Then, by extension, you are permitted to fly over a true neutral, it just joins the enemy if you do so. (And all of it’s buddies are pissed at you too.) ?
Oooo - good question. I should probably stop answering G40 questions esp since I haven’t been playing it, but I can’t resist. I’m quite sure you can’t fly over any neutrals while they are neutral, period.
The only “no-no” flyover you can do, is UK/ANZAC can fly over Chinese territory when UK/ANZ is still neutral towards Japan, which is considered an act of war by Japan (allows Japan to DOW on UK/ANZ without giving the US a chance to DOW on Japan)….
You MAY fly over a true neutral, you just turn all true neutrals against you, then…but the pilots could fly over Turkey if they really wanted too without literally attacking Turkey, right?