• @Cmdr:

    Can the Chinese fighter land in Burma without instigating a free declaration by Japan on England? (Free as in the Americans cannot declare war early.)

    This is round 1.

    Yes. At any time Tigers (China’s Figter) can land in Burma (or Kwantung for that matter) without causing a Casus Belli. i.e. it’s not an act of war… and, futhermore, Japan has to declare war to UK in order to attack that China’s Plane.

    I do, in some situation, escape Tigers that way…

  • I agree.  Moving Chinese units into UK territory (Burma or Kwangtung) is not an act of war against Japan by the UK, because the rules do not state that it is.

    1)  The rules are that if UK/ANZAC declares war on Japan, then Japan can declare war on UK/ANZAC without bringing the US into the war.
    2)  The other condition is if UK/ANZAC uses Chinese territory, which is considered an act of war.

    The rules never state that Chinese taking refuge in Burma or Kwangtung is an act of war, therefore it is not (unless Krieghund surprises us all)

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    on the same line then… if Japan has declared war on RUSSIA, But Russia is not yet at war with European powers…

    Can Russia move forces through PERSIA to west India if the path is controlled by the UK, and said units are on the way to the Pacific?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    on the same line then… if Japan has declared war on RUSSIA, But Russia is not yet at war with European powers…

    Can Russia move forces through PERSIA to west India if the path is controlled by the UK, and said units are on the way to the Pacific?

    No, because Russia is under the restrictions on each map side…it’s a special country.

  • @Gargantua:

    on the same line then… if Japan has declared war on RUSSIA, But Russia is not yet at war with European powers…

    Can Russia move forces through PERSIA to west India if the path is controlled by the UK, and said units are on the way to the Pacific?

    No because Persia is on the European boards.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    A german transport unloads G1 into Finland with 2 infantry.  That’s Sz113.

    On G2,  German ATTACKS Russia.

    May said transport, then travel THROUGH A BATTLESHIP in Sz114 and proceed to amphibiously assault Norway from Sz115???

    Krieg has said in the past that the German transport may ignore the Russian fleet on the round war was declared…if that’s what you were thinking.

    That is the biggest load of HOG WASH I have heard in my entire life.

    That would then mean, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to block an attack on Leningrad with your said battleship.

    This condition also DOES NOT show up as any kind of special rule, anywhere at anytime.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Also, can I have a few people LOOK at what happend in the last turn?

    Commander Jen attacked with 9 infantry, 2 of which couldn’t make it.

    Of course, my guys do well on defence, and I tell her she has to remove the excess dice for the infantry that “Didn’t Exist”.

    Now AFTER dice are rolled, she’s trying to tell me, that she should be able to shuffle her aircraft, because her poorly designed attack failed?  Krieghund, can I get a ruling here???  If her dice had been HITS, and the combat over, she wouldn’t be asking to move the aircraft.

  • @Gargantua:

    A german transport unloads G1 into Finland with 2 infantry.  That’s Sz113.

    On G2,  German ATTACKS Russia.
    May said transport, then travel THROUGH A BATTLESHIP in Sz114 and proceed to amphibiously assault Norway from Sz115???

    Krieg has said in the past that the German transport may ignore the Russian fleet on the round war was declared…if that’s what you were thinking.

    Not sure I understand when you say travel thru z114 and attack Norway from z115. Norway don’t border z115… and German can’t attack Russia in Norway… it’s German’s already.

    But if I understand right your situation :
    G1 : z113 > z115 : Transport with 2 Inf, unload in Finland (that must be done in Non combat move BTW)
    R1 : z115 > z114 : BB… you didn’t mention it, but I guess Russia moved it to z114
    G2 : Transport in z115 move to load more troops and attack… perhpas Novgorod?

    In any case here’s the rule : On the turn Nation A declares on Nation B, During combat move of Nation A they may load troops from any land bordering sea zone where the tranposrt starts at, even if there’s ennemy (to be) waships in that sea zone (where the transport starts). That’s it.

    Any movement thru or at a sea zone will cause battle if ennemy surface warship is present (including not moving to unload).

  • '17 '16 '13 '12



    Also, can I have a few people LOOK at what happend in the last turn?

    Commander Jen attacked with 9 infantry, 2 of which couldn’t make it.

