What the deuce will AntiAircraft Artillery be?

  • I just read the Gen Con. tournement rules for 1942 2nd edition and AntiAircraft Artillery are going to be run as AA guns in Glodal A+3.9 are run. I don’t know if that means that will be the rule for the game when it’s released, I think so but i’m just guessing, or are they just using familar rules to give people alittle time to get using to a new unit.

  • Had a chance to play the game with Greg Smorey (who runs the A&A tournaments). The new AAA piece, I think, it pretty much what an AA gun is in Global after the Alpha workup.

    It is used as an AA gun to shoot at planes attacking the territory it is in. It gets up to 3 shots per gun (you can have multiple in a territory), it has no other attack or defense value - but it can be taken as a casualty. Interestingly, it costs 5 IPC. Oh - it also cannot be moved in combat, unless it is already on a transport.

    One other thing brought over from Global is that industrial complexes also have built in AA guns when defending against bombers conducting SBR.

    After one play, we found a number of items that both helped and hurt both sides in the game. For example, the Axis seem to start off with a TON of units (Germany has 6 fighters and a bomber to start). OTOH, armor costs 6 IPC - which probably most impacts Germany.

    Japan starts with a destroyer off the coast of Kwangtung - no longer is that transport undefended. From Eastern US, you cannot get a fighter to UK, nor can you even get a transport there as well. UK has no sea zones where they can drop a fleet where it CANNOT be hit by German navy in Baltic Sea. US starts with 2 X the number of units in China overall (but, Japan has more units to hit them with).

    Our game ended with a German conquest of Moscow - the product of a terrible first round for Russia which never recovered. Overall, a great experience - with the new set-up, rules and a map with enough changes to make it new as well.

    If you like A&A, you will really enjoy this iteration of it. It is a step down from Anniversary - but not by much IMHO. Yes, there is no Italy in the game (or China), but that is not really something you miss. Cannot wait to crank out some more games and I look forward to helping Greg run the tournament at GenCon - should prove interesting.


  • Thanks for sharing your play experience and observations.  I can’t wait to see some pictures of the new game board and setup.

    Were there any noteworthy rule changes?  Does weapons development or national advantages make a return (ex. A&A Revised) or are they still out (ex. A&A 1942 First Edition)?

  • @miamiumike:

    From Eastern US, you cannot get a fighter to UK, nor can you even get a transport there as well.

    That would be a significant change from the first edition of A&A 1942.  Can an American transport move from the U.S. East Coast to North Africa in one turn?

  • Yes - from E. US, ships can make it to Morocco. Note that it is not Algeria - Morocco. There are now three German North Africa territories - Morocco, then Algeria, then Libya.

    A few other things - fighters cannot make it from UK to Moscow in one turn. The US has added a destroyer in Hawaii - making that attack by Japan more of a risk. The UK has a decent attack it can make on the Japan carrier, 2 fighters and battleship lurking between India and Australia (speaking of that, Aus. is now two territories).

    Lots of little things all add up to a new game….


  • Is the new AAA unit a new mold or cardboard?

  • I guess the big news here is they are 5 new molds. Each country gets their own. I will let DJensen show you all the pics that he took when he’s ready.

  • @Variable:

    I guess the big news here is they are 5 new molds. Each country gets their own.

    Does this mean five new anti-aircraft artillery sculpts in addition to the five other new sculpts (UK artillery, submarine & destroyer units; German artillery; and a Russian submarine) already announced?

  • @CWO:


    I guess the big news here is they are 5 new molds. Each country gets their own.

    Does this mean five new anti-aircraft artillery sculpts in addition to the five other new sculpts (UK artillery, submarine & destroyer units; German artillery; and a Russian submarine) already announced?

    That’s correct.

  • @Variable:

    I guess the big news here is they are 5 new molds. Each country gets their own. I will let DJensen show you all the pics that he took when he’s ready.

    does that mean each nation has a different mold for AA artillery? If so what are the molds? And does the game still have the old AA gun or is it just AA artillery?

  • Each country has their own AAA piece - it is not a cardboard chit. The ICs, however, ARE cardboard chits - but we just used existing IC pieces.

    IIRC, each country has a slightly different look for their AAA piece - and, yes the other pieces in some cases ARE different - most notably the artillery pieces.


  • @Yavid:


    I guess the big news here is they are 5 new molds. Each country gets their own. I will let DJensen show you all the pics that he took when he’s ready.

    does that mean each nation has a different mold for AA artillery? If so what are the molds? And does the game still have the old AA gun or is it just AA artillery?

    Correct. Each nation has it’s own mold for AA artillery. There is no longer just an AA gun. Factories have built in AAA as part of the rules. I will list the sculpts later when I’m home.

  • I don’t know if it would fit under AAA or regular artilary but I’d love to know if there is a katusha sculpt.

  • @Most:

    I don’t know if it would fit under AAA or regular artilary but I’d love to know if there is a katusha sculpt.

    There is not, but HBG is making one.

  • HBG is doing a wonderful job of providing the missing mech artillery piece for each power.  Much appreciated.

  • @Most:

    I don’t know if it would fit under AAA or regular artilary but I’d love to know if there is a katusha sculpt.

    The Katyusha would fit more in the role of self-propelled artillery than anything else. By the way, I’ve seen the new Russian sculpts at HBG.com. They all look fantastic and the Katyusha is really cool.

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