• Official Q&A

    No.  You may only build a major IC in a territory that has your power’s emblem printed on it.

  • Under Alpha 2+ rules (pertaining to a game I started before I knew 3 was out), regarding the 12 IPC NO between Russia and Japan, if the US takes Korea, can the USSR move into it without triggering the NO?

    If so, would Japan trying to retake Korea trigger the NO for the Soviets?

    If possible, I’d like to have an answer soon, as it is likely coming up in an hour or two.

  • @Krieghund:


    I think that if Japan took a Japanese territory Germany could enter it without declaring war on China.


    this is a similar situation, and since the germans can occupy japan-controlled china, w/out DOW on china, i think ussr can occupy usa controlled korea, w/out DOW japan.

  • Official Q&A


    Under Alpha 2+ rules (pertaining to a game I started before I knew 3 was out), regarding the 12 IPC NO between Russia and Japan, if the US takes Korea, can the USSR move into it without triggering the NO?

    No.  Unless USSR declares war on Japan, it is under the restrictions of a neutral power on the Pacific map, so it may not leave its own territories.

  • '17

    This question is for Alpha 2.

    A US transport, loaded with UK soldiers, and some US warships sit in SZ112.  The UK does not have any warships in or move any warships into SZ112.

    1. If the UK unloads its soldiers into Denmark, Germany has no scramble option because US transports can’t be casualties during the UK’s turn.

    2. However, if a German sub sits in SZ112 the UK troops cannot unload because no UK warships are present (the presence of non-UK Allied warships is irrelevant).

    3. If the UK and US are both at war with Japan, but the US is still neutral to Germany, a UK amphibious assault against Germany via US transports is still permitted.

    Did I understand these 3 points correctly?

  • Official Q&A

    1. No.  Germany may scramble in response to the amphibious assault.  Since UK has no attacking units, the sea zone cannot be cleared and the assault cannot proceed.  However, since the US ships are not involved in the battle, no casualties will result (a stalemate).

    2. Correct.

    3. No.  Transports belonging to a power not at war with the target may not participate in an amphibious assault.

  • '17

    Thanks for clarifying, saved me some major errors  :-)

  • How can you even say “major errors” with a straight face, I presume.

    This Rules debacle seen thru the iterations of Alpha 1, Alpha 2 and now Alpha 3
    is absolutely ludricous.

    I fully expect an Alpha 4, I had predicted a Gamma version weeks ago.

    There is no longer any credibilty whatsoever to the whole revision process.

    I look on this whole process as too many cooks spoiling the soup.

    There no longer is any concensus on Rules.

    You can’t just play 1940 anymore.

    Ah which Rules do YOU play?

    OOB, Alpha 1, Alpha 1+ or Alpha 2. Maybe Alpha 2 +?

    I mean Hello, stop the madness.

    I mean it really is nonsense now.

    Our group rules have as much credibilty as Larry Harris’ because his credibilty has long been broken.

    The rules have been shown to be arbritary becz they are constantly broken and revised JUST BECZ THEY CAN BE.

    The whole Rules Show is just a JOKE and the joke is on all of you.

    Not me, I dropped out long ago and play OOB with some tinkering.

    Did not burn the House down as did Larry and his expert Kreighund.

    Just around the corner, right!

    I mean really, there is no wrong answer to any Rules question!!

    Just make it up. The experst have been doing so for months.

    Ohhh the Amur question is just confounding isn’t it.

    Ohhhhh  Mufasa……

  • '17


    The rules have been shown to be arbritary becz they are constantly broken and revised JUST BECZ THEY CAN BE.

    Rules are, by their nature, arbitrary and subject to change.

    I haven’t seen anyone on this forum demean playing by house rules.  Even if they did, nothing stops anyone from playing by any rules they wish, except the willingness of opponents to agree upon said rules and the constraints of physics.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    This may have been answered, but can US ships in Pacific use allied ports for movement before US is at war?

  • Let me ask you Karl, Is America an Ally before they enter the war or are they neutral?  If they are neutral…before they are at war…(seems obvious) then they are not an ‘ally’ and cannot use their facilities.  Use logic.

  • @JimmyHat:

    Let me ask you Karl, Is America an Ally before they enter the war or are they neutral?  If they are neutral…before they are at war…(seems obvious) then they are not an ‘ally’ and cannot use their facilities.  Use logic.

    Well, politically it would make sense for the naval bases to be able to be used.  But here’s the official ruling from the Alpha + .3 rules:

    “[A neutral power] can’t move units into territories or onto ships belonging to another power or use another power’s naval bases, nor can another power move land or air units into its territories or onto its ships or use its naval bases.”

  • '22 '21 '16 '15

    Hi Krieg and the other PRO´s of AA G Alpha +3,

    If I invade the Baltic States with Italian troops in I2 and reinforce it with German Troops in G3 without a DOW against Russia. Is Germany at war with Russia or not, meaning I get the NO Not at War with Russia 5IPC?
    Thanks for the answer!

    Greets Robson from Germany

  • Let’s say I attack a destroyer with 3 submarines next to London and the UK scramble two planes…

    Can the submarines shoot the planes down? What happen? The planes can shoot at the subs, but not the inverse? So, even if I get 2 or 3 hits with my subs, only the destroyer dies and then, all fighters and destroyer can shoot back at us and I take casualties?

    That’s the same in a battle I guess? A AC with 2 fighters and a destroyer gets attacked by subs, what happens?

  • The subs cannot shoot the planes down.  Planes can sink the subs: they can’t submerge because of the presence of a destroyer in the battle zone.
    If you kill the destroyer with a roll of 2 or less with your subs, the destroyer and planes get to shoot back once more, and then battle ends.

  • Official Q&A


    If I invade the Baltic States with Italian troops in I2 and reinforce it with German Troops in G3 without a DOW against Russia. Is Germany at war with Russia or not, meaning I get the NO Not at War with Russia 5IPC?

    Germany is not at war with the USSR until either Germany declares war on the USSR or the USSR declares war on Germany.  Italy’s declaration of war on the USSR does not create an immediate state of war between the USSR and Germany - it simply allows the USSR to declare war on Germany on its next turn.

  • '17

    Germany attacks the UK destroyer and transport in SZ109 with 3 submarines and some planes in G1.  Britain scrambles.

    Two of the subs roll 2 or lower, but the SZ is not cleared because German and UK planes survived the first round of combat.

    Is the transport sunk at the end of the first round of combat because the extra sub shot couldn’t have hit anything else?

  • Official Q&A


  • Can Japan or US build a factory in the Phillipeens?

  • @Defiance:

    Can Japan or US build a factory in the Phillipeens?

    New industrial complexes are never allowed on islands.  Australia and Scotland are not islands.

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