We are way off topic here but oh well…
This discussion makes me think about why I like KGF in aa50. I think part of it because I’ve played alot of live Allies on TripleA (like Cow) and its fun. In Revised, I didn’t like Allies much, and I played mainly Axis, because there was no good short-game strategy, outside of hard KJF, which rarely works against a strong player. Against a good player, playing Allies was usually a 10-12 rounder and since I normally played on GTO (where there was no save) I never had time for that.
With AA50 I feel the opposite way; I love playing Allies. There is an excellent short-game strategy and its fun as hell to execute. I love advancing that monster Russia mid-game and I love making the D-Day landing and seeing Axis morale plummet. Beating down Germany never seems to get old, though no doubt eventually it will get old.
Don’t get me wrong, the longer competitive global AA50 games are also really fun, but they are for either PBEM or multiple live sessions.
I can understand how especially PBEM players worry about KGF being dominant and how to fix it–I think it partially comes from KGF being so dominant in Revised and how that got boring. But I think KGF doesn’t get its due as a really fun strat to execute, if not quite as fun for the Axis player to defend against.
But I also think the book isn’t totally closed on KJF/global in 41. Yamamoto had a KJF strategy for low luck games that was so good that only elite players could stop him. Yoshi also has a really good one. There’s always the possibility that new bid strategies will open up new KJF tactics. We aren’t anywhere close to the sort of uniformity of strategy that you get with competitive Revised.