    Of course, my guys do well on defence, and I tell her she has to remove the excess dice for the infantry that “Didn’t Exist”.

    Now AFTER dice are rolled, she’s trying to tell me, that she should be able to shuffle her aircraft, because her poorly designed attack failed?  Krieghund, can I get a ruling here???  If her dice had been HITS, and the combat over, she wouldn’t be asking to move the aircraft.

    Are you seriously surprised?

  • '10



    A german transport unloads G1 into Finland with 2 infantry.  That’s Sz113.

    On G2,  German ATTACKS Russia.
    May said transport, then travel THROUGH A BATTLESHIP in Sz114 and proceed to amphibiously assault Norway from Sz115???

    Krieg has said in the past that the German transport may ignore the Russian fleet on the round war was declared…if that’s what you were thinking.

    Not sure I understand when you say travel thru z114 and attack Norway from z115. Norway don’t border z115… and German can’t attack Russia in Norway… it’s German’s already.

    But if I understand right your situation :
    G1 : z113 > z115 : Transport with 2 Inf, unload in Finland (that must be done in Non combat move BTW)
    R1 : z115 > z114 : BB… you didn’t mention it, but I guess Russia moved it to z114
    G2 : Transport in z115 move to load more troops and attack… perhpas Novgorod?

    In any case here’s the rule : On the turn Nation A declares on Nation B, During combat move of Nation A they may load troops from any land bordering sea zone where the tranposrt starts at, even if there’s ennemy (to be) waships in that sea zone (where the transport starts). That’s it.

    Any movement thru or at a sea zone will cause battle if ennemy surface warship is present (including not moving to unload).

    He messed the sz location.

    At the start of the turn, there is a German tr in sz115. A russian BB in sz 114.
    Now Germany DOW Russia.

    Question is:
    Can the German tr in sz115 pass thru the russian BB in sz 114 to go and pick up 2inf in Den for battle in Norway ?

  • Question is:
    Can the German tr in sz115 pass thru the russian BB in sz 114 to go and pick up 2inf in Den for battle in Norway ?


    In fact I think (not sure for the following) that transport is doomed, but Official answer need. Here’s the (other) question in clear :
    A lonely German transport start in a sz with a neutral russian submarine (z115)
    A Russian BB is in sz114
    Germany declares on Russia.

    I think the German is sunk if it stands in z115. There’s no German DD in reach. The ONLY way to “save” that transport is to move to z114 along other units to sink Russian BB… and, actually, even that is not allowed, since it’s not a legal “combat move” for that transport.

    So, what I think is that transport just can’t move, must hold and wait for his faith as the Russian sub will retaliate for the declaration of war from Germany… in German’s combat phase! (i.e. German turn)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Also, can I have a few people LOOK at what happend in the last turn?

    Commander Jen attacked with 9 infantry, 2 of which couldn’t make it.

    Of course, my guys do well on defence, and I tell her she has to remove the excess dice for the infantry that “Didn’t Exist”.

    Now AFTER dice are rolled, she’s trying to tell me, that she should be able to shuffle her aircraft, because her poorly designed attack failed?  Krieghund, can I get a ruling here???  If her dice had been HITS, and the combat over, she wouldn’t be asking to move the aircraft.

    Wait, I didnt say I SHOULD be able to shuffle aircraft.  I said I WANT too.  There’s a huge difference there.

    And stop rolling dice for my attacking units!  Dang it all to heck for 5 minutes.  That’s just RUDE!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I know there was some special rule about the Russian navy in the baltic not doing squat about the German transport the round Germany declared war.  And the rational was that it was neutral during the combat move phase.

    Unless Larry and Krieghund later changed their mind on that and failed to tell me. (Happens a lot.  They don’t seem to realize I am the Goddess of Splendiferousness!  They need to notify me!  No, Yes they do dang it!  I am that important!)

    ~ Hey, if I am going to be accused of having an over developed sense of self, I’ll bloody well develop one!

  • Official Q&A

    OK.  I’m not sure what the actual game situation really is here, so I’ll just address the rules question.  The rule is that transports may load in a hostile sea zone only if they started the turn in the sea zone and it just became hostile as a result of a declaration of war in that turn.  Beyond that, all normal rules applying to units beginning the turn in a hostile sea zone apply.

