• @Young:

    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

  • Sponsor



    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

    Thanks, you answered my next question with that as well.

  • '12



    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

    Also, I was under the impression you don’t split bombing/escorting forces until after interception.  So in the above example the Germans are attacking with 2 SBR and 1 TAC, escorted by 3 FTR.  Only after the battle with the 3 defending fighters, does Germnay declare which unit is bombing what.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator




    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

    Also, I was under the impression you don’t split bombing/escorting forces until after interception.  So in the above example the Germans are attacking with 2 SBR and 1 TAC, escorted by 3 FTR.  Only after the battle with the 3 defending fighters, does Germnay declare which unit is bombing what.

    No, you have to declare what you are bombing when you send the bombers - to justify why they are there primarily.  However, you can take any unit you want as a loss if they scramble interceptors (hence why you bring the tacticals.)

  • @Cmdr:

    No, you have to declare what you are bombing when you send the bombers - to justify why they are there primarily.  However, you can take any unit you want as a loss if they scramble interceptors (hence why you bring the tacticals.)

    Based on my reading of the most recent rules, you’re incorrect.  You’re not required to declare what your target is until the split.  Since you cannot send either type of bomber unless it has a valid target, it’s unnecessary to justify what target it would go to:  If a defending territory only has a major factory, then tacs wouldn’t be allowed to go no matter what.  If the defending territory has a naval base and an airbase, any tacs sent will obviously only be targeting those.  And since the game seems to be designed so that there are a few chances for tactical misdirection, I doubt it’s written such that you need to show all your cards from the start.

    From HGD Alpha thread:
    1. Air Battle.

    2. Bombing Run
    Bombers are assigned to targets.
    Strategic bombers can be assigned to any target (IC’s, naval bases. airbase).
    Tactical bombers can be assigned only to naval bases and airbases.

    3. Bombs Away

    4. Damage Report

    There is no mention of preemptive declaration, and since choosing targets is specifically mentioned as step 2, it would be redundant to have it prior to step 1.

  • @moralecheck:



    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

    Also, I was under the impression you don’t split bombing/escorting forces until after interception.  So in the above example the Germans are attacking with 2 SBR and 1 TAC, escorted by 3 FTR.  Only after the battle with the 3 defending fighters, does Germnay declare which unit is bombing what.

    My reading of his question was not whether you can split the run to multiple targets in the same territory (you can, and it is after interception as you say).  Rather I was answering some rule confusion that made his proposition false:

    1.  You don’t “scramble” interceptors.
      “Scrambling” is a defensive move to a seazone during the combat move phase and requires an airbase.
      “Interception” is a defensive response in the territory being bombed and does not require an airbase.  It requires fighters to be in that territory being bombed.

    2. Splitting strategic bombing runs is fine, but there is no “order” you can use that would shut down one thing to affect another strategic bombing run in that same round -
      You cannot bomb an airbase to prevent “interceptors” from being “scrambled” against a bombing run on a factory (see item 1 as to why this is false).

    And, because I figured I knew where he was trying to go with this line of rule interpretation and wanted to pre-empt him, you cannot bomb an airbase to prevent “scrambling” in a seazone adjacent where a naval battle or amphibious assault will be.  The “scrambled” fighters are placed in the seazone during the combat move phase, before the bombers arrive to roll hits on the airbase in the combat phase.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Scrambling, in my mind, is what the Black Sheep Squadron did when the air raid siren went off.  It’s not a “game” move…

  • '12





    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

    Also, I was under the impression you don’t split bombing/escorting forces until after interception.  So in the above example the Germans are attacking with 2 SBR and 1 TAC, escorted by 3 FTR.  Only after the battle with the 3 defending fighters, does Germnay declare which unit is bombing what.

    My reading of his question was not whether you can split the run to multiple targets in the same territory (you can, and it is after interception as you say).  Rather I was answering some rule confusion that made his proposition false:

    1.  You don’t “scramble” interceptors.
      “Scrambling” is a defensive move to a seazone during the combat move phase and requires an airbase.
      “Interception” is a defensive response in the territory being bombed and does not require an airbase.  It requires fighters to be in that territory being bombed.

