You should be able to see a macos.dmg file to download there. The forum requires at least version 2.6 to use the play by forum or play by email.
Just knocking it back up to the top o the list for you.
i know… pretty busy, and it looks ugly… bad combo. :lol:
Kay, just makin sure ya didn’t open the page and then forget to post…I’ve done that. lol
italy 12
10 inf, 2 rtl, 2 sub, 2 dd… spend $66
nigeria ( )
arm gold coast
5 inf, 4 rtl, 7 arm caucasus > northwest persia
9 inf, 3 rtl, 2 arm, ftr, tbmb iraq > northwest persia
2 inf trans-jordan > syria
3 arm egypt > syria
2 inf northern italy > algeria via trn sz95 > sz94
7 inf, aa northern italy > syria via 4 trn sz99 > sz97 > sz99
4 trn sz99 > sz95
2 ftr southern italy > gibraltar
tbmb southern italy > syria
2 arm southern germany > northern italy
2 inf sudan > congo
2 sub sz95 > sz98
2 dd sz95 > sz99
2 sub, 2 dd > sz95
2 inf, rtl > egypt
2 inf, rtl > south africa
6 inf > northern italy
germany 13
17 inf, 2 rtl, mech, 2 arm… spend $75
poland (2 inf)
inf, rtl east germany
inf west germany via trn sz112 > sz114
romania (3 inf)
4 inf hungary
2 ftr, 2 tbmb, sbmb east germany
belarus (2 inf, rtl)
2 inf, rtl, 2 ftr, tbmb novgorod
east poland (2 inf)
63 inf, 17 rtl, 16 arm hungary
mod that so that a ftr and tbmb from east germany go to poland, and one less of each to romania
i really appreciate your dreadful defensive dice… :wink:
taken w/out loss
east poland
46 inf @ 1…
Rolls: 46@1; Total Hits: 946@1: (2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 5, 3, 1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 3, 6, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6, 2, 3, 1, 6, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 5, 6)
2 inf @ 2
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 3)
a complete whiff… but we’ve played enough games over the years, i doubt you’re really that surprised. i’m doing the exact same thing against em right now…
ftr, tbmb, sbmb romania > east germany
ftr, tbmb poland > east germany
2 ftr, tbmb belarus > novgorod
4 mech, 4 arm east germany > east poland
aa hungary > east poland
3 inf > england
3 inf > novgorod
8 inf, mech, arm east germany
3 inf, 2 rtl, arm > west germany
Combat Moves:
12 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 10 Armor, MI to Caucasus
15 infantry, 3 Armor to Buryatia
Infantry to N. Ukraine
Infantry to Smolensk
Infantry to Volo
Everything else Bryansk
Build: 5 Infantry, 5 Artillery in Muskva
Build: Infantry in Vologorod
Collect: 27
ugh,… japan again. it seems like it’s always japan’s turn…
japan 13
sz1 (dd)
sub, ftr, tbmb sz2
and of course the u.s. dd hits… man’s those guys are consistent…
2 ftr, 4 tbmb sz2 > japan
ftr, tbmb sz1 > sz10
dd sz2 > sz1
dd sz2 > sz9
remaining fleet sz2 > sz10
inf amur > manchuria
$4 + $10 saved = $14
ugh,… japan again. it seems like it’s always japan’s turn…
Well, now that’s just impossible, Germany has to go sometime. =p
That Japanese fleet is eventually going to wear itself out, one destroyer at a time!
Combat Moves:
Fleet to SZ 9
4 Infnatry, 2 Armor to Surname
3 Inf, Art, 3 Arm to SZ 9
3 Fig, 3 Tac, 3 AC to SZ 88
Build: 10 Infantry in C. USA
Build: 2 INfantry, 2 Armor in E. USA
Build: 1 Submarine, 6 Transports in SZ 101
Collect: 94 IPC - 13 CRD = 81 IPC
Build: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery in Jehol
Collect: 26 IPC
Combat Moves:
4 Infantry from India to Iraq
2 Fighters from E. Persia to Iraq
Rolls: 4@1 2@3; Total Hits: 24@1: (5, 1, 3, 4)2@3: (1, 5)
Rolls: 2@4; Total Hits: 22@4: (1, 4)
2 Infantry to E. Persia
8 Infantry, Artillery, 4 Armor, AA Gun, 2 Fighters to C. Persia
Build: 4 Armor in India
Collect: 5 Natural Territories + 20 Territories + 1 Saved = 26 IPC
3 Inf, Art to C. Persia
BB, DD< SS< 2 TRN to SZ 80
AC, SS< Trn to SZ 39
Trn to SZ 56
2 Inf to India
2 Inf, to W. Australia
Build: Minor in Queensland
Build: DD, Trn in SZ 62
Build: Armor in NSW
Collect: 24 IPC