Again, the link posted above is valid and is the primary source of the Alpha 3 rules.
Well, I was assuming he was referring to alpha plus… must one refer to it as alpha plus for clarity even though alpha is obsolete? As alpha is completely obsolete, can’t alpha plus just be referred to as alpha?
Well, I was assuming he was referring to alpha plus… must one refer to it as alpha plus for clarity even though alpha is obsolete? As alpha is completely obsolete, can’t alpha plus just be referred to as alpha?
Not sure. To avoid confusion, call it alpha plus
my early guess is axis have the advantage
my early guess is axis have the advantage
We’ll see. Japan can no longer build majors in Asia
I found it hard to build more than 5 or 6 units on the mainland anyway. Two minor factories may be a bit better. One Near Russia and one on Hong Kong.
Though they can still build a major factory in Korea.
Well, spend that 30 on 4 transports and you’re still moving 8 units in a turn. More than anything, this forces Japan’s logistics out to sea.
Well, spend that 30 on 4 transports and you’re still moving 8 units in a turn. More than anything, this forces Japan’s logistics out to sea.
True, and with the splitting of the US NO across its pacific Islands Japan will hopefully be more preoccupied with a naval strategy anyway.
I hope this move in partiuclar (preventing the US from building in Norway and allowing Japan to chip away at their IPCs will swing this game more toward the centre.
It may have swung it towards the axis
Interesting ideas, yeah I was meaning the newest Alpha, sorry. What is crazy is that I have not even had a chance to play the game at all! I guess that is why I asked to see people’s opinions.
It may have swung it towards the axis
Sooooo….what was the point of changing the rules then?