I’m in Philadelphia area and am trying to find other people who would enjoy getting together for Axis&Allies
Are there any Axis and Allies player's from North West England in this forum ?
Im just wondering if there are any players that live in the northwest of England as i would really like to meet other players, expand on my knowleadge of the game, learn new tactics and go to war with them =) (over a nice cider of course)
Hi Engineer. I live in Hereford and really only play with one good Nottingham based friend about every 2 months. We never finish as I have a 3 year old daughter he is Godfather and friend to and she loves and wants to play with him and she never sleeps!
Lozmoid is in Portsmouth and plays more often. Think there are 3 more at least on this site.
Where are you? I went to Lancaster University and got addicted to A&A there back in 87.
I am a Lager Lout. -
Hello Wittman,
Haha bless your daughter, she most likely wants to be a military tactician like yourself.
Lozmoid sent me a message before about my my last post about how much the new axis and allies will cost, so ive spoken to him.
Well i live in Preston, but i work in Hampshire during the week, portsmouth is about an hour and a half away from my work place, Lozmoid is most likely the best opition for having a game.
Its a shame there aint more british players on this forum.
Loz sounds really nice.Hope you get to play. I will probably have to wait one more year to get some Semblance of life back(not complaining). Maddy can recognise a Tiger and most of the A&A units, as she loves creeping in to the cellar to find me.
Good luck. -
Aww thats cute =)
Well its still good to know that theres others in the uk like your self one day I mite come and see you up in hereford.
Hey guys, it’s me! Yes, you’d both be very welcome any time for a game. I don’t have Global yet (but will be buying the 1940 reprints when they come out) and I am getting 1942 2nd ed. very soon hopefully. I am also a lager lout and it often leads to hilarious games and, for my part, crushing defeats! :-D
We know the ratio of cider to lager now. That’s the important problem out of the way. Harder one choosing what game to play!
Still waiting on my 1941. Guess it will be next week sometime. Hoping to play my wife at 1942, before I next see Richard of Nottingham to finish our 1942. Do have 2 new friends who will play 41 when it arrives. Might end up spoilt this month! -
Hey Loz,
I would love to play a game with you some time maybe in september ?? =)
Hi Glenn,
Sure thing, I’ll PM you about that.
Hi all
I’m based in Southampton if anyone ends up with/wants a sesh more Southerly
It would probrably require Yorkshire ale adding to the mix tho…
Send me a message if interested, as there do appear to be a few Hampshire based players?!?
S -
Hi Spirally. Nice to hear from you. I am in Hereford, but own a small restaurant so cannot meet at the weekends as i am working. You must play with the others and tell me how it goes.
Do you drink Yorkshire ale because you are from there? -
Go check out his restaurant, bring 41, and take pictures!
It is only small (30 covers) and nothing special. My dad’s was bigger, but we do ok. My wife cooks; I serve. It is the only life I have known since graduating in 91. I love it.
You successfully spotted a Yorkshireman!I’d say that you’re sounding modest - in biz since 91 is more than a lot of people.
And MANY More people would want a job they love!!!
S -
I am lucky. I know. My dad’s restaurant opened in 91 and when he closed, I opened a smaller one. My best friend at university was from Rotherham. I can assure you I learnt what a hangover was trying to keep up with him, Southern Nancy that I was!
Hi all,
I’m looking for players in the NW of England. I play 1941 right the way through to global 1940.
Let me know if you’re interested…
Morning Credulous.
There are 3 or 4 of us in England. One is in the East Mids. The others are in the South East. I am in Hereford, but cannot travel as my wife and I are self employed with a 4 year old.
Where are you? I went to Lancaster university in the late 80s and my English grandfather was born in Rochdale.
Good luck. -
Any players from The Wirral? Or Liverpool area?
Hi Tavenier.
I had no idea you were in England. -
No, I’m Dutch, but my wife is from the Wirral, so I am over there plenty of times. From Thursday I will be there for almost four weeks.