here is one theory:
in a tank vs inf battle:
in the following image, the red represents total death
green represents tank winning
blue is infantry win
white represents the next round
i filled in the white space:
anyway the idea is what’s in the white space doesn’t matter, you can find the odds from the first image, as the infinite series proves. Half the area is green, one fourth of the area is blue, one fourth is red
if your program could do this it would be able to do total odds
there are 2 problems:
1. it only does one round at a time.
this could be overcome with a weighted system, and using a recursive function to calculate each round…
2. It only works with battles of 1 unit on each side!!
this can be overcome easily you would create a matrix for the attack, and insert it into the defence matrix (or vice versa) The main problem here is that the dimention is the maximum number of units on either side which in a battle of 10 units on one or both sides would result in a 10 dimetional matrix of (6*10)^10 ints requiring 57 gig of memory! better not make that recursive!!
it would work for small battles though, and i’m sure there is a way to optimize it (adding areas) so that it doesn’t use that much memory
also, i’m not sure but you could possibly use the heavyside function and laplace transforms in an infinite series (i wonder if i could make that work!)
i just learned about those in school…
if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask
you could of course, stick to the random number generator as well
what do you think?