yeah, cuz a determined germany can ALWAYS do sealion, and a determined america can pretty much always take japan imho. this would just make the game terrible, imagine america spitting out 10 units straight into z6/round……
SZ 6 is really far from Europe, SZ 101 with 20 units would be far more productive, don’t you think?
10 Units a round into England is also not too bad, since they have no reliable means to hurt the enemy and ships still cannot make it to the Continental United States any faster than they could from SZ 105/SZ 110/SZ 112 anyway.
However, imagine a stubborn allied front, Russia is down, England is down but the Americans have Egypt, the Med, the Balkan States (Greece, Albania, Bulgaria or trading them) and the Indians and Americans have Volograd heavily stacked. Japan has been beaten into submission.
Odds are they are going to lose the game, eventually (perhaps 40 rounds from now) because Germany is dropping 30-40 units a round, Japan is not going to fall so it has to be defended against and Italy is turtling as well, but it will take FOREVER for Germany to beat the Allies out of Volgorod due to the stacking issue. (Even if they drop an IC in Ros and N. Ukr it’ll take forever and Ros is very hard to defend.) Why not allow them to upgrade the Muscovite complex and end the game?
Just a thought.
Likewise, imagine Japan is reduced to an island, Germany has large armies in Asia but no imaginable means in which to get 8 VCs and America has stacked the crud out of Rome, why not let the allies upgrade and take out Europe (since they cannot VC win anyway.)