Historical Boardgames sponsored BATTLE OF THE AGES Tournament

  • Customizer

    Gekkepop (Evil) defeats Most Holy (Good)

    Low luck, no bid


  • Hepps01 (Allies) has conceeded to Gekkepop (Central Powers) in round 4.

    BotA R4 Gekkepop (CP) vs Hepps (Allies).tsvg

  • Good game Gekkepop.

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    Lala for Mordor defeats Alex for the Free Peoples. Well done.

  • Customizer

    I am hoping to post the next and last round of this tournament soon: round 6: Total World War

    We have 2 undefeated participants who will be battling for the prize: Ajmdemen and Admetus
    And I hope to have everyone else play too.

    However, I can not do this until all round 4 games are finished, and we still have 2 games ongoing:

    Nothing to see here



    We also have several round 5 games not started yet, and I’ll send out private messages to get everyone to start theirs.


  • @Veqryn:

    If there are 2 people tied for 1st somehow (which is technically impossible after 6 rounds), then we run a tiebreaker round for those two.  (participation in tiebreaker round is optional for everyone but the 2 front-runners)

    Please, when you set up round 6, leave me out.

    I have taken a look into Total World War and - although the appearance is really great - I do not have the time and patience to deal with this extensive game in an adequate way. Concerning WW II I will stick to the A&A games.

    I enjoyed Napoleonic Empires, 270BC and LotR very much and feel like playing those again every now and then.

    Thank you  :-)

  • @P@nther:


    If there are 2 people tied for 1st somehow (which is technically impossible after 6 rounds), then we run a tiebreaker round for those two.  (participation in tiebreaker round is optional for everyone but the 2 front-runners)

    Please, when you set up round 6, leave me out.

    I have taken a look into Total World War and - although the appearance is really great - I do not have the time and patience to deal with this extensive game in an adequate way. Concerning WW II I will stick to the A&A games.

    I have enjoyed Napoleonic Empires, 270BC and LotR very much and feel like playing those again every now and then.

    Thank you  :-)

  • Customizer

    glad you enjoyed them,

    if everyone here enjoys only 2 or 3 out of the 6 games, it is still a great success

    the whole point is to try a bunch of new things and hopefully find something you like

  • '17 '16 '15 '12



    If there are 2 people tied for 1st somehow (which is technically impossible after 6 rounds), then we run a tiebreaker round for those two.  (participation in tiebreaker round is optional for everyone but the 2 front-runners)

    Please, when you set up round 6, leave me out.

    I have taken a look into Total World War and - although the appearance is really great - I do not have the time and patience to deal with this extensive game in an adequate way. Concerning WW II I will stick to the A&A games.

    I enjoyed Napoleonic Empires, 270BC and LotR very much and feel like playing those again every now and then.

    Thank you  :-)

    Same is true for me Veq, 270, Napoleon and ME are great, but the WW I and II games I did not really enjoy that much. Was nice to get to play against many players I did not know before, all of them fun to play against. Thx for organising!

  • @Veqryn:

    glad you enjoyed them,

    if everyone here enjoys only 2 or 3 out of the 6 games, it is still a great success

    the whole point is to try a bunch of new things and hopefully find something you like

    You are right - it was definitely worth playing the tournament! I got to know games I would probably never have played.
    Also I have played against people I did not meet before - all of them have been a pleasure to play with.

    All in all: Great success!!! Thank you very much for all your efforts!

  • Indeed, Veqryn, you have to be praised, it must be quite a hassle to manage all this mayhem, but it’s been a lot of fun so far.
    The only game I disliked was 270BC, probably because I lost so badly. My favourite one so far has to be Great War, actually, where I managed to reach most of the strategic objectives I had set for myself in spite of a very resilient opponent.
    Looking forward to more of all that. Minus the shameful losses.

  • Speaking of losses:
    Narushima (evil) concedes to P@nther (good) at round 7 of LotR.

  • AmorphousCube (Allies) surrenders to Funcioneta (Central Powers) in round 19 of “The Great War”

  • Customizer

    Round 4 is done.  Only 1 game is outstanding and one of the two players in it is MIA so he is getting a loss most likely.

    I’d like to post round 6, but I have to wait for 2.6.3 version of TWW to be released.  It was going to be released two or three weeks ago, so I’m not sure where it stands right now or what is left to be done, but I’m sure it will be released very soon regardless.

  • I may have to drop TWW

    In 10 days I’ll be going to Europe for two weeks, so unless my opponent is willing to wait for me to get back, I’ll have to drop.

  • Customizer

    rolling for randomizing of brackets:

    high middle bracket:
    :dice 1@6:
    :dice 1@5:
    :dice 1@4:
    :dice 1@3:
    :dice 1@2:

    middle bracket:
    :dice 1@6:
    :dice 1@5:
    :dice 1@4:
    :dice 1@3:
    :dice 1@2:

    low bracket
    :dice 1@6:
    :dice 1@5:
    :dice 1@4:
    :dice 1@3:
    :dice 1@2:

  • Customizer

    rolling for randomizing of brackets:

    high middle bracket:
    DiceRolling 1d6:
    DiceRolling 1d5:
    DiceRolling 1d4:
    DiceRolling 1d3:
    DiceRolling 1d2:

    middle bracket:
    DiceRolling 1d6:
    DiceRolling 1d5:
    DiceRolling 1d4:
    DiceRolling 1d3:
    DiceRolling 1d2:

    low bracket
    DiceRolling 1d6:
    DiceRolling 1d5:
    DiceRolling 1d4:
    DiceRolling 1d3:
    DiceRolling 1d2:

  • Customizer

    Round 6 match-ups, for “TOTAL WORLD WAR”

    this is the last round, and therefore includes the Title Fight for first place: Ajmdemen vs Admetus

    for this round, you are REQUIRED to use TripleA,
    and you are also required to use Total World War Tournament Edition (version 2.7.2)

    You can download TWW here:

    TWW was recently updated a few days ago, so you MUST update your copy of it.









    Most Holy


    The following 5 people may be dropping, so message me if you are not?
    Nothing to see here

  • Customizer

    Total World War Tournament Edition is a large map with relatively complex rules.

    To avoid confusion, here is a brief introduction and the rules for this tournament round:

    TWW does not come with TripleA, therefore you must download it.
    You can download it from inside triplea, or you can download it manually here:

    TWW comes with 2 games within it: “Tournament Edition” (version 2.7.2) and “December 1941” (version 2.7.3)
    Obviously we are going to use ONLY the Tournament Edition, version 2.7.2 for this round.

    TripleA recently came out, but it is a “beta” release and contains some bugs (including a serious one that will impact TWW). 
    Therefore, for this round everyone MUST use version of TripleA, or if you wait 2-4 weeks you can use the future that I haven’t released yet.  Anyway, just don’t use for the tournament game.

    Default rules:
    If you have an agreement with your opponent, you can override the below rules.
    Politics should be off.
    NoNotifications, ShareTechnology, DeclareWarOnly, BonusTechnology, and NoTechnology should all NOT be used

    After you download TWW, there is a PDF manual inside of the zip folder.
    I highly recommend you copy and paste it to your desktop and then read it.
    Alternatively, you can download it here:


  • Customizer

    TripleA Stable has come out,

    I recommend using it to start any new games:

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