    2. Splitting strategic bombing runs is fine, but there is no “order” you can use that would shut down one thing to affect another strategic bombing run in that same round -
      You cannot bomb an airbase to prevent “interceptors” from being “scrambled” against a bombing run on a factory (see item 1 as to why this is false).

    And, because I figured I knew where he was trying to go with this line of rule interpretation and wanted to pre-empt him, you cannot bomb an airbase to prevent “scrambling” in a seazone adjacent where a naval battle or amphibious assault will be.  The “scrambled” fighters are placed in the seazone during the combat move phase, before the bombers arrive to roll hits on the airbase in the combat phase.

    My concern was that by splitting your bombers and escorts before the interception and trying to make them seperate battles, you are implying that your opponent has to split their interceptors between them, which is incorrect.  It’s fine to have it all planned out ahead as long as all the interception rolls are done together as one battle.

  • '11

    Please help with a rule-China retook Yunan on turn two and I put my buy and landed the Flying Tigers back in Yunan-my opponent believes this is illegal as Yunan was just recaptured.

  • @fighter:

    Please help with a rule-China retook Yunan on turn two and I put my buy and landed the Flying Tigers back in Yunan-my opponent believes this is illegal as Yunan was just recaptured.

    Your opponent is correct.  You cannot land a fighter on a territory that you did not control at the beginning of your (China’s) turn.  You CAN put your new infantry on the newly captured territory (only China can do this), but still can’t put an existing fighter on a newly conquered (liberated) territory.

  • '10

    OK, I think I know the answer to this one, but want to make sure….

    Are the islands in the PAC all ineligible for minor ICs in the Alpha 2?

    And everyone knows Australia is not an island, it’s a continent.

  • @DutchmanD:

    OK, I think I know the answer to this one, but want to make sure….

    Are the islands in the PAC all ineligible for minor ICs in the Alpha 2?

    And everyone knows Australia is not an island, it’s a continent.

    Yes, all islands are ineligible for ICs in Alpha 2; and Australia does not fulfill the definition of an island geographically or by the game rules.

  • Sponsor

    During the combat movement phase of G1, Germany attacks SZ #109 with, 1 u-boat, 1 fighter, 2 tactical bombers, and 1 strategic bomber, the allies scramble 3 fighters from London into the battle. During the resolve combat phase Germany hits with the u- boat, and 1 strategic bomber for a total of 2 hits (the hit from the sub must be applied to the destroyer, and the allies also choose to move a French fighter behind the casualty line).

    For defense rolls, the UK misses with the destroyer but hits twice with fighters, now can Germany use the sub as a casualty even though the destroyer missed (I think so as long as there is a destroyer, subs can be used as casualties from hits by air units). In the next round, the sub will have nothing to hit because they can’t attack air units, and even though the air battle is still in progress, the sub can’t be hit by air units if their destroyer is off the board, is all this correct?

  • All correct, grasshopper
    Yes, the sub can be taken in round one from an air hit, because a destroyer was present.
    Yes, once the destroyer is out of the battle, the sub will also be out of the battle because there are no enemy ships.

  • If USA does an ambhibious assault can British ships in same sea zone take a part in shore bombardment?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    If USA does an ambhibious assault can British ships in same sea zone take a part in shore bombardment?


  • @valtteri771:

    If USA does an ambhibious assault can British ships in same sea zone take a part in shore bombardment?

    Btw, no Ally can ever assist in any kind of attack (with units rolling dice) under any circumstances.  The closest an ally can get to helping during “your” turn, is carriers for landing planes on, or transports for loading/unloading your units.

    Allies defend together, but attack separately!

  • Two rules queries please relating to AAG40 Alpha 3.

