I agree with Robson. Russia is not going to be in the business of replacing lost AA Guns so eventually, you will remove those through attrition.
Germany, on the other hand, may replace guns as needed, allowing them to use stacks of units to encourage the Russians to risk their much needed planes to AA Gun fire. I am not above small stacks of 8-15 units with an AA Gun on my front lines to sap the strength of the Russians. WIth Italian units opening the door and Japanese units removing much needed IPCs through territorial conquest, the Russians are getting beat into submission much sooner.
Russia was strong in Alpha 2 because Germany was sending large stacks of IPC after England. Without England siphoning off cash from the German treasury, the Germans can grow a lot faster than the Russians.
Look at it mathematically:
Germany starts with 30 IPC round 1, gets 70 IPC round 2 and 53 IPC round 3. That is a total of 153 IPC to spend.
Italy starts with 10 IPC round 1, at least 12 IPC round 2, and most likely at least 20 IPC round 3. That’s about 42 IPC.
Russia collects 37 IPC to spend on Round 1, 2 and 3. Total: 111 IPC.
Axis: 153 + 42 = 195 IPC
Allies: 111 IPC
Net: 84 IPC Axis
Germany starts with 231 IPC worth of ground units in proximity to Russia.
Italy starts with 70 IPC worth of ground units in proximity to Russia. (I took off the value of the units in Africa since the odds are very slim they will go to Russia in the first part of the game.)
Russia starts with 175 IPC worth of units in proximity to Germany/Italy.
Axis: 231 + 70 = 301 IPC
Allies: 175 IPC
Net: 126 IPC Axis
Germany starts with 117 IPC worth of air power in proximity to Russia.
Italy starts with 32 IPC worth of air power in proximity to Russia.
Russia starts with 31 IPC worth of air power in proximity to Germany/Italy.
Axis: 117 + 32 = 149 IPC
Allies: 31 IPC
Net: 118 IPC
Over all:
Axis: 195 + 301 + 149 = 645 IPC
Allies: 111 + 175 + 31 = 317 IPC
Net: 328 IPC Axis benefit.
Yes, some of that will be lost in France. Perhaps Germany will lose 7 Infantry, 4 Mechanized Infantry and 1 Artillery from their starting setup. That reduces them by 41 IPC which is a drop in the barrel of the over all game.
That, of course, does not take into effect anything that the Japanese do. It only looks at the first few rounds of the game, but it is pretty clear that the Russians are hopelessly under funded with little opportunity to spend money on big ticket items like AA Guns and Armored units, let alone more planes to replace those lost hitting German stacks, which should reduce them to infantry and artillery quickly enough.