For Mec Inf to blitz they have to be matched up with an armor. Is that a one to one deal or can 2 mec inf blitz along with a single arm.
The rules mention pairing but its not crystal clear to me so I just want to check.
I think your gut instinct is correct. One on one pairing.
See page 26, AAEurope1940 rulebook, top of page, left column, second sentence. “A paired tank and mechanized infantry unit that encounters enemy units in the first territory it enters must stop there, even if the unit is an antiaircraft gun, industrial complex, air base, or naval base.” - This is a clear reference to Pairing…although this sentence does not fit your question, it is a clear that pairing applies to Mechanized that wish to blitz as this is found under the “Blitz” section that begins on the bottom right part of page 25.
Edit: See page 14, same rulebook, section “Tanks, Mechanized Infantry, and Blitzing”, second sentence:" In addition, one mechanized infantry unit can move along with each blitzing tank."