In what way would taking your allies into battle even remotely slow the game?
How is the balance with the new Alpha 2 changes? Please give your view.
Hehe, i do remember you lost to me once Jim, (as Lord Nielsen) but granted i think you had rather bad dice then…
Going back to the OOB setup does not seem like a great solution to me, since it had its own problems like the India crush.
Has anyone considdered making the italians stronger as a way to balance the US income?? It seems to me that with a stronger Italy it might be impossible for the US to spend 100% in pacific and still stall the axis in europe… -
Correct, it doesn’t work in Alpha 2, and it all has to do with the new set-up.
Hell, the J3IC was one of the driving factors behind all the setup changes.
I remember that. I didn’t do the India Crush as planned, though, as I got cocky and went for Washington. It was a tactic I saw Stoney do that I wanted to try that didn’t pan out.
Let me rephrase, I will always win unless I am retarded - and of course if you get that 1 in 100 battle go your way in Carolines or India. A 1 in 100 shot.
Well, one could just alter the location of the Japanese transports. Take the 3 they start with, put 2 in SZ 6 and 1 in SZ 33. That would give me the effect I think would balance things out while stopping the India crush (although I’m still failing to see what exactly it was that gave Japan the required power. Was it the extra Strat Bombers? Because they have 3 transports in both versions.)
Of course, the other solution: +1 Transport in SZ 33 giving Japan 4 total.
Then the India Crush tactic odds go from 99% to 99.9% with an extra TT by turn 3.
I outlined in the link how it works, and it is foolproof. I’d be happy to play it against anyone that is sceptical.
Then the India Crush tactic odds go from 99% to 99.9% with an extra TT by turn 3.
I outlined in the link how it works, and it is foolproof. I’d be happy to play it against anyone that is sceptical.
Talking Alpha 2 everything + 1 transport in SZ 33. What’s that do to your India Crush?
Alpha 2+?
Let me look at it. I’ve tried going turn 1 with Japan, but there just wasn’t enough to kill to make it worth while. Allied loses are replaced pretty easily with the money they make, as there is not much to get at. Plus the blockers can now be out of harm’s way.
If you feel that Japan is the weak link in the game due to economics, then boost their bonus $ in peace and at war.
Yes. But people are routinely having sh!t fits when you talk about adjusting the economic situation on the map leaving the only viable solution a permanent adjustment to the pieces and the only viable option I see there, that won’t make Japan overpowered (OP) or leave them too weak is to give them a transport in SZ 33. That would give them 4 ground units to hit Hawaii with, decent odds. Not great, not horrible.
If a successful Hawaii on turn 1 is the only way to win, I would vote against that. More money at least would leave more options on the table for Japan.
No, I am thinking it would give Japan options, options that would make a round 1 attack a wise decision, not a desperate move to not lose.
Taking Hawaii on turn 1 has about a 3 in 4 chance of succeeding. The India Crush is pretty much guaranteed.
I will play anyone who thinks otherwise.
As for doing this in a global game … only played Global OOB once.
The difference is that with Global, US get a larger economy which it can dedicate to the Pacific, yet Japan stays the same.
I think if only playing Pacific 40 that Japan is strong enough, but if playing Global, the game is out of sync due to the increased US abilities can still be spend fully in the Pacific.
It does seems like the global game is balanced from the notion that USA spends money in both theaters of war from the start, and when they don’t …… well.Pacific balance does not equal Global balance.
That was the original basis for my argument, Xandax. It was why I was originally saying that the US should be treated like England, with part of the money having to be spent on each side of the board. But then there came all the crying and sobbing about how it would be “unfair” and “America is not England” etc, etc, etc.
The absolute BEST solution would be to require any income earned on the Atlantic board to be spent on the Atlantic board and any money earned on the Pacific boasrd to be spent on the Pacific board. But there were too many tears, so you just know that Larry and WOTC are not going to implement that solution. (That and I fear they are too involved in “American Exceptionalism” to ever downgrade the power of America, but that’s my personal opinion. The other personal opinion is they hate Russia so much it’s like giving them a root canal to get them to add any kind of power to the Soviet Union.)
The alternative solution is to buff Japan, in global 1940, so they stand a chance if they make wise decisions. The easiest way there, IMHO, with an untested theory, is to give them a transport in SZ 33. If that is not enough, perhaps a second added transport in SZ 34 (Pauline). By increasing the number of transports, you decrease the number Japan needs to build and thus give them more options to use their money on. Further, the transport in SZ 33 makes Hawaii a viable target on Round 1 negating the penalties Japan suffers in a round 1 surprise strike on the Allies.
