• @Andi:

    Is the latest version of the map (the one w/o Harbours and Airfield) available for download somewhere? I’m living in Germany and would like to print the newest version on self-adhesive Vinyl here locally.

    Thank you!

    Hi Andy,

    die Map gibts leider nicht zum download, musst du bestellen, hab sie von historicalboardgame Europe, Sitz in Holland. Ist zwar nicht billig, lohnt sich aber ohne Ende. Wenn du die Möglichkeit hast, sprich einen Tisch der groß genug ist, hol dir die Große Map, sonst wirds eng auf dem europäischen Kriegsschauplatz. Die Große gibts allerding nur direkt aus den USA!

  • Vorsicht, erst klären ob die Karte die in Europa angeboten wird, die neue Revised Karte ist, das sieht mir nämlich nicht danach aus und eine Antwort von HGB Europe steht noch aus!

    Und zur großen Karte, die ist 240 cm x 120 cm also bedenke nicht jeder hat soviel Platz.

  • @Babubaer:

    Vorsicht, erst kl�ren ob die Karte die in Europa angeboten wird, die neue Revised Karte ist, das sieht mir n�mlich nicht danach aus und eine Antwort von HGB Europe steht noch aus!

    Und zur gro�en Karte, die ist 240 cm x 120 cm also bedenke nicht jeder hat soviel Platz.

    Die in Europa angebotene Map ist schon die Revised, nur das Bild ist die 1.Edition, sieht man ja an der Gibraltar See Zone.
    Habe meine schon Ende letzten Jahres erhalten.

  • Really!

  • Lol….I know right!!  C’mon guys!

  • “Die in Europa”

    That sounds like quite the new game you’re working on there Tigerman? :P

  • Sorry, next time in english again! :roll:

  • Thanks, going to order one in Holland :-)

    Haben die die grosse dort auch?

  • @Andi:

    Thanks, going to order one in Holland :-)

    Haben die die grosse dort auch?

    I don`t think so, for the big one you have to order in USA!
    But you need a very large table to play the big map!

  • @Gargantua:

    “Die in Europa”
    That sounds like quite the new game you’re working on there Tigerman? :P

    Sorry Gargantua, this was a misunderstanding  8-)
    There is no new map with this name.

    ok i get an answer from HGB Europe, they have the new map revised, only the picture on the website is the old one! But the big map is only available in the USA.

    @Star of Africa: from where have you all the units and roundels for global 1939, from HGB too?

  • @Babubaer:


    “Die in Europa”
    That sounds like quite the new game you’re working on there Tigerman? :P

    Sorry Gargantua, this was a misunderstanding�  8-)
    There is no new map with this name.

    ok i get an answer from HGB Europe, they have the new map revised, only the picture on the website is the old one! But the big map is only available in the USA.

    @Star of Africa: from where have you all the units and roundels for global 1939, from HGB too?

    Hi Babubaer,

    I have the minor Axis from HGB Europe, an the painted pieces for global war 1939 from USA. The ground pieces I have from my 7 different Axis & Allies Versions.

  • I have the minor Axis from HGB Europe, an the painted pieces for global war 1939 from USA. The ground pieces I have from my 7 different Axis & Allies Versions.

    **@**Star of Africa: 7 different Axis and Allies Versions, you are really lucky one!  :mrgreen:

  • I have been an avid A&A player since 1990 and have not yet posted on this forum.  Being thoroughly unimpressed by the mass marketed A&A versions, I bought the “Death Head” map in 09 with the intent on creating my own version of Global War.  After a year of play testing, I could not make the mechanics or political situation workable.  After nearly 20 years playing A&A, I had given up.  The game was stale.
    Three weeks ago, I stumbled upon the 1939 Global War map.  It was an epiphany.  All the map changes I had made to the DH map were accounted for with a few extra surprises.  After downloading the rules and set ups, I realized that this was exactly the game I was trying to create.  What amazes me the most is the time and dedication the creators of this version devoted to this project. 
    Well done, gentlemen.  The level of complexity, variable dynamics that insure a different outcome in the first five rounds from game to game, weighting historical advantages of the major powers…it’s all too good to be true.

  • Thanks LM. The 39 game started by chance but has grown into a great A&A style game. I may have started the process but I have to give a lot of credit to this forum, coachofmany, variable, an the Tulsa A&A team. I had an idea to make my own epic game but coach had a bigger idea!  He really should get the credit for making this game available to everyone. There are a few other guys on the forum that put in some work also…you know who you are.


  • Hey Lee Marvin,

    The other thing that’s great about Global 1939 is they also listen too feedback and suggestions from us players.

    Perfect example would be the rework of the latest set up charts.

    This is a great game and the people behind it are great also.

  • I noticed mention of new set-up charts.  I looked at the 6.1 set-up charts on boardgamegeek and noticed that only the tech research charts have been updated.  Were the starting unit placement charts supposed to be updated as well?  If yes, I am really hoping that the nerfed Italian fleet in 6.0 gets replaced in 6.1.


  • Sorry guys, in my haste to give you the updated setups i saved it incorrectly. We will get them om BGG asap

  • Here is a link for the updated 6.1 setup charts.  We will have them on Bgg soon, but you can get it here in the mean time.


  • No kidding about listening to feedback…the German cruiser in the South Atlantic is a prime example…I’ll play this weekend and post my first after action report…Two player game, very dedicated and experienced dudes…we’ve play tested the first five rounds 3 times now and have dedicated Fri night through Sunday for a marathon of carnage…our wives have decided to leave town for the weekend so we are golden.

  • @Lee:

    …our wives have decided to leave town for the weekend so we are golden.

    I would love to learn your secret for this… :mrgreen:

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







