TripleA map for Global 1940 Alpha Final

  • Customizer

    I spent the weekend working on this. 
    It was only supposed to take me maybe 4-6 hours, but ended up taking about 16 hours to do (because Java really sucks at some things, like JTable’s with wrapping html text, thereby forcing me to make my own classes).

    Basically, I wanted to have some way to show all your national objectives from inside the game, rather than relying on the game notes.

    But to be better than just another set of game notes, we should show how many uses you have left, how many “each” you have, and whether you have satisfied the objective (and will soon receive it) or not.

    The format is:
    red outline = true (objective currently fulfilled)
    blue outline = true + all uses are used up
    light blue outline = false + all uses are used up
    no outline = false
    T = true
    F = false
    number before the letter = number of uses left (if no number then it is either zero or infinite)
    number after the letter = number of “each” objective fulfilled (ie: for an objective that gives +3 for ‘each’ german territory you currently control, this would show a number whenever you have more than 1 in order to let you know just how many you have)

    This will only work with maps that have the required text file for it though, so it will not automatically ‘update’ your old maps.  When I release this, i’ll also update the main A&A maps to use it (but you’ll have to redownload them all).


  • @Me1945:

    Sz115 is adjacent to Poland in the TripleA G40 map. It is not in the original map. Which one is correct?

    You are right. The TripleA-map is wrong. Poland is only adjacent to SZ 114 (and not to SZ115).
    Strange that no one (including me) noticed that before.

  • Veqryn, are you going to provide a Global 3.5 version soon?
    I noticed that the new xml reports of a version 3.5 but the downloader still downloads the 3.4 map.

  • Customizer


    Veqryn, are you going to provide a Global 3.5 version soon?
    I noticed that the new xml reports of a version 3.5 but the downloader still downloads the 3.4 map.

    seems i forgot to upload it.

    Version 3.5 is out

    1. sz115 no longer connects to Poland
    2. added “objectives tab” info for use with future triplea version

  • Great, thanks  :-)

  • Now the downloader says version 3.5.1 is new and installed - but the map still shows 3.5 only… !?

  • I encountered a bug. When doing a test run of a amphibious assault I noticed that I was not allowed to retreat in the sea battle. If this is supposed to work I can provide a save file. Also this was game version 3.4 tripleA version

  • Customizer


    Now the downloader says version 3.5.1 is new and installed - but the map still shows 3.5 only… !?

    that is just to get people to update from the ‘non-3.5’ they downloaded earlier

    3.5 is latest

  • Customizer


    I encountered a bug. When doing a test run of a amphibious assault I noticed that I was not allowed to retreat in the sea battle. If this is supposed to work I can provide a save file. Also this was game version 3.4 tripleA version

    i just tested it and was able to successfully retreat from a sea battle, before the amphibious assault

    please note that you can not retreat until the end of each combat round

    and if there is no sea battle, you also can not retreat

    and if your units did not come from another sea zone (ie: they started there and never moved) then they also would not be able to retreat

    if what you have is still a bug, please send it to me, or give me a link, or upload here

  • My mistake. There was a enemy submarine in the only viable sea zone I could retreat to. While I ran right over it on my way to the attack I’ve realized that perhaps it’s not legal to retreat back unto it.

  • Actually according to the faq tread and the rulebook when I’m double check the submarine should not make the sea zone hostile so I should be allowed to retreat.
    Attaching the save.


  • @Mistergreen:

    Actually according to the faq tread and the rulebook when I’m double check the submarine should not make the sea zone hostile so I should be allowed to retreat.
    Attaching the save.

    Maybe I found the reason:
    Assuming you are talking about the round 6 German attack from SZ 113 via SZ 114 to SZ 115 with the amphibious assault in Novgorod:
    There is no sea battle in SZ 115 so there is nothing to retreat from.

  • Veqryn, how can I edit mode a loaded transport to a seazone?
    I get an error saying “cannot add land units to water”.

  • Customizer


    Veqryn, how can I edit mode a loaded transport to a seazone?
    I get an error saying “cannot add land units to water”.

    You have to use “EDIT MOVE” to do that.

    Edit the land units onto some land touching the sea zone.  Edit some transport into the sea zone.

    Click on the “ACTION tab”, and assuming it is either combat move or noncombat move, you can then move them around to where ever you want.

  • Maybe I found the reason:
    Assuming you are talking about the round 6 German attack from SZ 113 via SZ 114 to SZ 115 with the amphibious assault in Novgorod:
    There is no sea battle in SZ 115 so there is nothing to retreat from.

    As I explained in an earlier post I create the battle by scrambling air from Novgorod. Wanted to mimic the original battle as much as possible in order to get the same result. (ie an inability to retreat)

  • @Mistergreen:

    As I explained in an earlier post I create the battle by scrambling air from Novgorod. Wanted to mimic the original battle as much as possible in order to get the same result. (ie an inability to retreat)

    Sorry, I did not read anything about the initial scramble in your posts so maybe I have overseen this.
    Anyway, this is an interesting scenario. I will further investigate…

  • @Veqryn:


    Veqryn, how can I edit mode a loaded transport to a seazone?
    I get an error saying “cannot add land units to water”.

    You have to use “EDIT MOVE” to do that.

    Edit the land units onto some land touching the sea zone.  Edit some transport into the sea zone.

    Click on the “ACTION tab”, and assuming it is either combat move or noncombat move, you can then move them around to where ever you want.

    OK, thanks  :-)

  • @P@nther:


    As I explained in an earlier post I create the battle by scrambling air from Novgorod. Wanted to mimic the original battle as much as possible in order to get the same result. (ie an inability to retreat)

    Sorry, I did not read anything about the initial scramble in your posts so maybe I have overseen this.
    Anyway, this is an interesting scenario. I will further investigate…

    This is what I found out:

    1. I tested a scenario in which three fighters scrambled to SZ 115 . The attacking ships scored 1 hit and the defending fighters scored 1 hit. TripleA did not give me the option to retreat, although the submarines in SZ 114 did not conduct combat before.
    2. Same scenario as 1 - but I removed the Russian sub in SZ 114 before. Now after the first round of combat in SZ 115 the option to retreat was given - and the German units retreated successfully to SZ 114.

    Conclusion: TripleA seems to treat SZ 114 as hostile when the Russian submarine is present - no matter if there is/was or will be a combat.
    So the presence of the sub is not and cannot be ignored - … so it seems to be a bug.

  • Customizer

    fixed the retreat thing for next version

  • Customizer

    @ Cmdr Jennifer,

    check this out:

    new version to be out soon!

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