The worst solution is a bid. It is still a solution, but it’s too dynamic and what I feel we need is a static solution. Not to mention, bidding will result in way more IPC added to the ground than just adding a transport or two. For one, I wouldn’t take Japan without at least a 12 IPC bid, probably an 18 IPC bid (2 Infantry, 2 Armor) so that I can take Yunnan round 1 and hold it against a China counter attack, thus denying them the NO permanently. Pretty sure all other bids would also go into taking and holding Yunnan to prevent China from ever collecting the NO.
Actually but “historically” the west coast only rates a minor IC. I think just downgrade the WC-IC to minor(in global only). All the shipyards that I can think of were on the East coast.
For instance all the shipyards that built US Essex class carriers (all east coast):
Newport News Shipbuilding
Fore River Shipyard
Brooklyn Navy Yard
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
Norfolk Naval Shipyard -
Again, if you feel the game is unbalanced - meaning allies always win - give more bomus money to Japan
combine the VCs on both maps again, but reduce the number needed by the axis. 13 or 12.
MUCH simpler.
Combining the VC on the maps makes the KJF strat even better.
I say no. A KJF means I will get 7 cities on the Europe side likely by turn 7-9. I’ll need 5 cities on the Pacific side. I could get that to happen.
Let me finish a game, and then we can fire it up.
If your saying 12 VC is easy for the axis to get then I don’t think its any kind of fix, it just guarantees an Axis victory. Because splitting Americas focus will not slow the axis down at all in regards to accumulating their first victory cities.
The whole point of crushing Japan is that Euro can hold the Germans to 7 VC while Japan dies.
Japan can get 4 VC the instant they declare war, if they can get a 5th against a KJF while Germany gets 7 then your suggestion of combining VC is even more broken then the KJF strat may be. -
Then make it 13 :roll:
At 13 I think your back to the same problem, I dont think Japan can get 6 against a KJF (and if Japan can get 6 then you would have won the regular game anyway), so your back to the question: Can Germany get 8?
Again, if you feel the game is unbalanced - meaning allies always win - give more bomus money to Japan
I don’t think people are claiming the game is unbalanced overall, but some are claiming that one strategy is unbalanced.
There are three high level strategies for the Allies, or more specifically the US.
Strat A) US spends some money in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters from the start. I think most feel the game is pretty balanced in this case.
Strat B) US goes 100% after Europe and ignores Japan for the most part at the start of the game. This is a losing strategy for the Allies as Japan can pretty easily win victory in the Pacific with little US intervention there. So a smart allied player won’t try it.
Strat C) US goes 100% after Japan and ignores Europe for the most part at the start of the game. The CLAIM is that the US and Pacific Allies can contain Japan before Germany/Italy can win on the Europe board, and then the US can turn its attention 100% on Europe and that the Allies will eventually win the game due to economics. Note that this claim is as yet unproven, and some (including Krieghund) have doubts as the whether Japan can be reliably contained before the Axis achieve victory in Europe.
Any proposed solution to fix a potential imbalance in Strat C must not impact Strat A. So ideas such as giving more money/equipment to Japan (or Italy) are bad ideas unless you feel the Allies have the advantage even if the US is dividing its spending.
Really the only thing that can be done to “fix” Strat C without changing the balance in Strat A is something that would weaken the US if they pursue Strat C but not weaken them if they pursue Strat A. Alternatively it could be something that strengthens the Axis in the event of Strat C but not Strat A. The easiest way to weaken the US if they go C but not A is to move some of the US NO money from its core territories (such as Mexico) and put it in harm’s way on the Europe board. But it must be put there in places the Axis can easily take if the US ignores the Europe board, but that the Allies can easily take if the US puts some effort into the Europe board. Various suggestions have been put forth on this thread involving shifting the Mexico NO to the Africa/Med theater and I think this is the best way to go.
There is still the issue as to whether Strat C is actually broken – does it really give the Allies an advantage? And if it does not, do we need any fixes? I would argue that even if Strat C is merely balanced we should implement a fix since having the US go 100% in one direction is an undesirable situation for the fun factor overall. Of course if we find that Strat C is just as much a losing proposition for the Allies and Strat B we don’t have to do anything since Strat C will die out just as Strat B has.