Changes still needed to the game, IMHO

  • '10


    I never see it anymore.  I saw it all the time in the box rules and setups, but never in alpha 2.

    This is almost certianly due to the facts that:

    1. Russia only has 18 infantry in range of Manchuria/Korea
    2. Japan has 10 Infantry, Artillery, Mechanized, 3 Fighters and 2 Tactical bombers literally on Manchuria/Korea, 3 transports, 6 fighters, 3 Infantry, 2 Artillery, Armor, 2 strategic bombers, 2 battleships, 1 cruiser and 5 tactical bombers that can hit manchuria/korea on Japan 1


    1. Russia isn’t going to give Japan 12 IPC just for the opportunity to allow Japanese tanks to blitz through all of the Soviet Far East.

    Yeah, it’s been my experience that most of that Japanese stuff gets deployed elsewhere pretty quickly.  I certainly wouldn’t try an R1 attack, but by about round three, it usually thins out a bit.  Russia might not give up that 12 just to allow tanks to blitz through, but helping China out and maybe meeting up in the north can swing a game.  With a complex there, I think Japan would have to commit resources to defending it.

    If they’re using two battleships, three transports, a cruiser, and a flock of planes, they aren’t using them somewhere else…say, the Dutch East Indies.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Granted, but it was my understanding he was implying an early Russian attack to sap the strength of Japan, as was seen consistently with the original rule incarnation.  It was to that, I referred to not seeing it anymore, as it was no longer a viable option.

    To be honest, by round 3 my Japanese forces are already in Russia.  It’s an easier attack than trying to take and hold China, costs less, returns more in the way of IPC to get strength, and is harder to be reclaimed by the allies. (Yea, Russia’s just sitting on half a dozen planes and 3 dozen infantry to push me out, right?)  China cannot help Russia, like Russia can help China either.

    Too bad it isn’t strong enough to counter the bias the game has against Japan - as of 22 April 2011.

  • Has anyone employed the 3IPC damage German Sub Optional Rule with Alpha+2???

    I’m wondering if this could balance the game a little more- force US to spend a little more in Europe and a little less in Pacific. :? :? :?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It may.

    It would necessitate American involvement in the Atlantic.  It’s generally a safe bet that the British navy ceases to exist if America does not help out, with the 3 IPC U-Boats you could hit England for 8 with 3 submarines, Canada for 3 with 1 sub, E./C. USA for 32 with 11 submarines.  So for 15 submarines, you could do some serious damage to the allies.  Granted, that’s 90 IPC in equipment…

    Perhaps just reducing German U-Boat cost to 5 IPC would be sufficient?

  • I remember why we didn’t use the German sub option- because it made Sealion much easier by taking away that extra 1-2 or 3 infantry needed from UK.  Well forget that idea.  Yeah the only way I believe to balance the Pac side for Global is to adding some slow land units for Japan (infantry, artillery).  We did this on the Euro side for Germany and it seemed to work well.  It gives the Axis the long term boost they need w/o making them a crusher in the beginning.  This, I believe is the only way it can be done.  Adding aircraft, ships, bases, NOs tip the scales to heavy at crucial times in the game.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Eh, I think the best option floated, so far, has been (no, not the split America build…it was best, until this one) to allow Japan to invade Sumatra, Java and Celebes regardless of who controlled it without bringing England, Australia or America into the war. (Yes, even if they control it, and you kill something of theirs to attack it.)

    I would suspect any floatilla vessels in the adjacent sea zone would be ignored and a land battle would take place, thus, even if they put an Airbase there, no scramble option would occur, as it is not a combat zone.

    It would give Japan 11 IPC and a leg up towards 20 IPC (+4 Borneo +5 DEI NO) and maybe give them a bit more cash to blow in the Pacific against an America build.

  • @Cmdr:

    Eh, I think the best option floated, so far, has been (no, not the split America build…it was best, until this one) to allow Japan to invade Sumatra, Java and Celebes regardless of who controlled it without bringing England, Australia or America into the war. (Yes, even if they control it, and you kill something of theirs to attack it.)

    yeah that’s not gonna happen because of historical reasons- otherwise yes I would agree that it is another option.