    For example, if a German transport and a Soviet battleship share sea zone 115 at the beginning of G2, then Germany declares war on the USSR at the beginning of the Combat Move phase, Germany may load units from Finland onto the transport for an amphibous assault on Novgorod despite the presence of the Soviet battleship.  However, those same units may not unload into Novgorod unless the Soviet battleship is sunk, clearing the sea zone of enemy surface warships and making it friendly to Germany.

    Of course, per the normal rules applying to units beginning the turn in a hostile sea zone, if Germany is not planning on attacking the battleship, the transport must leave the zone in the Combat Move phase.  It may, however, still load the units from Finland if it wants to make an amphibious assault elsewhere.

    These rules have been in effect in AA40 from the beginning, and have not changed.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    OK.  I’m not sure what the actual game situation really is here, so I’ll just address the rules question.  The rule is that transports may load in a hostile sea zone only if they started the turn in the sea zone and it just became hostile as a result of a declaration of war in that turn.  Beyond that, all normal rules applying to units beginning the turn in a hostile sea zone apply.

    For example, if a German transport and a Soviet battleship share sea zone 115 at the beginning of G2, then Germany declares war on the USSR at the beginning of the Combat Move phase, Germany may load units from Finland onto the transport for an amphibous assault on Novgorod despite the presence of the Soviet battleship.  However, those same units may not unload into Novgorod unless the Soviet battleship is sunk, clearing the sea zone of enemy surface warships and making it friendly to Germany.

    And, presumably, take the loaded infantry and use them in an amphibious assault assuming a clear path (no enemy warships in the way.)

    I knew it was SOMETHING, I just couldnt remember what it was.  So yea, I was not permitted to move the transport through SZ 14 to get to SZ 113 and pick up the guys in Denmark.  Didn’t turn out to be a huge deal, what was more of a huge deal was SOMEONE ROLLING MY DICE FOR ME!  (that is the epitome of being rude, in my book.  Defender is one thing, rolling my attacking dice is RUDE!  It is almost unforgivable!)

  • One more thing, if I can.

    Here’s the situation : Russia is neutral. It’s Germany’s turn. A german transport and a russian sub share sz 115 (no other ships). A Russian Battleship stand alone in sz 114. German declares on Russia… but there’s no way for Germany to sink either the russian sub or the russain BB. Since the transport can’t move out (BB would block and destroy it) here’s the question 1 :

    Is the Russian sub sinks the German transport during Germany conduct battle phase?

    Question 2:
    Furthermore… even if the BB could be sunk, since there’s no “legal” combat move for the transport to move to sz114 (the only way out of z115), I undestand it MUST stay in sz115 and wait his faith as Russian submarine will sink it during Gerrmany’s conduct battle phase… and therefore never have time to move away during germany’s non combat move.

    Thank you  :-)

  • Official Q&A

    The transport is not in a hostile sea zone (subs don’t make a sea zone hostile), so it doesn’t have to do anything in combat movement.  It can just sit there and wait for the battleship to be sunk so that it can move away in noncombat movement.  Of course, it doesn’t have to move then, either, but it won’t last long if it doesn’t.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    The transport is not in a hostile sea zone (subs don’t make a sea zone hostile), so it doesn’t have to do anything in combat movement.  It can just sit there and wait for the battleship to be sunk so that it can move away in noncombat movement.  Of course, it doesn’t have to move then, either, but it won’t last long if it doesn’t.

    Oh neat!  That might have been helpful to know earlier, but, eh, ignorance of the rules is no defense!

  • @Krieghund:

    The transport is not in a hostile sea zone (subs don’t make a sea zone hostile), so it doesn’t have to do anything in combat movement.  It can just sit there and wait for the battleship to be sunk so that it can move away in noncombat movement.  Of course, it doesn’t have to move then, either, but it won’t last long if it doesn’t.

    Great thanks. I forgot that subs don’t make a sea zone hostile, this makes it clear.

    QUESTION : Russia is at war with Germany, but Russia is not at war with Japan. Is US troops can land in Russia’s territories in Pacific map

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    If the United States is at war they can.  But Russia will lose the NO.

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