• '12


    “Income” is IPCs that are collected during the Collect Income phase.  Any IPCs normally collected during that phase are not collected while your capital is held by the enemy.  IPCs collected at other times, such as plunder from a capured enemy capital, are not income and are collected whether or not your capital is enemy-held.

    Thanks KH and SAS.  That’s how I’ve always played, but I had I rules lawyer situation  as P.23 of AAE refers to it as “bonus IPCs” in the first paragraph, as opposed to “income”.  Though now I see “bonus income” inbold at the top of the page.

  • '10

    HELP: sea movement, straights.

    I can’t find my rule book and the Europe one is no where on the net… although the Pacific one is everywhere.

    What are the rules for movement through:
    1. Danish straight
    2. Gibralter straight
    3. Black Sea striaght
    4. Suez

    I think I know the answers, but need to make sure.

  • @DutchmanD:

    HELP: sea movement, straights.

    I can’t find my rule book and the Europe one is no where on the net… although the Pacific one is everywhere.

    What are the rules for movement through:
    1. Danish straight

    Friendly Control of Denmark is req’d for any naval unit to pass (or permission, if neutral in Russia’s case)


    2. Gibralter straight

    Surface ships allied to the whoever controls Gibralter can pass freely (or permission, somehow if still neutral in Russia’s case).  Submarines of any power can always pass through regardless of control.


    3. Black Sea striaght

    The only way through is to control Turkey


    4. Suez

    Friendly control of BOTH Eqypt and Transjordan

  • '10

    Thx man, that’s what I thought.

    Wanted to make sure no friendly control of Morocco was required in addition to Gibralter and was unsure on Turkey.

  • '10

    Upgrading Industrial Complexes:

    If I start with a turn with a minor, upgrade to a major, can I place 10 units out of it that turn or can only produce 3 units that turn?

  • @DutchmanD:

    Upgrading Industrial Complexes:

    If I start with a turn with a minor, upgrade to a major, can I place 10 units out of it that turn or can only produce 3 units that turn?

  • Page 22 phase 5 Mobilize new units of the Europe book 1940

  • i think i remember seeing this somewhere on here, but im not certain…. i thought i saw that you could ncm things to the dutch indies with anzac. while they are dutch. if this is true, could you take something then ncm planes to it??? ty in advance :)

  • nvr mind. i found it. for once the search function was actually helpful :-o :-o :-o



    Can ANZAC (or UK) land fighters on unoccupied Dutch territories during non-combat move?
    Does this count as taking possession of territories?

    _The United Kingdom and ANZAC

    … As a result, they are free to move units into these territories as a noncombat movement at any time, as long as they have not yet been captured by Japan. They may actually take control of them (gaining their IPC income) by moving land units into them._

    The answers to your questions are

  • Alpha+3 Questions:

    1. Did the “self-defense antiaircraft ability” of the airbase, naval base and factory have 1 shoot per enemy plane with ‘1’, or did they have an maximum of 3 shoots in case they were attacked from more than 3 planes (like the AA Guns)?

    2. Can Chinese Units move in Non-Combat-Movement in Kwangtung and Burma, or can they only attack enemy units there? (Page 9, Pacific Rule Book: “While they are not Chinese territories and cannot be controlled by China, Chinese forces can attack Axis units there and occupy them, (…)”

    3. Has anybody see the difference:

    Alpha+2: “Collect 5 IPCs per turn for EACH of the following territories, Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow) controlled by the Axis.”
    Alpha+3: “5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow).”

    So, in Alpha+3, if Japan or Italy controls Stalingrad and/or Leningrad and/or Moscow, the Germans don’t get the NO’s?!

  • @Skippi:

    Alpha+3 Questions:

    1. Did the “self-defense antiaircraft ability” of the airbase, naval base and factory have 1 shoot per enemy plane with ‘1’, or did they have an maximum of 3 shoots in case they were attacked from more than 3 planes (like the AA Guns)?

    Great question.  I re-read the rules on AA guns and on SBR in the Alpha 3 rules and it looks like the base AA guns still shoot unlimited at bombers (not subject to limit of 3).  However, you should wait for Krieghund’s reply on this one.

    2. Can Chinese Units move in Non-Combat-Movement in Kwangtung and Burma, or can they only attack enemy units there? (Page 9, Pacific Rule Book: “While they are not Chinese territories and cannot be controlled by China, Chinese forces can attack Axis units there and occupy them, (…)”

    Yes, Chinese units may always freely move into Kwangtung or Burma, including during non-combat.

