Map and charts for sale. Everything has been kept in great shape. Just want to see it go to a good home. Asking $250, and I’ll cover shipping.
HBG - Axis & Allies Parts/Accessories and Custom Piece Sets Store!
Have you and the guys ever thought of using Youtube and other forums to advertise some of your already existing product? Many of your battle markers and tokens would be gobbled up by Flames of War and Bolt Action players. I think a demo of HBG minis being used for Memoir '44 battles would also be a boon to your sales. Lastly there are players who play other games that may become interested in Global War when they see what they might be missing out on.
I listen to several podcasts in different genres of war gaming. They frequently point their listeners to small companies that make accessories or custom minis simply because they love the product. Often, (like HBG) the smaller companies they advertise or mention make a less expensive and superior product to the OOB pieces and accessories.
I would second this. Particularly in regards to price. Most miniature games use metal models and are far more expensive than HBG’s plastic ones. I don’t know of any other company in the business of making A&A scale plastic sculpts for WWII. HBG makes a very attractive and affordable product in a niche market that can be quite expensive for quality miniatures.
Have you and the guys ever thought of using Youtube and other forums to advertise some of your already existing product? Many of your battle markers and tokens would be gobbled up by Flames of War and Bolt Action players. I think a demo of HBG minis being used for Memoir '44 battles would also be a boon to your sales. Lastly there are players who play other games that may become interested in Global War when they see what they might be missing out on.
I listen to several podcasts in different genres of war gaming. They frequently point their listeners to small companies that make accessories or custom minis simply because they love the product. Often, (like HBG) the smaller companies they advertise or mention make a less expensive and superior product to the OOB pieces and accessories.
True and I would also like to restate my point that even though I agree that the French set will not have high priority for some for use in A&A or one of ots variants due to the limited time most of these units will actually be on the board, they are truly looked forward to by others who would (also) like to use them e.g. for memoir '44. Words to that effect (“and for use in other miniature games”) can even be found on HBG’s home page. I saw the French set on HBG’s site many years ago and have been anxiously awaiting it since, so I’m hoping it’ll see the light of day in 2016 or 2017!
I would second this. Particularly in regards to price. Most miniature games use metal models and are far more expensive than HBG’s plastic ones. I don’t know of any other company in the business of making A&A scale plastic sculpts for WWII. HBG makes a very attractive and affordable product in a niche market that can be quite expensive for quality miniatures.
Have you and the guys ever thought of using Youtube and other forums to advertise some of your already existing product? Many of your battle markers and tokens would be gobbled up by Flames of War and Bolt Action players. I think a demo of HBG minis being used for Memoir '44 battles would also be a boon to your sales. Lastly there are players who play other games that may become interested in Global War when they see what they might be missing out on.
I listen to several podcasts in different genres of war gaming. They frequently point their listeners to small companies that make accessories or custom minis simply because they love the product. Often, (like HBG) the smaller companies they advertise or mention make a less expensive and superior product to the OOB pieces and accessories.
I would love to find someone who would do this for us and work out pay in trade or work out something where we do not spend too much money. We are doing some videos for 1936 and plan on doing more but I agree we need to do a better job showing our product. If you know someone interested in doing this have them PM me.
Thanks -
I finally got a chance, to just look at the new US set. I just got it yesterday. Coach, this set is truly awesome. My favorites, are the ships. The details on these are incredible. Great job on this set.
Cannot wait for the German, French and Facility sets and the colors that they come in. :-D
Have you and the guys ever thought of using Youtube and other forums to advertise some of your already existing product? Many of your battle markers and tokens would be gobbled up by Flames of War and Bolt Action players. I think a demo of HBG minis being used for Memoir '44 battles would also be a boon to your sales. Lastly there are players who play other games that may become interested in Global War when they see what they might be missing out on.
I listen to several podcasts in different genres of war gaming. They frequently point their listeners to small companies that make accessories or custom minis simply because they love the product. Often, (like HBG) the smaller companies they advertise or mention make a less expensive and superior product to the OOB pieces and accessories.
I would love to find someone who would do this for us and work out pay in trade or work out something where we do not spend too much money. We are doing some videos for 1936 and plan on doing more but I agree we need to do a better job showing our product. If you know someone interested in doing this have them PM me.
ThanksWhile I am no expert I have some suggestions and ideas that would cost you very little or nothing at all. I am feeling very much under the weather at the moment but I would be happy to PM you when I’m feeling better.
I must say of the recent HBG sets this US set is my favorite. I was “meh” about the B-24. Once I opened up those little bags though I thought WOW! It looks great along with B-17 and all the other US planes.
Got my set(s) of Americans today! They look AWESOME!!! Great job HBG & I am looking forward to your future products!
Regarding the subject of upcoming sets… I would cast a vote for an exclusively Italian one.
Lots of potential for an Italian set. Of the main Six participants in G40/GW39, Italy is the only one that has not yet received its own set.