    1. If the Allied player makes an amphibious attack on a Japanese island with a Kamikaze symbol with a single unescorted transport, can the Japanese player use his Kamikaze planes against this transport? Logically one would think so as it happened historically, yet in the rulebook it does specify that transport or subs cannot be targeted by Kamikaze attacks. It wasn’t clear if this has changed in the Alpha rules. My mate is annoyed that I took two islands in one turn in this manner.
    2.  I understand that when a capital is taken all the remaining money goes to the victor for example when Germany takes Paris, the German player receives the unspent French money ($17 in round 1). Where I am not clear is what happens when the US/UK liberate Paris to be recaptured by Germany in the following turn (or down the track for that matter). I understand that 4 French Infantry units are placed in Paris and that all the French territories under Allies control revert back to French territories (bumping up their IPC). The French player will not be able to make any purchases as they have no money, but will collect the appropriate income at the end of the turn. If the Germans then recapture Paris, is it déjà vu, i.e. does Germany take the French money again and furthermore do all the hard earned Allied captures territory revert back to French territories denying the Allies player the IPC? If this is the case then there really is not advantage to taking Paris unless you know you can hang onto it. As the Germans I would bait the UK/US in taking in.

  • @bblitz:

    Two rules queries please relating to AAG40 Alpha 3.

    1. If the Allied player makes an amphibious attack on a Japanese island with a Kamikaze symbol with a single unescorted transport, can the Japanese player use his Kamikaze planes against this transport? Logically one would think so as it happened historically, yet in the rulebook it does specify that transport or subs cannot be targeted by Kamikaze attacks. It wasn’t clear if this has changed in the Alpha rules. My mate is annoyed that I took two islands in one turn in this manner.

    Kamikazes can only target surface warships.  Anything but subs and transports.  This has not been changed through Alpha2 (I have not yet read Alpha3)

    2.  I understand that when a capital is taken all the remaining money goes to the victor for example when Germany takes Paris, the German player receives the unspent French money ($17 in round 1). Where I am not clear is what happens when the US/UK liberate Paris to be recaptured by Germany in the following turn (or down the track for that matter). I understand that 4 French Infantry units are placed in Paris and that all the French territories under Allies control revert back to French territories (bumping up their IPC). The French player will not be able to make any purchases as they have no money, but will collect the appropriate income at the end of the turn. If the Germans then recapture Paris, is it déjà vu, i.e. does Germany take the French money again and furthermore do all the hard earned Allied captures territory revert back to French territories denying the Allies player the IPC?

    Yes.  You have it all right.

    If this is the case then there really is not advantage to taking Paris unless you know you can hang onto it. As the Germans I would bait the UK/US in taking in.

    That’s right.  This has always been the case for ALL capitals in A&A, since the days of Classic!  You are only collecting money for your enemies if you can’t hold the capital!

  • @Young:

    During the combat movement phase of G1, Germany attacks SZ #109 with, 1 u-boat, 1 fighter, 2 tactical bombers, and 1 strategic bomber, the allies scramble 3 fighters from London into the battle. During the resolve combat phase Germany hits with the u- boat, and 1 strategic bomber for a total of 2 hits (the hit from the sub must be applied to the destroyer, and the allies also choose to move a French fighter behind the casualty line).

    For defense rolls, the UK misses with the destroyer but hits twice with fighters, now can Germany use the sub as a casualty even though the destroyer missed (I think so as long as there is a destroyer, subs can be used as casualties from hits by air units). In the next round, the sub will have nothing to hit because they can’t attack air units, and even though the air battle is still in progress, the sub can’t be hit by air units if their destroyer is off the board, is all this correct?

    Actually, if you instead choose 2 air units as casualties on round 1, you can keep the sub in the battle and roll at the transport until it dies (it is not an autokill since a battle still rages)….this means losing more air units for Germany, but if you are going Sea Lion, trading air may not be a bad thing. Essentially, if you are OK losing your air units, you can get the transport even if the defender has air units scrambled so long as they removed the destroyer on round 1.

    The point to rolling is that if you score a hit on round 2 with the sub and you have surviving air, you can retreat at the end of the round, thus giving you the transport sunk if that is your mission. Otherwise, you would fight until the Germans have no air units left, then to save time, remove the UK transport as any UK air will not save it from the subs eventual hit.

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