Not a new idea, but a post on Larry’s forum re the Italian fleet got me thinking again about this.
Behind the silly factories rules, the lack of something along these lines is my biggest bugbear with the official rules.
My take:
- Before the game starts each player can declare a ship to be “in Port” at any friendly naval base adjacent to its starting SZ. These may perhaps be written down in secret and revealed simultaneously. Or maybe we should assume that all navy is in Port at start.
- The extra movement point for NBs is deleted; this is assumed to be absorbed by ships moving in and out of Port – something which does not count against the standard 2 space movement allowance.
- Damaged ships can only be repaired when in Port.
- Ships in Port can only be attacked by an SBR against the relevant NB. The defender chooses to take damage in hits to ships or damage to the facility itself. TACs may be allowed to target specific ships.
- If a NB is damaged and unrepaired, ships in Port must move out to sea. Or, perhaps, they are not allowed to move out to sea?
- If a land territory containing a NB is captured, then any ships in Port there are also captured.
- Captured ships may be destroyed, or converted to the new owner’s pieces during purchase units at a cost of ¼ (minimum 2) the base IPC value of the unit.
- Non converted ships can be retained in Port for future conversion. They can be taken as hits in SBRs against the NB.
- Liberated non converted ships immediately revert to the original owner’s control.
- When a land territory with a NB is under attack the defender may choose to forego a round of return fire and attempt to scuttle (destroy) any ships in Port (die roll for each ship; successful on 1-2?)
Other considerations:
Should enemy ships in adjacent SZs be allowed to bombard a NB in conjunction with an SBR against it?
Ref: Mers-el-Kebir:ébir
Should enemy ships be allowed to “blockade” ships in Port (i.e. prevent them from moving out to sea by occupying all adjacent SZs), and what must blockaded ships do to escape?
Should planes on carriers in Port be allowed to defend against SBRs and/or land attacks against the relevant NB/territory?
If not, should planes on carriers in Port which are captured be available for conversion?
Should there be a capacity on the number of ships allowed in a NB at any one time?
It will be seen from this that the importance of some NBs is dramatically increased (hence my suggested deletion of the movement bonus); for example a NB in Tobruk would be vital for the Italian navy in shuttling units across the Mediterranean without being sunk by the RAF.
Atlantic crossing could take on a different form, with ships gathering in a mid Atlantic concentration area (i.e SZs 117, 107 & 103), which could become a killing zone for the U-Boats if not protected by carriers. Germany might try for long range aircraft to cover the zone from Normandy…