  • I think it’s very much up to arguement that the US would go to war over a European powers colonies. In fact that seems almost ahistoric, issuing sanctions is a far cry from going to war, so I could see Japan losing the NO for not being at war with the US, but, the US should not be able to declare war unless it’s attacked.

    There could also be some debate as to whether the UK would declare war on Japan for occupying the DEI, as the game technically begins before Japan joined the Axis. The Dutch declared themselves neutral at the beginning of the conflict with Germany, though the Dutch government fleeing to Britain would seem to argue strongly that the UK would declare war.

  • In light of some information, I suppose it can be argued that UK might not declare a general war with Japan, should the latter attack DEI.

    On receipt of the Chiefs of Staff Appraisal, Admiral Wenneker, Germany’s Naval Attaché to Japan sent the following summary to Berlin.

    Despatch of cipher Tel, Nr 209/40 gKdos to 212/40 gKdos to Navy High Command

    For Naval War Staff:

    Of note amongst materials reaching here on 6 December from Ship ‘16’ is a captured report of the War Cabinet about the situation in the Far East in the event of Japanese intervention against Britain, dated 15 August:

    1. In present situation we (i.e. Britain) are unable to send fleet to Far East.

    2. Japan needs Singapore in order to meet its ambitions.

    3. Until the situation in Europe clarified itself, open breach between us and America and Japan improbable.

    4. We must avoid ‘open clash’ with Japan in order to gain time and promote military co-operation.

    5. In the absence of Fleet, we are unable to prevent damage to our own interests. We should retire to a base from which it will be possible to restore our position later on.

    6. Four possible Japanese attacks:

    (a) Direct attack

    (b) Advance into Indo-China or Siam.

    © Attack on Dutch East Indies.

    (d) Attack on Philippines.

    1. Japanese first step either Indonesia or Siam; then Dutch East Indies before Singapore.

    2. In current situation we would put up with Japanese attack on Siam or Indo-China without going to war.

    3. In event of Japanese attack on Dutch, and they offered no resistance, no war between us and Japan. But if Dutch resist, then they would have our full military support.

    4. Hong Kong without any significance and cannot hold out for long without presence of a substantial fleet. However, will be held as long as possible.

    5. Strategy in Event of War:

    a) Impossible to prevent Japanese gaining access to Indian Ocean.

    b) We cannot maintain naval lines of communication with Northern Malaya.

    c) Hope to maintain bulk of commerce by sea with Suez and eastern Australia.

    d) Apart from cruiser raids, Japanese attack on Australia improbable without first taking Singapore.

    e) Japanese occupation of Suva and Fiji likely in order to use as a base.

    f) Need to defend all of Malaya and not just Singapore Island.

    g) Holland probably willing to prepare joint plan for defence of Dutch Indies. In view of limited assistance we can give, their help unlikely if British territory attacked. Consequently, not desirable to begin Staff Talks at this time.

    h) As long as no fleet, forced to turn to air force. But this can only be provided in a limited way. Therefore,

    strong land forces necessary in Malaya. Concentration there a top priority.

    i) Borneo indefensible. Very little air power available for protection of shipping in Indian Ocean.

    j) Until situation in Europe improves, Far East gravely threatened, especially if subjected to determined

    Japanese sorties, with heavy naval units.

    1. Our construction programme never intended to cover war with Germany, Italy and Japan, simultaneously.

    The only hope for providing a fleet for the Far East based on early, successful attack on Italy and the


    1. Objectives we must seek to achieve.

    a) Commonwealth must send one Division to Malaya.

    b) By end of 1940, two fighter squadrons and two squadrons of long-range (?) land aircraft to be sent to Far East.

    c) Naval construction programme to be accelerated.

    d) Withdrawal of Garrison from North China and Hong Kong.

    e) New Zealand must send one brigade to Fiji.

    f) General Staff consultations with Holland once situation in Malaya improves.

    1. Detailed information on the strengths of land, sea and airforces in the Far East.
  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator




    Eh, I think the best option floated, so far, has been (no, not the split America build…it was best, until this one) to allow Japan to invade Sumatra, Java and Celebes regardless of who controlled it without bringing England, Australia or America into the war. (Yes, even if they control it, and you kill something of theirs to attack it.)

    yeah that’s not gonna happen because of historical reasons- otherwise yes I would agree that it is another option.

