• I for one am not at all interested in an OOB game, ever.  I would think it wasted effort to concentrate on finishing a battlemap module for OOB, unless there are actually people who will want to play that…  I mean, Larry Harris has virtually admitted that OOB needed a facelift, what with all his work on changing it.  It’s not like he just threw some optional rules out there for an alternative to OOB - he gave it a complete overhaul.

    So please, concentrate on the current, latest rules.  Surely it’s very close to where it will finally end up, so only very minor tweaks will be needed.  I would help, if I can in any way, but I’m not an experienced programmer or graphics artist.

  • Sorry, Gamer  :-), but I’m not going to make any effort in an unstable version like the alpha series. I’ll make a clean, final module for the version that they sold us, and that’s all. When a definitive, final and official version is released, then I’ll wait like 2-3 months to add the FAQ changes and then, and only then, when I’m totally sure that no more changes are expected, I’ll do a new module with all the massive changes

    It’s a matter of principles. Testing must be done before selling a game, not after, unless of course that one releases the game for free, but this is not the case. If we test the game for free, none of the future games will be released complete

  • @Stoney229:

    Glad you’ll be able to finish your work!  I also am hoping to be able to finish my module soon, but I can’t be sure yet if I will be able to.

    I read somewhere that you will be making it according to the OOB rules?  If you make yours for the OOB rules and I make mine for the alpha rules, then people will be able to use both our modules… but if you wanted to make yours for alpha also even if I do, that’s fine to.

    That’s good … having both versions will make all the people happy. However, you risk having to modify the alpha module each moth or so

  • @Stoney229:

    I know you began this as a provisional work, but you have done a great job and a lot of work and I appreciate it very much!  I assume you will be wanting to finish what you started now regardless of whether or not I choose to finish mine, but if that is not the case, you can feel free to pm me any time you want to check what the status is on my progress.

    PS- Func, perhaps you can copy these steps into your first post in place of the paragraph that says to rename the module to F40.gim (b/c that’s no longer accurate)?

    Thanks! I’ll update the first post when I release the clean version

  • 2007 AAR League


    Thanks guys for all your efforts.  Abattlemap is a great program and I can’t imagine trying to play here without it.  Larry and the guys certainly have made your job harder this time out.

    Just about everyone here has abandoned OOB and Alpah1, if you could expedite the Alpha2 version you’d make a lot of people here very happy,  I for one look forward to not having to calculate NO’s just flag the appropriate box!

    Again thanks for all your efforts, through all these variations.

  • OK, the work to finish OOB has started … my first task is being polish the graphics. For me, that’s the hard and tedious part!  :lol: I’ll name the next update 1.03, then I’ll let a time pass to let all of you discover possible fails and then I’ll release a final, 1.1. version with all the possible corrections

    I’m going to make a plain style of graphics for the map. If there is a thing that I hate is unnecesary labels such territory abreviatures mixing with my units and confusing my eyes … keyword here is playability. Since AABattlemap shows you wich territory are you pointing, I think that territory names have to be deleted from the map

    The VCs are another stuff … I could add the star that they had in AA50, add circles for VCs and squares for capitals (like the real map) or simply ignore all the point. I have to decide this

    I’m trying to keep the same color feeling that 1.02 version had. That means that the colors will be as near as the original as I can in Pacific, and exactly the same as in Europe half. However, as Com. Jennifer suggested, I have to rethink the ocean’s color a bit to avoid confusion with France … we can need our eyes in the future  :lol:

    The thing has more nasty issues that seems at first sight … matching both maps in all points (the one from AABattlemap gathers info and the map that we see) is a bit tedious … one more reason to ignore alpha until is solid! And the new NOs would add more ‘fun’ to the thing  :|

    Caspian Sea will be ascended to her new status of normal sz (and will be renamed as z128). Also, I need a solid confirmation about if the canadian territories limit with USA, and how. Finally, I’ll pass the temptation of add a name for all the SZs … because I could be weak and name z66 ‘Magallanes Strait’  8-)

    I could add a convoy raid marker to solve german supersubs and french boats issues

  • The Map

    Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba and Central United States are adjacent to each other.

    Quebec and New Brunswick/Nova Scotia are adjacent to each other.

