• Just wondering….I hate the Yankees, so I would say Steinbrenner (I did reports on Stalin when I was young and thought he was my kind of crazy SOB! So even though he killed the most under his reign, I can’t vote for a man who not only kills them, but erases them from history!  Very Cardassian in natrue if I do say so myself!).

  • Who cares about overpaid players and owners for that matter.

  • Steinbrenner and his family were actually leaders in a company that produced numerous ships for the navy for WWI and II….that’s why if you were in uniform at Yankees stadium you could get in for free (I don’t know about the new one)…haven’t been in NY long enough to try.

  • Sid Meier’s Civilization listed Neville Chamberlin very lowly on the leadership scale.

  • Hitler killed others and had some loyalty however evil. Staln had none and killed his own people. Stalin was worse, but the North Korean leaders are the worst by far.

  • Colonel Sanders.

    He killed more people with heart disease with greasy fried chicken than that whole list put together.

  • @Imperious:

    Colonel Sanders.
    He killed more people with heart disease with greasy fried chicken than that whole list put together.

    And he made a ton of money in the process, which compounds his crimes.

  • And he made a ton of money in the process, which compounds his crimes.

    Right. He took their lives and their money and was basically the White Devil. :evil:

  • For wargaming purposes, his secret mixture of herbs and spices can clearly be regarded as a secret weapon of mass destruction, and hence can be handled as a tech upgrade obtained through a research tech roll and manufactured at an IC.  I propose that HBG be commissioned to develop a special acrylic token to represent it.

  • I want to use my Popeye’s chicken coupon on Father’s day.

    They use fewer spices, but lots more butter.

    The Popeye’s coupon price is a better deal per piece vs the Colonel, but each KFC chicken piece is about 25% bigger vs Popeyes.

  • I’m sorry that’s the case. Perhaps Pollo Loco?

    Pollo Loco chicken is also full of salt ( they brime it the day before) and the chicken is probably full of hormones.

    But it cant be as bad as KFC.

  • I don’t get how people can pick Stalin.  The logic of “killed his own people” is lost on me.  Hitler killed “his own people” and everyone elses.  He costarted a war that ended in over 50 million people killed, 11-12 million of which were by his own extermination policies.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I don’t get how people can pick Stalin.

    Because he was a heartless, communist b��t��d.

    And Hitler was a heartless, fascist b��t��d.

    Both institutionalized killing their own people… so pick your poison.

    Stalin “killed” at the very least 20 million on his own (which is a pretty universally accepted figure) and was the driving force behind the worldwide spread of communism, which has killed 149,500,000. The USSR accounts for about 60 million of those and China for 73 million.

    Hitler and the Nazis on the other hand maxed out at a total of 20,946,000 non-military deaths (but including POWs, civilian bombing and civilian executions). Which is likely much less than Stalin’s killing of only Russians/slavs in the USSR. The Nazi number does not account for the entirety of WWII and all deaths related to it, but even if we did, it would not approach the 150,000,000 of communism.

    They were both evil. I am not sure how you justify calling one worse than the other when there is so much bad on both sides.

    If I had to pick one of the two who I would have to be around, or be associated with somehow, the it would have to be Hitler. Only because he was not as paranoid and dangerous to one’s person to be around as Stalin was. Most of Stalin’s underlings, “friends” and party comrades ended up dead. Hitler’s did not… or not by Hitler’s order anyway.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I am going to have to rest on Gul Madred, if only becasue he (via Picard) gave birth to one of the best lines in television history:

    “There… are… FOUR lights!”

  • @Jermofoot:

    I don’t get how people can pick Stalin.  The logic of “killed his own people” is lost on me.  Hitler killed “his own people” and everyone elses.  He costarted a war that ended in over 50 million people killed, 11-12 million of which were by his own extermination policies.

    Please remember who then brought on 45 years of the Cold War….He industrialized Russia, stole our nukes, and aided the Chinese.  There are always the rumors of “expediting” Lenin’s death, his group exiled Trotsky, and he eliminated his own friends not only from life, but from photographs, propaganda posters, and historical records…if they were some threat, they probably were not going to be for much longer.