    3. Has anybody see the difference:

    Alpha+2: “Collect 5 IPCs per turn for EACH of the following territories, Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow) controlled by the Axis.”
    Alpha+3: “5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow).”

    So, in Alpha+3, if Japan or Italy controls Stalingrad and/or Leningrad and/or Moscow, the Germans don’t get the NO’s?!

    Good eye.  Wait for Krieghund on this one too.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The way I read it is that the power in question has to control the territories to get the NO, it is not communal unless it specifically states it is communal.

    For instance:

    5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow). Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.

    Alpha 3


    Collect 5 IPC’s per turn for each of the following territories controled by the Axis: Novgorod, Volgograd, Russia.

    Alpha 2

    So I believe the rule was changed.  Not sure if deliberately or if it actually was changed, but the reading implies it.

    Be glad to know about the facilities and their AA Guns as well, Krieg.

  • Official Q&A

    1. Facilities still have unlimited AA shots.

    3. This is an error, and it will be corrected.  Germany gets the IPCs if any Axis power controls the territories.  This is also true of Germany’s Caucasus NO and Japan’s “at war” NOs.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Good.  So they could do a three pronged attack on Moscow and if Japan or Italy are the winners, Germany still gets the objective.  Nice…glad that was an error!

  • Just finished a game in which there was some dispute over what an “operational” facility meant in original Global rules. Situation was UK builds a naval base on their turn in British Columbia which the US uses immediately on their turn to move to Japan and destroy about 50% of the Japanese fleet. Newly built factories are unable to produce units on the turn they are built, they only become operational at the beginning of the building player’s next turn. Would think the same logic would apply to a naval base or air base. Searched the rules and forums and couldn’t find any answers. Thanks for the help.

  • @FiveAces:

    Just finished a game in which there was some dispute over what an “operational” facility meant in original Global rules. Situation was UK builds a naval base on their turn in British Columbia which the US uses immediately on their turn to move to Japan and destroy about 50% of the Japanese fleet. Newly built factories are unable to produce units on the turn they are built, they only become operational at the beginning of the building player’s next turn. Would think the same logic would apply to a naval base or air base. Searched the rules and forums and couldn’t find any answers. Thanks for the help.

    I was under the impression that they became operational after that turn - they just can’t be used the turn they’re built (but can be used by other powers on their turns because it’s after the initial nonoperational turn).

  • If Japan invades Amur from Manchuria activating Mongolia, can I immediately attack into Mongolian territories that are now Russian in the same combat movement phase?

  • @shadowguidex:

    If Japan invades Amur from Manchuria activating Mongolia, can I immediately attack into Mongolian territories that are now Russian in the same combat movement phase?

    You mean, without turning all of the true neutrals in the world against you.  Great question!  You’ll need a Krieghund answer because it was not clearly specified in Alpha 3 rules (which is why you thought of the question!).

    I predict that the answer is yes, because the wording says the Mongolian territories IMMEDIATELY turn to Soviet and Soviet control markers are placed on the territory.  So you would not be guilty of invading a true neutral, even if you attacked Mongolia in the same combat movement phase as attacking Amur.  But this is only an “educated” guess.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I believe Krieg already answered this in the FAQ thread.  Perhaps it was on Larry’s site (http://www.harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=6149) but the answer is no.  If you attack Mongolia the same round as attacking Amur, then all neutrals of the world (except those pro-Axis) turn against you.  So you cannot, for instance, attack Amur, Olgiy, Dzavhan, Ulaanbaatar and Buyant-Uhaa simultaniously to kill off all the Russian and soon to be Russian units.  You would have to wait for Japan’s next round.

    My question is, if you take Amur by sea with absolutely NO UNITS from Korea or Manchuria.  On your next game turn, can you reinforce from Korea/Manchuria without making Mongolia go red?  Since it is not being attacked from Manchuria and Korea, I would think you can, but it could still be seen as “flanking” Mongolia so maybe you cannot.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Page 41 on Larry’s site states that the Non-Aggression rule is going to be changed too:

    Soviet/Japanese Non Aggression Pact:
    If the Japanese attack any Soviet territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory, all Mongolian territories (Olgiy, Dzavhan, Tsagaan-Olom, Central Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, and Buyant-Uhaa) are placed under the control of the Soviet Union at the end of the Japanese Combat Move phase, in the same manner as though the Soviet Union had moved land units into a friendly neutral territory. These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception. If the Soviet Union attacks any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union.

    Keep it in mind!  Adjust your tactics if you need too.

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