I would love to demonstrate my strategy to Gargantua. If he feels it is a push for Calcutta then he can prepare for it as he sees fit. smile However, if he changes his mind and figures he was wrong about a push for Calcutta - if it appears it is not a push for Calcutta - then he can adjust accordingly.
I do not want to give away my idea until I have polished it’s implementation. There is a counter to every strategy, almost, and I need to figure out what those are so I can figure out the counter to the counter.
Cryptic, but honestly, until I work it out, I don’t want to outline what the idea is and be made a fool with something as simple as just saying “well, if you NCM something here, you can stop the plan dead in its tracks.” I just need time, is all. As I did when I ironed out my Kill America First plan in Revised, I will write it up for the forums scrutiny - adjusting to repair holes as discovered by the community or scrapping it outright if there is no way to repair the strategy. However, I do feel that there is a way to make the game untennable for the allies, given non-radically outrageous dice (either pro or con, pro of course would be great for you, but says nothing about the strategy. Good dice beat good tactics every day, bad dice defeat even the best tactics almost every day.)
I will say it requires Operation Sea Lion to be set up, if not prosecuted by the Germans. You don’t HAVE to set up Sea Lion, but it does force the Americans to consider investing money in the Atlantic, which means less threat in the Pacific.