Yes, ignore that, as this is related to the forum software change that occurred in 2018. Some characters haven’t been converted correctly.
straight from alpha 2: "2. Major industrial complexes can only be built on originally controlled territories (this includes upgrading minor ones). Likewise they may no longer be upgraded when captured. Major industrial complexes are reduced to minor when captured. The original owner of the territory may upgrade it if the territory is recaptured. "
straight from alpha 2: "2. Major industrial complexes can only be built on originally controlled territories (this includes upgrading minor ones). Likewise they may no longer be upgraded when captured. Major industrial complexes are reduced to minor when captured. The original owner of the territory may upgrade it if the territory is recaptured. "
Yes, I know. I am saying Larry should change it so that you can upgrade a complex on a foriegn capitol, if only to end the game faster.
If Russia and Japan are still neutral, can other Allied powers still have their units enter Russian territory on the Pacific side of the map ?
straight from alpha 2: "2. Major industrial complexes can only be built on originally controlled territories (this includes upgrading minor ones). Likewise they may no longer be upgraded when captured. Major industrial complexes are reduced to minor when captured. The original owner of the territory may upgrade it if the territory is recaptured. "
Yes, I know. I am saying Larry should change it so that you can upgrade a complex on a foriegn capitol, if only to end the game faster.
So we should bend the rules to help the side winning when it’s doing really good?
i have a dd (Japan) in sz 22, and no units in Marianas.
US send 1ss, 1tr loaded and some planes in sz22 to take marianas.
Can i use kamikazes and if yes, against what units ?
This thread will become a proper FAQ thread, which in time the most common questions and answers will be posted in a quick start format. Individual questions will be answered in a new thread, while rules debate must enter a separate thread entry.
Thanks IL, glad to see someone taking a bit of time to clean up this resource.
i have a dd (Japan) in sz 22, and no units in Marianas.
US send 1ss, 1tr loaded and some planes in sz22 to take marianas.
Can i use kamikazes and if yes, against what units ?
Kamikaze may not be used, as there are no US surface warships to strike with them.
straight from alpha 2: "2. Major industrial complexes can only be built on originally controlled territories (this includes upgrading minor ones). Likewise they may no longer be upgraded when captured. Major industrial complexes are reduced to minor when captured. The original owner of the territory may upgrade it if the territory is recaptured. "
Yes, I know. I am saying Larry should change it so that you can upgrade a complex on a foriegn capitol, if only to end the game faster.
So we should bend the rules to help the side winning when it’s doing really good?
Not bend, change, and yes so that games will be ended faster…
i wouldnt go so far as doing that, but if you want to, you can housrule it like that…
i wouldnt go so far as doing that, but if you want to, you can housrule it like that…
? Your confusion 1Kid is confusing the rest of us. She is talking about changing the rule to the game in the rulebook to help achieve balance. The rules for all of us, not a house rule.
Now I also think this is not needed, if fact I like the option of coming back from a loss, whereas this change would just exacerbate the losing sides problems.
yeah, cuz a determined germany can ALWAYS do sealion, and a determined america can pretty much always take japan imho. this would just make the game terrible, imagine america spitting out 10 units straight into z6/round……
yeah, cuz a determined germany can ALWAYS do sealion, and a determined america can pretty much always take japan imho. this would just make the game terrible, imagine america spitting out 10 units straight into z6/round……
SZ 6 is really far from Europe, SZ 101 with 20 units would be far more productive, don’t you think?
10 Units a round into England is also not too bad, since they have no reliable means to hurt the enemy and ships still cannot make it to the Continental United States any faster than they could from SZ 105/SZ 110/SZ 112 anyway.
However, imagine a stubborn allied front, Russia is down, England is down but the Americans have Egypt, the Med, the Balkan States (Greece, Albania, Bulgaria or trading them) and the Indians and Americans have Volograd heavily stacked. Japan has been beaten into submission.
Odds are they are going to lose the game, eventually (perhaps 40 rounds from now) because Germany is dropping 30-40 units a round, Japan is not going to fall so it has to be defended against and Italy is turtling as well, but it will take FOREVER for Germany to beat the Allies out of Volgorod due to the stacking issue. (Even if they drop an IC in Ros and N. Ukr it’ll take forever and Ros is very hard to defend.) Why not allow them to upgrade the Muscovite complex and end the game?
Just a thought.
Likewise, imagine Japan is reduced to an island, Germany has large armies in Asia but no imaginable means in which to get 8 VCs and America has stacked the crud out of Rome, why not let the allies upgrade and take out Europe (since they cannot VC win anyway.)
This thead is for getting official answers to rules questions on the Global A&A 1940 game. Questions will be answered officially by me or by one my “deputies”. These officially designated deputies will be recognizable by a special tag. Right now, they gamerman01 and kcdzim. Please bear in mind that they are volunteers, and it is not their “job” to answer questions here, so don’t be impatient if you don’t get an immediate answer.
In the interest of providing answers as quickly as possible, anyone else who is sure that they know the answer should feel free to chime in. If an incorrect answer is given, it should be corrected within a few hours by someone official. Any incorrect answers or off-topic posts will be deleted by a moderator.
Of course, before posting here, it’s always beneficial to check the official rules and resources for answers. The following are official on-line rules resources:
Pacific 1940 FAQ
Official Rules Clarifications for Europe and Global 1940
Alpha +3 Rules -
it would alsogreatly discourage the allies from taking france back, if germany can instantly dump 10 units there……
It would also be beneficial to state which rule set your question applies to as some people continue to use OOB vs Alpha+.2 etc etc etc.
it would alsogreatly discourage the allies from taking france back, if germany can instantly dump 10 units there……
France was originally exempted primarily due to the lack of need for anyone to upgrade the complex except France. But no, the Allies already never liberate France because then they lose their complexes in Europe! Allowing it to be upgraded might actually encourage the allies to liberate France to stop Germany from dropping 10 Infantry in France, 10 Infantry in W. Germany and 10 Armor in E. Germany.
how is germany going to get up to 120/round anyway???
Could Germany buy an IC upgrade during the purchase new units phase, capture London England during the combat phase, and than use the upgrade on the UK IC (which was just down graded) during the place new units phase, all within the same turn?