Excused me for my English not very good, I hope you will understand.
I wanted to thank you for all your effort
I also made a game for marketed
but not worked, very hard.
She is really beautiful your map very well, I’ll try it soon I’m looking for player I montréal!!
As used from the 12 would be interesting to have another kind of tank!
Should Germany attacked the unity of Hungary Romania Bulgaria to the income collected .???
The list of tour is Germany, Russia, Japan, UK, Anzac, Italy, USA, China, France ???
France Free continuing fighting and CPI will have that??
the special rule as there are no benefits have to play with??
For some advantage I are playing with the map of death head!
Why is the train in Russia??
6b) games europe there has had a rule to train the infantry and artillery in Europe and Russia could be moved 2 box at the movement not fighting! "Went very well!
6c) If I put the trucks with mechanized infantry
0 Attack
defends 0
Move 2
transport 2 units
With what program you made the map??
Vichy Vichy once all the income going to Germany you might have decided to attack the Vichy France??
the site that sells your map is what exactly??
10 Why do not you offer Larry Harris is your game you and death are much better head than his.
Just one thing that I find your fight card is not great with diced 12 could be better. I made me a new card battle What kind can choose our target of 12 with dice
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