That’s what I thought too, Garg. Only Cow knows for sure :lol:
So your life depends on winning a game of G40 Alpha +.2…
AC and either: ss & dd, or 2 trannies.
CV, 1 TT save $7
2 transports and a destroyer and a sub. save 2.
2 transports and a destroyer and a sub. save 2.
I agree with this buy, you don’t need a carrier for Sz 112 with the new scramble rules
save your loot. Can go for sealion G2 or opt to commit ALL RESOURCES to Barbarossa.
2 transports and a destroyer and a sub. save 2.
Ahhh, I see, i might try this sometime time, it sounds awsome
First off, don’t get that hung up over a stupid in-forum dice rolling game.
It’s probably NOT your G1 buy why you lose games. You can even get away with an all land units buy G1 instead of ANY naval with the new scrambling rules. It’s how you set the pace of the game, retaining initative, and responding to your opponent’s moves that drives victories in AAG40. If you get tunnel vision on one front at the expense of the others, trust me, you won’t make up the difference in enough time to offset those losses. All three powers must push for control in their respective theaters separately, but work together towards defending their new conquests until the IPC edge the Allies enjoy falls to the Axis’ side (especially with Germany and Italy here).
You must achieve your side’s objectives on ALL fronts, using your side’s forces cooperatively, so that everyone works towards a common goal; be it the Japanese isolating the UK Pacific to hardly any IPCs so they are unable to send reinforcements to Egypt to counterattack Italy, or Germany whittling down the UK for several early rounds with naval attacks/Sealion and giving the Italians extra staying power in the Med. Most of all, having an overall strategy where you keep the Allies reacting to YOU, not you to them. Contest every IPC where it’s possible and edge out as much early advantage as you can with the superior firepower you’ve got, as you can afford to take some chances at the beginning of the game.
Otherwise you’re doomed to fail, especially as the Axis, since time is against you the moment the game even starts, with the Allies IPC advantage.
That being said, I like G1 buys of 1 CV 1 DD 1 SS, lets you get dominance of the Atlantic for cheap and gives you a LOT of options later on. I would advise against early armor and mech buys, as its much economically cheaper to send piles of INF/ART at the Soviets for Barbarossa. When you’re halfway to Moscow, THEN start the MECH/ARM buys. With the Russians’ ability to retreat at will Russia is ALWAYS going to be a slow grind. Don’t forget holding on the other fronts, either. Keep the other Allied powers so busy they CAN’T fly all their fighters into Moscow in a last ditch rescue attempt when that time comes.
2 transports and a destroyer and a sub. save 2.
I agree with this buy, you don’t need a carrier for Sz 112 with the new scramble rules
That entirely depends on what opening you are using.
I like to hit 110, 111 and 112, so this is the best for me. I prefer 1 CV at $16 with 2 planes that can land on it rather than $16 for 2 DD. For defensive power for my money, and allows for fht swapping at sea.
CV, 1 TT save $7
I like this one. maybe an SS also, to guarantee UK doesn’t have both NO. :wink:
For defensive power for my money, and allows for fht swapping at sea.
That’s a pretty big deal right there.
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