    Funny thing is, it’s not that ahistorical. It seems people keep mixing the fact that Japan THOUGHT the US would retaliate if the Japanese invaded the Dutch colonies with the US having issued some sort of warning against it, or that they would have responded if the Japanese did invade. In fact there’s a few historians who argue that Japan’s assumptions were wronf and the US would NOT have responded to invasions of the dutch colonies.

    On 8 March 1942 Japan invaded the Dutch East Indies.  That is pretty close to when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, if you think about it.  7 December 1941 to 8 March 1942 is only a difference of 4 months, one of them a short month.

    That means that Japan had invasion plans prior to their attack on Pearl Harbor (most likely) and thus, it would not be ahistorical to allow the player of Japan to switch the order of events.  Perhaps Emperor Hirohito is convinced, or convinces the admiralty to secure the oil and rubber resources of the Dutch East Indies before swinging over to attack America the following Spring?  It’s a pretty good hypothetical for this type of game, I mean, we allow Germany the option between Barbarossa and Sea Lion now, why not give Japan the option of hitting the DEI?

    I mean, other than Larry’s infatuation with American Exceptionalism that is. (my opinion, no need to rush to his defense.  It just seems he’s extremely anti-Japan in later editions of the game and seems to buff America’s prowess with each and every release.  From my Russian perspective!)

    Now, from IL’s post, perhaps England also would not attack Japan after an invasion of the DEI.  After all, this is DUTCH territory, and HOLLAND is under German occupation, therefore, invasion of DUTCH holdings would not be an act of war against a sovereign nation - given that the sovereign nation no longer existed to have war declared against.

    Finally, if we look at the strategic and tactical ramifications of this action on the game board, I have not yet heard an argument to state this would be unbalancing.  It is my opinion that the added income (what are we seriously talking about here, about 20ish IPCs over the first two rounds + 30 IPC over the second two rounds before America comes into the game) may balance a game that’s been severely unbalanced by Alpha 2 (by seriously, I mean they took something pro-Japan and made it pro-Allies, a very dynamic shift in geo-military power).  However, perhaps it would be unbalanced given board position as well.  Japan could only have a minor complex there, but they could have Airbases and Naval Bases.  Would that unbalance things?  I would think it would not, but perhaps it would?

  • Not to get into historical debates but I do believe US would have done something if DEI was attacked.  Britain would have also.  Japan was being monitored for a while up to this point and patience was running thin anyway.  Japan knew this so they jumped the gun.

    For the balancing issue, I say add:

    3inf, 1art to Japan
    1inf to Jehol
    1inf to Shantung
    2inf to Kiangsu (Shanghai)

    Jen basically says $50 essientally- I’m in disagreement with that number- too high- $25 worth of material should do it.  I think the only way to balance the Pac side is through slow moving land units.

    Also I think that the old Europe game $12 cash rule should be instituted as an “official” optional rule.  I thinkg this could help keep balance a little flexible.

  • Not to get into historical debates but I do believe US would have done something if DEI was attacked.  Britain would have also.  Japan was being monitored for a while up to this point and patience was running thin anyway.  Japan knew this so they jumped the gun.

    But i just posted intercepted information that Germany passed to Japan which details what UK was prepared to do if that event occurred.

    COS (40) 302 (also w.P. (40) 302)
    It was an extraordinary find, particularly on a merchant ship.
    Captain Rogge aboard Atlantis knew exactly what he’d stumbled on.
    The document’s author was the British War Cabinet. Incredibly, it was a
    detailed summation of the British Empire’s overall military structure and
    capability in the Far East. Rogge decided to get the document into his
    superiors’ hands as quickly as the time and place allowed. Atlantis had
    been hunting the seas with enormous success in previous days, and only
    the day before had captured the Ole jacob with a primarily Norwegian
    crew. Captain Rogge commissioned Lieutenant Commander Paul
    Kamenz to take command of the Ole jacob, and with six German crew
    supplemented by Norwegians from two recently plundered prizes she
    sailed for Japan, berthing in Kobe on December 4th 1940. Automedon
    was sent below with scuttling charges, and her remaining crewmen sailed
    with Atlantis.

