Not to mention this is an abstraction of all “tactical bomber” types, which include dive bombers, night fighters, torpedo bombers, heavy fighters, ground attack, and even implies some medium bombers, almost all of which are larger than their fighter counterparts, even if the specific nation sculpt isn’t much larger from the fighter counterpart.
Besides, the sbd dauntless to p38 lightning is actually the most egregious scale switch, NOT the Stuka/Bf109. It’s not as though the Stuka is the same size as a bf109. The Stuka WAS a larger plane. And because each unit SHOULD be instantly recognizable for the average gamer, it’s been scaled up by MAYBE 10% beyond the same scale as the bf109. Boohoo. The Stuka has a 45 ft wingspan, the BF109 has a 33 foot wingspan. So the Stuka piece from revised wouldn’t even be scaled correctly as it’s certainly NOT larger than the aa1940 BF109 piece. And the AA40 piece is perhaps 45% larger than the bf 109, which means with a 38% larger wingspan it’s hardly as inconsistent as some of the other pieces. I mean, come on, this is the hill really you want to die on?
I can’t speak for your gaming partners, but the fellows I play with have to ask me which unit is a cruiser and which is a destroyer in almost every game (especially if they play as the UK/Anzac). I’m personally VERY satisfied that the tactical bomber is visually distinct in scale from both bombers and fighters. A fighter sized (which again, would be wrong in general) stuka, Il2, or Val would drive me batty. If anyone mixed in AA50 hellcats, a correctly scaled dauntless would be indistinguishable for the average person, not to mention the number of people who thought the dauntless was a corsair, or who wouldn’t really understand the difference in roll between the dauntless and p-38.