• By the way, the E40 rulebook is much better than the P40 one.  I can definitely see improvements from P40.  Hopefully by a 2nd print of both these games, they can perfect everything.  In both games, the Errata and such have really been minor.  Nice products! :-)

  • Is North italy supposed to touch Paris?

  • Official Q&A


  • Do zones 118 or 108 border Eire?
    Does Z106 border Newfoundland?
    Does Scotland touch Eire?
    Why can’t Germany use the Kiel Canal to move in/out of the Baltic when Denmark is captured?

  • Some additional questions:

    • Is it possible in the non-combat fase to convert a friendly neutral territory with only an AA-gun? I think so because it’s a land unit.

    • Is it possible to cross the panama-canal with land units?  I think so because the canal lies within the territory just like the canal in Turkey. The rules don’t mention it although.

    • Is it possible to cross the Danmark straight with a sub when Danmark is occupied with enemy units? I don’t think so because the rules only mention the gibraltar exception for sub crossing.

  • @smutminer:

    Some additional questions:

    • Is it possible in the non-combat fase to convert a friendly neutral territory with only an AA-gun? I think so because it’s a land unit.

    • Is it possible to cross the panama-canal with land units?  I think so because the canal lies within the territory just like the canal in Turkey. The rules don’t mention it although.

    • Is it possible to cross the Danmark straight with a sub when Danmark is occupied with enemy units? I don’t think so because the rules only mention the gibraltar exception for sub crossing.

    Welcome to the boards!

    1. Pretty sure that’s not what they meant (has to be infantry, artillery, mech, or tank), but Krieg will confirm.

    2. It’s in the rules.  It’s like Turkey - Panama is just one whole territory.

    3. Gibraltar is the only exception, yes, so no subs through Denmark strait.

  • Krieghund,

    In Global, do you still remove a Japanese built industrial complex when liberating a Chinese territory or just knock it down to 3 if it is a 10?

    UK NO’s: Doe these only go to London? If it is occupied can the no u-boat one be collected by India?


  • Official Q&A


    Do zones 118 or 108 border Eire?



    Does Z106 border Newfoundland?



    Does Scotland touch Eire?



    Why can’t Germany use the Kiel Canal to move in/out of the Baltic when Denmark is captured?

    Why add more complication?

  • Official Q&A


    In Global, do you still remove a Japanese built industrial complex when liberating a Chinese territory or just knock it down to 3 if it is a 10?

    It is eliminated.


    UK NO’s: Doe these only go to London? If it is occupied can the no u-boat one be collected by India?

    They only to London.

  • Just in time for my turn! Thanks!

  • Official Q&A


  • On retrospect,i think ireland should be pro allied, in reality we were strict nutral,but we passed a lot of info to the allies,and as a result dalky(my town) was bombed by the germans in 1941,i think that scotland and ulster being attached will help the germans in sealion,cos britain will have to split their force to defend it,as for armys,i think ireland had a small professional army,with commanders that had combat experience from the war of independence and the civil war, some 20 years before.Any way i think all nutrals should have at least 1 infantry,because all nations had some king of deffence in ww2,and they will in my house rules,LOL

  • Alright, back to rules questions.

    Krieg, I noticed this afternoon on page 22 under Phase 5: Mobilize New Units:

    “The number of units that can be produced by each IC each turn is limited to 10 for major ICs and 3 for minor ones.  (If you are upgrading a minor IC to a major one, you may mobilize up to 3 other units from that IC this turn)”

    Whaaaa???  Does this mean you can place 6 units there that turn?  If so, why don’t the rules just say so?


  • ,i think ireland should be pro allied

    Ireland is pro-allied

  • i know ireland is pro allied

  • @gamerman01:



    • Is it possible in the non-combat fase to convert a friendly neutral territory with only an AA-gun? I think so because it’s a land unit.

    Welcome to the boards!

    1. Pretty sure that’s not what they meant (has to be infantry, artillery, mech, or tank), but Krieg will confirm.

    Krieghund, can you confirm or repudiate please?

    It means you can upgrade your IC and still build three units there. I read it somewhere from Krieghund when Pacific came out.

    Edit: quoted the wrong post, this answers your question before this one…. ;-)

  • Krieghund,

    Rulebook says Russia gets the 5 IPC NO for being at war, having Z125 clear of convoy raids, and Arcangel.

    Please define “at war”.  Does this include a turn 1 DOW on Japan, or even on just any neutral?  They don’t have to be at war with Germany or Italy to get this NO?  Sheesh, and I thought Russia was a beast without this NO for a few rounds…

    <mutters to=“” self=“”>Don’t see how the Axis can win this game…  <mutters to=“” self=“”>  gotta play it a few times first, gotta play it a few times first…</mutters></mutters>

  • So… This is my first post on the forum but i have been following it for a long time… ( it was here i learned about the 1940 games )

    I was wondering about the research issue. I liked the research tokens from anniversary edition. But i must say that in the global game there seems to be a lot more ipc´s at hand and im worried that if tokens is used then the techs will be to easy to get… I mean US and Germany will probably have no problems buying a token or 2 each turn where i dont think japan and britain will… Will it knock the game askew… ?

    Have anyone tried using the reasearch tokens ?

  • @gamerman01:

    Don’t worry, dudes.  There are no researcher tokens in the 1940 game.

    Yet they have an ipc tracker in the rulebook. Why? It’s only useful for 1 round

  • Scan or photocopy the IPC chart for multiple uses.

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