    When Ole jacob docked in Kobe there waiting for her was a correspondent who obtained the document and sped it to Admiral Paul
    Wenneker, German Naval Attache to Japan. The Admiral sent a
    summation in German, directly to Berlin, translated back into English as

    It says only if the Dutch decided to really fight did UK plan on doing anything, but the general situation was so dire that it was also considered that the best plan was to avoid anything to provoke Japan and avoid a general war.  The only thing that was not explored would be what ANZAC might do. DEI is very close to Australia so its possible they might do something.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    As far as units go, I would be much more inclined to believe Japan needs +2 Submarines, +1 Transport down in the South Pacific than 7 Infanty and an Artillery scattered around China and Japan.  Just IMHO.

    Ground units Japan has more than enough capacity to build, naval units is where Japan got seriously short-changed!  For instance, a transport off the Carolines (SZ 33), a submarine off Formosa (SZ 20) and a Submarine off Palau (SZ 34) would be a much better situation than a few extra infantry.

    The transport would give Japan the option to hit Pearl hard - without tilting the balance of power. (This would allow Japan to repair their ships and use the Naval Base on Round 2, should they go with the Round 1 sneak attack.  It also denies America the ability to land on Hawaii after counter-attacking the Japanese fleet.)

    The submarine in SZ 20 would add a little extra punch should Japan go for the British Battleboat off Malaya, again, not a drastic change.  Meanwhile, if Japan does not go for the Battleboat off Malaya, it’s too far away to do anything else of note this round - and is not adjacent to a naval base.  Essentially, it can get to SZ 6 or spend a round or two getting into position elsewhere.

    The submarine in SZ 34 is out of position to hit anything, but can move to Queensland and conduct convoy raids if it wants. Probably what would happen is it would move to the Carolines, but would be out of position to be used on round 1 - which was the point.

    Essentially, other than the transport that was removed and now to be replaced, the new units are not in a position to significantly alter the balance of power, but they do add a little backbone to the Japanese navy, and give Japan more options - which, I believe, is the point.

    As for the transport, I think that was, perhaps, the most significant nerf that Mr. Larry did, and that de-railed their attempts to balance the Pacific.  I would not say that alone would recover Japan’s ability to hold it’s own, as many of the aircraft were also removed from the game, but it would go a long way to establishing Japan’s ability to defend itself.

    Now, Questioneer says 25 IPC to balance things…50 IPC would be better, but 19 IPC placed in very strategic locations may do the trick.  No idea.  Honestly, I’d take 25 IPC because I can abuse it.  (Transport in Carolines, 2 Transports in Japan, Artillery in KWA).  I’d hit Hawaii, Philippines, Hong Kong, the BB by Malaya, Alaska and some other prime targets (primarily to deny America the NO for Alaska.)  But, as I said, that would be an abuse of the resources and is primarily intended to demonstrate why it is not the COST of the resources, but rather the LOCATION of the resources and TYPE of resources added.  Hence, my references to higher values than Questioneers.  (I believe he will agree that a 25 IPC bid would effectively alter the game significantly, given how I just outlayed where things could go.  America without 15 IPC from NOs, removal of most of the fleet, inability to effectively counter attack (no LZ) and Japan ability to now hit Australia from Philippines and Hawaii would be a huge shift - equally as bad as “American Exceptionalism” making America way too powerful, in comparison to other nations.)

    Honestly, this started as a method to find the least invasive method of balancing an unbalanced theater of operations.  Least invasive would be re-arranging units, restoring units lost due to game board configuration changes, changing how a nation can spend money, etc.  Things like adding extra units (as opposed to replacing ones that were removed by an earlier change), adding new VCs, adding new NOs, etc are more invasive - in my mind.

  • Another option I have been concidering is a change to the not at war NO to allow the invasion of FIC.  Before Alpha a J2 purchase of a minor for FIC was just enough pressure on India and the Burma road to keep them in line.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    We’ve discussed changes to the FIC NO.  My personal favorite (if my only option is to mess with the FIC NO) is to make it active when America is not at war with Japan or when Japan controls the Philippines.

