We have played approximately 16 hours and are into turn 5. Japan is up.
Here are some observations and recommendations:
The latest revision of the 1939 Rules present a bit of confusion with the set-up charts regarding turn order. France is shown on the charts as going with the U.S. and Nationalist China; in the Global War 1939 Rule Set they are shown as going with the UK as “free French”. Some distinction/clarification may help here.
Axis Minors:
Axis minors have conditions regarding attacks but nothing is mentioned regarding movement. For instance, no attacks can come from Bulgaria until at war with Russia.The question was raised as to whether Bulgaria’s forces could be moved into friendly axis territories before war was declared (we decided to allow Axis Minors to position their pieces with Axis held territories up activation).
Axis Minors have some constraints regarding income. For example, Hungary us limited to 3 IPC per turn with all gains going to Germany. We had someone actually playing as the minors. It made it more interesting for this player when Germany was allowed to subsidize them to the tune of not more than 10 IPC per turn. Thus 10 IPC (or less) were spread around between Finland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania (or simply given to one of them–it was all very arbitrary, as it was completely up to the German player. The squables with the Minor player were hilarious.
The fact that AM player is of Hungarian background really added to the debates. The German player mentioned something about a re-enactment of the kidnapping of WW2 Hungarian leader Horthy’s son if the recalcitrant minor didn’t back down. “You cheap ******’ Nazi! I’m broke.” was the reply.
German builds in Axis Minor territories:
We think Germany should be able to build in the Axis Minors without building complexes in them. Minors are considered to behave “as if” they have minor ICs in them. It is suggested the production quota shoud accomodate German needs on a limited basis. Perhaps a one unit limit or “infantry first” rule could apply to German builds while still leaving the door open for dedicated IC construction.
Is Argentina considered to have a Minor IC?
South Africa:
We elected to make Canada a “seperate” entity while keeping South Africa under Commonwealth rule. How does the effect production in the SA IC? We elected to use it as a normal IC without restrictions regarding infantry primary builds.
Fall of France/Vichy France/Free French:
This rule was enjoyed by all and added a lot of tension and excitement (especially when the fleets were rolled for). Once the Vichy/Free French ownership wa resolved, questions regarding right of way in Vichy Territories arose. While it is stated that Axis forces cannot attack Vichy, it is possible for Axis units to pass through or occupy Vichy territories? The grounp decided to allow occupation but not out and out control.
It is assumed the Axis takes France’s IPCs upon conquering France.
It seemed the the first set of polictical rules provided a but more detail than the latest set. We often flipped back and forth between the two when questions came up. A more comprehensive rule set will really help out.
Allied Friendly Neutrals:
Can the U.S. take a friendly neutral before it is at war? We allowed them to, but clarification would be good.
Russian Declaration of War:
Russia can declare war on Germany on turn six (set-up chart) or when the 2x6d rolls get it to it’s specified production level (Political Situation Rule 4)—this is how the group understood this rule. The rules do not set it out in the manner above however. It would be a good idea to make the political rule-set and the set-up charts correlate regarding this matter.
Holland is conquered by the Axis; what happens to Dutch overseas possessions? We assume Dutch units become Allies.
Latest Rule-set.
6 (b) Battleship should read: Roll 1D6 to repair damage to battleship while in a sea zone containing a friendly naval base (currently reads: “carrier”).
Red China:
Our playgroup set up Red China as a group with a seperate income limited to purchasing infantry. They had a stating IPC and production of 3 IPC. No starting production or IPC figure has been given in the latest rules for Red China. More details regarding this faction woud be welcome.
Are fortifications destroyed by taking hits or taken out like ICs upon occupation by the conquering power?
Is there a limit on German/U.S. Airborne units?
“Capitol”(sp?) Ships:
Please clearly define capital ships in the rule-set. We defined them as battleships, ACs and cruisers. This is mostly in reference to FEC build limitations.
Axis Minor Naval Builds:
I know you’ve heard this one before. Can all the Axis Minors next to sea zones build naval units–-will there be rules and pieces made available? Our AM player wants to build a some ships and cross the Black Sea. The Soviet player is of the mind to pull the same stunt (going to get interesting).
This it for now. We’ll have more for you as things progress and I make more notes.
All in all, this is a great variant and everyone has enjoyed it.