I realize that HBG sells the FMG Italian units, which I already have, but most of these are listed as “Out of Stock” on the website. Not to mention that the ships are sub-par compared to what HBG can design and produce. I would very much like to see an Italian set sometime in the near future. Definitely over a French set, but that is my two cents.
I would cast a vote for a Russian set, since they’re due for something now, and definitely the French set.
I want the French, Italian and Russian Sets. :-D
Me too
I understand how you guys are feeling.
France – I am really wanting the French to have their own units. Really don’t care for the blue Soviet pieces.
Russia – I would like to see some more Russian units, like perhaps some navy and later war planes.
Italy – I really want some HBG produced Italian units. The FMG Italians were great but since they got ripped off and that project got cancelled, I just don’t care to use the FMG units. They are too dark in color and there is no other country units to work with them.Still, I don’t mind waiting. HBG will get to these eventually I’m sure. I am really looking forward to the Germany 3 set. I know we already have a lot of German units, but this set really has some cool pieces. I’m most excited for the Panzer IV, Panther, Pocket Battleship and Infantry in Greatcoat. Lots of possible uses for these.
Plus, while some of these are re-dos of OOB parts (Panther, Stuka, Bismarck, Graf Zeppelin), we all know HBGs version will look so much better, plus we can get them in dark grey OR black as we wish. OOB is only in black. -
I would at some time like to see plastic factories, not the 3 D printed, and neutrals in national specific sculpts and colors. Currently the neutral armies only pop up if you attack them, and when they finally show up, its in the shape of one of the major players. This is very confusing to me, when a neutral man survives the initial attack, and none of his new friends have not yet noncombat moved into his territory to make him a real Allied. So of course yes, a national specific neutral infantry to every pro and true neutral on the map would sure help my gaming experience. So lets all held our breaths now.
and neutrals in national specific sculpts and colors. Currently the neutral armies only pop up if you attack them, and when they finally show up, its in the shape of one of the major players. This is very confusing to me, when a neutral man survives the initial attack, and none of his new friends have not yet noncombat moved into his territory to make him a real Allied. So of course yes, a national specific neutral infantry to every pro and true neutral on the map would sure help my gaming experience. So lets all held our breaths now.
By “nation specific”, it sounds like you are asking for unique infantry sculpts for perhaps two dozen separate neutral countries. If that is the case, I would say that it is highly impractical and will likely never happen. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for it, if that is what you want, but I am offering my opinion.
True neutral units are, in my experience, never a factor in the game because there is absolutely no benefit in attacking a true neutral country. Individual sculpts for these countries would be a waste of time and effort. Pro-Neutral countries simply become infantry units in the force of the country that activates them. It would be more confusing to have separate sculpts for pro-neutrals; better to just use infantry sculpts from the controlling country. Besides, HBG already has a generic neutral infantry sculpt for all neutrals. Seems like this is much more suitable (and economic for their very low demand). Offhand I can think of a couple different solutions to your left-over scenario which are easier, quicker and cheaper than having HBG produce nation specific neutral infantry. :wink:
Another option is to use the infantry units from A&A WWI 1914.
Another option is to use the infantry units from A&A WWI 1914.
Unless he doesn’t own that. I would assume he owns some other versions of WWII A&A… could just use a different color shade from one of those games. Or buy some existing infantry from HBG in a whacky color that he doesn’t currently use. Or buy the neutral infantry piece HBG makes. Or use a marker to denote that the pro-neutrals that remain in said territory are not yet activated… I am just saying there are options.
LHoffman has the right idea. I just spray painted all strict neutrals ground and ships using flat white. Then put a coat of sealer on them. Did the same thing for Pro-axis ( rust color ) and Pro-allies ( super dark green ).
I just used all my extra pieces from like 15 games. They are not handled as much but they look great on map and you also know what your Pro’s are by color. In are games 75 % of neutrals are killed and Pro’s activated.
I for one would like to see French set next, to me it’s an aspa. Then Russian there’s tons of good options there. not really sure of a 3rd set after that. I can list enough Russian pieces that it would take 2 sets to do them all. Facilities i can’t wait for too.
I for one would like to see French set next, to me it’s an aspa. Then Russian there’s tons of good options there. not really sure of a 3rd set after that. I can list enough Russian pieces that it would take 2 sets to do them all. Facilities i can’t wait for too.
Speaking of which… Coach is there any kind of time line in place for the French set?
I for one would like to see French set next, to me it’s an aspa. Then Russian there’s tons of good options there. not really sure of a 3rd set after that. I can list enough Russian pieces that it would take 2 sets to do them all. Facilities i can’t wait for too.
Speaking of which… Coach is there any kind of time line in place for the French set?
I’d like to know that too. It’s actually been the set I’ve most been looking forward to ever since it first appeared on HBG’s website!