    This allows the Allies to take it away, like any other NO, but also keeps it in play at least twice as long as it normally is.  It also stops the Minor IC build in FIC with Japan.

  • The one thing I don’t see  is what happened at Mid Way Island, could you imagine if they put that set of bad rolls in the game.  How could you simulate that into your game?    A few free rolls with no DE.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Japan lost at Midway….

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Thats what hes saying Jen…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Thats what hes saying Jen…

    Then how’s that going to help Japan?  America is not under-powered, they’re over-powered, Japan is the one that needs assistance.

  • @Cmdr:

    As far as units go, I would be much more inclined to believe Japan needs +2 Submarines, +1 Transport down in the South Pacific than 7 Infanty and an Artillery scattered around China and Japan.  Just IMHO.

    Ground units Japan has more than enough capacity to build, naval units is where Japan got seriously short-changed!  For instance, a transport off the Carolines (SZ 33), a submarine off Formosa (SZ 20) and a Submarine off Palau (SZ 34) would be a much better situation than a few extra infantry.

    The transport would give Japan the option to hit Pearl hard - without tilting the balance of power. (This would allow Japan to repair their ships and use the Naval Base on Round 2, should they go with the Round 1 sneak attack.  It also denies America the ability to land on Hawaii after counter-attacking the Japanese fleet.)

    The submarine in SZ 20 would add a little extra punch should Japan go for the British Battleboat off Malaya, again, not a drastic change.  Meanwhile, if Japan does not go for the Battleboat off Malaya, it’s too far away to do anything else of note this round - and is not adjacent to a naval base.  Essentially, it can get to SZ 6 or spend a round or two getting into position elsewhere.

    The submarine in SZ 34 is out of position to hit anything, but can move to Queensland and conduct convoy raids if it wants. Probably what would happen is it would move to the Carolines, but would be out of position to be used on round 1 - which was the point.

    Essentially, other than the transport that was removed and now to be replaced, the new units are not in a position to significantly alter the balance of power, but they do add a little backbone to the Japanese navy, and give Japan more options - which, I believe, is the point.

    As for the transport, I think that was, perhaps, the most significant nerf that Mr. Larry did, and that de-railed their attempts to balance the Pacific.  I would not say that alone would recover Japan’s ability to hold it’s own, as many of the aircraft were also removed from the game, but it would go a long way to establishing Japan’s ability to defend itself.

    Now, Questioneer says 25 IPC to balance things…50 IPC would be better, but 19 IPC placed in very strategic locations may do the trick.  No idea.  Honestly, I’d take 25 IPC because I can abuse it.  (Transport in Carolines, 2 Transports in Japan, Artillery in KWA).  I’d hit Hawaii, Philippines, Hong Kong, the BB by Malaya, Alaska and some other prime targets (primarily to deny America the NO for Alaska.)  But, as I said, that would be an abuse of the resources and is primarily intended to demonstrate why it is not the COST of the resources, but rather the LOCATION of the resources and TYPE of resources added.  Hence, my references to higher values than Questioneers.  (I believe he will agree that a 25 IPC bid would effectively alter the game significantly, given how I just outlayed where things could go.  America without 15 IPC from NOs, removal of most of the fleet, inability to effectively counter attack (no LZ) and Japan ability to now hit Australia from Philippines and Hawaii would be a huge shift - equally as bad as “American Exceptionalism” making America way too powerful, in comparison to other nations.)

    Wouldn’t that just bring back the “India Crush”???- Japan would certainly get 6IPCs for sure, not even giving America a chance.  I’m not really buying it.  Your 2SS, 1TT idea I think swings a huge breaker momentum the other way.  Like the Europe side, this side is real touchy to balance.

    Adding/changing NOs or adding ships or NBs, or aircraft as too “fast” of units to add.  I think the best way is to add slow ground troops away from the action- like I’ve proposed.  Those land units will come in handy late in the game (like Russia’s from the East), giving a long term balance (which is what is needed for Japan) versus messing up opening balance right now.

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