Concerning a bid:
We are starting game two, and I’ll try allies this time (axis sure was fun LOL). There is normally a bit of a learning curve for the allies. I think I will try to weather the storm and see what happens before I jump on the bid or swamping units around band wagon. I can see the point about getting more info for the tourney though.
To the German navy points:
It’s strange because as Germany I felt obligated to buy the carrier (or a couple destroyers) to beef up the Baltic fleet. The RAF can hit the Baltic (sz5) from England, and the BB in the Med is under a lot of pressure where ever it goes. I ended up buying a carrier G1 for the Baltic, then sprinkled in a dd and couple tpts later to keep the UK honest, and to keep pace w/English air power. G1 I used the Med BB to kill the UK cruiser in sz14 and also took Gib so the UK ftrs couldn’t attack me in sz14, only the Egypt dd & bmr can reach (your probably still going to lose it, but maybe you take a couple units down with you). It would be hard to save both German fleets (expensive), and you really need to kill at least one of the UK ships in the Med IMO. Building in the Baltic seemed to help take down Russia, but I could see the importance of a Med fleet too.
BTW the US sitting there w/dd & 2 tpts off E US in range of both subs is just Way To Funny (WTF). You have to hit that s**t (probably with both subs). I’m ok with the UK losing yet another BB in the Atlantic G1 (oh big surprise) but the mini US fleet going down feels cheap.