• the text bellow is the original from our AAGod Larry Harris with some changes in bold that i ask to Mr. LHAAGod to aprove (or not)

    Rules Changes that Now are Observed.
    1. AA Guns are no longer captured; they are removed from play after the territory is captured.

    **2. Submarines can fire a special “sneak attack” shot at unescorted transports as explained in the rulebook with the following clarification: a transport is considered escorted (and though there is no sneak attack) if:

    -If it moves during combat move and if at any moment during the combat move there is a friendly surface warship in the sub sea zone.

    -If it moves during noncombat move and if at any moment during the noncombat move there is a friendly surface warship in the sub sea zone.**

    3. Major industrial complexes can no longer be built on foreign territories. Likewise they may no longer be upgraded when captured. The original owner of the territory may upgrade it if the territory is recaptured.

    4. If the Soviet Union is at war with Axis powers on only one map, it is still under the restrictions of being a neutral power. In other words, war with Japan lifts those restrictions from the USSR on the Pacific map only, and war with Germany and/or Italy lifts those restrictions on the Europe map only.

    5. Scramble rules have been changed. They now read:
    Scrambling is a special action that can take place at the beginning of this phase (Phase 3: Conduct Combat (Powers at War Only), and it must be completed before any combat occurs. A quick reaction team of no more than 3 defending fighters and/or tactical bombers (strategic bombers can’t scramble) located on islands and coastal territories that have operative air bases can be scrambled to defend against attacks in the adjacent sea zones. Air units can only be scrambled to help friendly naval units in adjoining sea zones that have come under attack, or they can also be scrambled to resist an amphibious assault. They may defend against the enemy ships conducting the amphibious assault even if friendly ships are not present. In either case, resolve combat as usual during the Conduct Combat phase.

    Scrambled fighters and tactical bombers are defending, so refer to their defense values and abilities when resolving combat. They can’t participate in any other battles during that turn, including a battle on the island or territory from which they were scrambled.

    In situations where a sea zone is served by more than one airbase, Korea and Japan into sea zone 6 for example, each of the territories (or both in this case) can scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers. On the other hand, if Korea is specifically being attacked by an amphibious force, and there is no sea battle occurring, only the aircraft in Korea can participate in the scramble.

    To sum it up: If there is a sea battle, involving an amphibious assault or not, all neighboring aircraft that meet the scramble requirements can participate in the sea battle. If there is only an amphibious assault and there is no sea battle, only the territory be attacked from the sea can scramble up to 3 aircraft.

    All scrambled air units must return to their original island or territory from which they were scrambled. If the enemy captures those locations, the units can move one space to land in a friendly territory or on a friendly aircraft carrier. If no such landing space is available, the units are lost. Surviving scrambled air units land during that turn’s Noncombat Move phase, before the attacker makes any movements.

    6. Victory Conditions
    The game now ends immediately after any one of the following occurs
    A. Victory for the Allies if: All Axis capitals are under allied control.
    B. victory for the axis if they control 7 of the 8 victory cities on the Pacific board and if axis control Rome and Berlin  on the Europe Board. (changed in 2december2010)
    C. victory for the axis if they control 8 of the 11 victory cities on the Europe board and axis control Tokyo on the Pacific Board

    7. IPC income from West India (2) now goes to Calcutta.

    8. IPC income from British Columbia now goes to London.
    Note: With these income changes United Kingdom Pacific now makes 17 IPCs and United Kingdom now makes 28 IPCs

  • (cont)
    **9. you can not fly over territories controled by powers with wich you are not allied or not at war with.

    10. R&D - use the research tokens from anniversary edition. If you roll a 6 remove all your research tokens from play and:
    A- roll one die. If you roll 1, 3 or 5 the development is from breakthrough chart 1, if you roll 2,4 or 6 the development is from breakthrough chart 2.
    B- roll another die to check wich development you achieved.
    C- if you already have that development, go back to A.

    11. jetfighters is abolish (because buying new Tac Bombers would become useless)**

  • As Mr. LHAAGod said, the reason for not using anymore sneak attacks was for pratical reasons. As you said raised to many questions.

    With the change sugested it raises no questions. All becomes clear as water.

    The vitory conditions were also not ok. With the new rule Italy and German would buy lots of transports to move units to the Pacific, not defending their own territories and axis would easily win although losing Berlin and Rome.

    The proposed changes obligue Deutchland and Italia to take care of their capitals if they want to win the game.

  • I like your suggestions for the victory conditions, but I think leaving it theater specific is where the flaw is, in my opinion.  If either the EuroAxis or Japan succeeds with thier goals then they should be able to freely attack the other side of the map.  (Japan in Russia or Africa, and the Euroaxis heading towards India).  So if the victory conditions read that the AXIS need 8 VC’s in Euroboard and 1 on Pacific board and the axis need 6 VC on Pacific board and 1 on Euro board.  Those conditions wouldn’t be impossible for either, especialy for the Euroaxis to accomplish if they take india out right after russia, especcialy if once they take africa.  While Japan would need to work much harder, but once they have thier 6 then Cairo, Stalingrad, or even Moscow would be thier next targets.  Cairo offering the easiest target for them, in my opinion.  Just my suggestion.


    10. R&D - use the research tokens from anniversary edition. If you roll a 6 remove all your research tokens from play and:
    A- roll one die. If you roll 1, 3 or 5 the development is from breakthrough chart 1, if you roll 2,4 or 6 the development is from breakthrough chart 2.
    B- roll another die to check wich development you achieved.
    C- if you already have that development, go back to A.

    11. jetfighters is abolish (because buying new Tac Bombers would become useless)

    Instead of keeping the good and simple tech system of AA50, Mr. Harris continues making unnecesary and complex changes. And this one is horrible, because many will hate more luck added to the tech system (I mean, it has one more die roll) … and I also dislike it because it deletes the strategic options of choosing one of two tech trees. Also, it penalties USSR because they don’t want navy techs. Some other countries can be damaged in other cases

    The jetfighters … it was as easy as making them +1 def as in Revised or change them to this: Jet airplanes -> figs and tacticals get +1 attack

  • Func, Larry did not suggest that; the op did.

  • OP you seem to also fail to get the point of tech upgrades. The point of tech upgrades is to give a vast edge over old tech. Otherwise they wouldn’t be tech upgrades lol. So Jets are meant to make tac bombers useless.

  • In bold are the suggestions i made. The rest of the text is from LHarris

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