    Sea zone 106 and Eastern United States are not adjacent to each other.

    Greenland is an island.

    Scotland and Eire are adjacent to each other.

    The Caspian Sea is a sea zone.

    This is a quote of Krieghund on 1/26/11 on Harris’ Design website, for your use, Func.  These include the rulings on the North American borders between US and Canada.

  • Important: seems that USA’s fleet lacks 1 bb at West Coast. I’ll fix this in 1.03, but remember add it when playing OOB 1.02 (note added in first post). The fleet at z10 should have 1 BB, not zero as now

  • I can’t get the A&A Global map to appear in the New drop down window when I launch the Battlemap. I can see the A&A Pacific version, along with all the other versions but the A&A Global map options does not appear. Can someone help? Thanks!

  • PM sent to Commando Bravo

  • Functioneta, my prettier looking maps are just about done.  I just need to do the sector maps and adjust the NO markers for Alpha 2.

  • @pitheist314:

    Functioneta, my prettier looking maps are just about done.  I just need to do the sector maps and adjust the NO markers for Alpha 2.

    Then, talk to Stoney. He is doing the work with alpha series while I’m finishing OOB

  • @Funcioneta:


    Functioneta, my prettier looking maps are just about done.  I just need to do the sector maps and adjust the NO markers for Alpha 2.

    Then, talk to Stoney. He is doing the work with alpha series while I’m finishing OOB

    Unfortunately, my version requires my own custom sektorinfo.map (which I am still working on).  Perhaps you can release your own module?  Otherwise, I can let you know when I have what I need that you can use to color your own map for my module, if you want, but I expect that would mean you’d have to redo some things.  Sorry for the bad news, but I don’t know what else to say other than feel free to release your own Alpha2 module if you want to.

  • This is the polished map. Plain colours as I said. Please, check is something is wrong, because I’m going to use this map as base for the sektor map

    I changed the VCs. They’re not stars anymore. Capitals are shown as red squares and non-capital VCs as shown as red circles. Burma Road is still there, but I deleted al other markers saving convoy and kamikaze symbols. Give me your opinion

    The ocean’s colour … I like the colour they have now (from Revised, nostalgia here). I could change it or change french pieces to a different blue, but I hope that is not needed

  • it looks fine as it comes without any “silky” textures. great job!

  • Looks pretty good - I mean, at least the whole map is finally uniform.

    I like the Italian color of light gray and the Dutch color - seems they’ve been tweaked.

    I don’t like how the edges of the map don’t line up.  I know the real board is the same way, and it’s bad IMO.  North America should line up and should be changed on the Pacific board to look good.  Sea zone lines could just be re-drawn accordingly in the Pacific.  I realize at this point it may not be feasible to change the battlemap, and that there is merit to having the battlemap match the actual gameboard.

  • Flip-flop Italy’s and Austrlia’s colors- more like the actual game- everything else is good. :-)

  • @gamerman01:

    I don’t like how the edges of the map don’t line up.  I know the real board is the same way, and it’s bad IMO.  North America should line up and should be changed on the Pacific board to look good.  Sea zone lines could just be re-drawn accordingly in the Pacific.  I realize at this point it may not be feasible to change the battlemap, and that there is merit to having the battlemap match the actual gameboard.

    It’s possible make the change, and not specially difficult. My fear is that I could end giving western America a ugly coast (my artistic skills are very worst than my mathematic skills). I’ll make a try, and if it goes well, I’ll line America. Anyway note that I expanded West Mexico’s coast to cover all z10 (as it should)

    I’m not totally sure if Ontario and Central USA are connected

  • @questioneer:

    Flip-flop Italy’s and Austrlia’s colors- more like the actual game- everything else is good. :-)

    I’ll keep ANZAC and italian colors as now. Brown italians in real game usually confuse with the soviet units (one time in AA50 I was about to plan an attack with Germany against my italian buddies), and potentially the same could happen with UK units in AABattlemap. Also, this shade of grey was used in Pact of Steel (a mod for Revised) and AA50.

    However, the good news are that, since this map has flat colours, anyone can edit them really easy without altering the compatibility. Just use paint and enjoy, say, pink Frenchmen  :wink:

  • Oh that’s a great idea- thanks. :-)

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