shore bombardment, but one BB does not represent one unit ( more like 3-4) so it’s below the threshold. The main problem is balance. Some of these can have a dramatic effect for the axis, especially in naval and getting it outside the Baltic. If enough ships turned axis that would help Italy too.

  • Well there is no BB on the board anyway… I was just saying that French vessels were converted to serve Allied purposes.  As were a number of smaller vessels for Axis purposes.

    I understand that having the “turning” of vessels can change the course of the game…  isn’t that kind of the idea of creating “Neutral Diplomacy rules”?  Creating options and variability?

    However, the attempts to turn any such vessels requires an investment of I.P.C.  Those investments are also taking away from other units that could be produced with said money.  Therefore attempting (or even being successful) does not come without a real cost to other fronts and or strategies.  And since both teams have the opportunity to acquire said units (and they are essentially being paid for at a 1:1 basis of cost) you’re not really disturbing the balance of the game.  Instead what you’d be doing is adding a good element of variability to the predictability of each game.  The real difference for game play would not come from being successful (as essentially you are already “paying” for the units… the real cost to game-play would be the effects of every attempt that was unsuccessful.

  • But the benefit is also positional. The allies don’t want axis units running around in the Atlantic able to escape and perform a dash to the Medd, or worst around Cape Horn and mess with UK Indian fleet.

    For the axis, they just killed most of the British navy on G1, now another navy turned for UK making that race easier for allies.

    Just dealing with the land and air would almost cut out all the funny things that go on in games.

    But we just got to playtest the rule that was proposed by Oztea. Thats the bottom line.

    also i think the disposition should be final after the first roll…. rolling every turn makes the rules even more subject to glitching.

    1 - Replace with UK unit
    2 - Scuttled
    3 - Stays French (roll again next turn)
    4 - Stays French (roll again next turn)

    5 - Scuttled
    6 - Replace with German unit

    3 and 4 should be Vichy and that’s it without any further rolling. Vichy naval goto protect Vichy areas or be interned at Dakar ( FWA). If FWA is attacked the fleet is released to fight the enemy, and FWA is not convertible under diplomacy rules ( too much at stake).

    FCA and FEA are Free French ( pro allies).

  • Hmm… what is the point of creating Vichy rules if the end result is to not change anything at all?

    And if having a role of 1 or 6 add units to either side, then how is that any different?  Now you’re changing the game in 1 role without any risk/expenditure to either side?  That seems more like a planned imbalance then anything else.

  • The goal is not to create a disadvantageous ‘boon’ for either side.

    It is to have realistic and playable Vichy rules. Vichy should be used by the axis to bolster the underbelly of Europe, so it does not have to commit forces for it’s defense ( at least less)

    For the allies, they can use a few more Free French pieces and 3 more pro allies neutrals.

    If you want basically roll for expensive French naval units and let the game get unbalanced once again with lottery rules, then it seems to mess up the game. The current OOB treats all post France defeat units as allied controlled forces that fight the axis. The changes reduce the allied advantage and give the axis some options. To further allow rolling of expensive naval units and have them mess up the game as they go axis ( potentially) is too far of a change.

    The idea is to provide what the game claims it lacks: “This game doesn’t deal with the German installation of the Vichy government in France” ( p.10)

    The goal here is to make rules that would look like they belong in the game, to bolster acceptance and credibility.

  • Sponsor

    Haven’t Vichy France house rule ideas been talked to death on this forum for years, are we that far off from a simple solution? what were some of the past ideas?

  • Shouldn’t there be some kind of risk vs. reward situation if you are going to create something other than what already exists?  It seems in keeping with the idea of re-thinking the Strict Neutral rules.  If you are going to re-define the role of neutral nations (and their willingness to join one side over the other) shouldn’t the same metrics be used to determine the fate of Vichy territories?

    Shouldn’t there be the same level of “Boon” advantage potentially available to both teams?

    I was just suggesting something slightly different.  Something that offered both sides the potential for an increased opportunity other than what already exists within the game.

    Just curious?  Why would you go to any length to create a new set of rules that doesn’t change the game environment at all?  Doesn’t create more volatility rather than less?

    What’s the point?

  • Post what ideas you specifically have on Vichy ( like you like to see it). Otherwise we don’t move forward.

  • Sponsor

    I like IL’s suggestion, but I don’t like the re-roll…. is this close?

    If Paris is Captured, the following 4 steps must happen immediately:

    1. The capturing nation receives all of France’s income.
    2. The major IC in Paris, is replaced with a minor IC.
    3. The Paris VC token is given to the capturing nation.
    4. The France player rolls 1d6 to determine the fate of all French sea units in SZ#93.

    1 = The fleet becomes British
    2 = The fleet remains French
    3 = The fleet remains French
    4 = The fleet is removed
    5 = The fleet is removed
    6 = The fleet becomes German

  • What is the disposition of land-Air units outside Southern France? ( Like Normandy and colonies).

    Need to clarify which areas Vichy and Free French.

    What and who controls the French units that “remain French” They may be out at sea…so the ones that roll French need to goto Vichy areas right?

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