    While I am by no means condoning what Hitler did, cause and effect PUT Germany into this position.  The ridiculous terms of WWI put Germany into in almost no-way out scenario with the exception of what was done.  It was easy for fear and anger to take over.  Look at France after the fall of Louis XVI…fear and anger took over, and soon Europe was plunged into war…you can find this theme over and over in history…terrible economics forces the people to revolt, and then they take their blame out on people…

  • As for Gul Madred, how can you top such “Dukat-isms” as…

    A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness.

    A good interrogator doesn’t allow his subject to die; you lose the advantage.

    Cardassians don’t make mistakes.

    I prefer the title ‘Gul’ - So much more hands-on than ‘Legate’, hm? And less pretentious than the other alternatives - President, Emperor, First Minister - Emissary!

    I’m not just and Cardassian…I’m Gul Dukat!

  • @LHoffman:

    Both institutionalized killing their own people… so pick your poison.

    Here’s part of my point: how is killing “your own” people any worse than killing anyone else?  They are all intrinsically the same.

    Stalin “killed” at the very least 20 million on his own (which is a pretty universally accepted figure) and was the driving force behind the worldwide spread of communism, which has killed 149,500,000. The USSR accounts for about 60 million of those and China for 73 million.

    This is about to become really political, if it hasn’t already, so I’m treading lightly here.

    First, your source is highly misleading and pretty much completely wrong.  The methodology is crap as well.  I don’t have the time to detail everything, but it’s complete BS to pin all those deaths on Stalin.

    Directly attributed deaths to Stalin are around 3 million from official Soviet Records.  These are ordered executions, purges, and death during imprisonment.  The truth is likely higher, and some suggest anywhere from 4 million to 10 million.
    If you want to include famines during his reign, which the blame is also debatable, you’ll garnish some where around 7 million, maybe more if you’re feeling generous on what constitutes actual blame on what Stalin did or didn’t do.

    All in all, most seem to suggest 15 million at a minimum, 20 million at a maximum (which you said, but that’s again part of the debate).  That’s a fairly wide margin, though.  Oh, and included in those death tolls are around 1 million German civilians and POWs.  You know, from the war Hitler started.

    And if you think communism is to blame, then why don’t you blame Karl Marx?

    Hitler and the Nazis on the other hand maxed out at a total of 20,946,000 non-military deaths (but including POWs, civilian bombing and civilian executions). Which is likely much less than Stalin’s killing of only Russians/slavs in the USSR. The Nazi number does not account for the entirety of WWII and all deaths related to it, but even if we did, it would not approach the 150,000,000 of communism.

    So you’re telling me that while Stalin gets pinned for deaths that occur well after he’s dead and in completely different countries as well, the same person doesn’t use the same methodology for Hitler?  Doesn’t even include the entire length of WW2, or the deaths caused by it?

    Do I need to continue on how terrible your source is?

    They were both evil. I am not sure how you justify calling one worse than the other when there is so much bad on both sides.

    It’s a matter of a poll and simple opinion.  And I was pretty damn sure that just about everyone would answer that the worst person to ever exist was Hitler.

  • @Mallery29:

    Please remember who then brought on 45 years of the Cold War….He industrialized Russia, stole our nukes, and aided the Chinese.  There are always the rumors of “expediting” Lenin’s death, his group exiled Trotsky, and he eliminated his own friends not only from life, but from photographs, propaganda posters, and historical records…if they were some threat, they probably were not going to be for much longer.

    I’m not here to entertain rumors or complete fallacies, but yes, he did some terrible things.  We all agree on that.  But I can’t really substantiate erasing history or the difference between killing a friend and a stranger.

    While I am by no means condoning what Hitler did, cause and effect PUT Germany into this position.  The ridiculous terms of WWI put Germany into in almost no-way out scenario with the exception of what was done.  It was easy for fear and anger to take over.  Look at France after the fall of Louis XVI…fear and anger took over, and soon Europe was plunged into war…you can find this theme over and over in history…terrible economics forces the people to revolt, and then they take their blame out on people…

    Yes, Hitler had no choice but to put all those people in ovens.

  • It’s a matter of a poll and simple opinion.  And I was pretty damn sure that just about everyone would answer that the worst person to ever exist was Hitler.

    And yet Stalin has 8 votes to 3 for Hitler

  • I’m not just and Cardassian…I’m Gul Dukat!

    It’s supposed to say “I’m not just ANY Cardassian…I’m Gul Dukat!”

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