• Gamerman01:

    Thanks very much for your prompt reply!

    I would like to ask a further clarifying question regarding submarine convory disruption based on your statement:
    “each sub can potentially disrupt more than 2 IPC’s per game round, when it is disrupting multiple territories which are controlled by different enemy powers.”

    Does this mean that a submarine would do points of IPC loss to EACH of the territories adjacent to the sea zone?  In other words, would a single British submarine in Sea Zone 97 inflict the following IPC losses?  (Assuming Italian Control of Yugoslavia and Greece)
    North Italy - 2 IPC’s
    South Italy - 2 IPC’s
    Albania -1 IPC
    Yugoslavia - 2 IPC’s
    Greece -2 IPC’s

    Total loss to Italian income = 9.
    2 British subs would therefore inflict 12 IPC loss to Italian income given the above territories?  A third sub having no additional effect as the maximum value of the adjacent territories having been reached.

  • @ForsakenLegion:


    Thanks very much for your prompt reply!

    I would like to ask a further clarifying question regarding submarine convory disruption based on your statement:
    “each sub can potentially disrupt more than 2 IPC’s per game round, when it is disrupting multiple territories which are controlled by different enemy powers.”

    Does this mean that a submarine would do points of IPC loss to EACH of the territories adjacent to the sea zone?  In other words, would a single British submarine in Sea Zone 97 inflict the following IPC losses?  (Assuming Italian Control of Yugoslavia and Greece)
    North Italy - 2 IPC’s
    South Italy - 2 IPC’s
    Albania -1 IPC
    Yugoslavia - 2 IPC’s
    Greece -2 IPC’s

    Total loss to Italian income = 9.
    2 British subs would therefore inflict 12 IPC loss to Italian income given the above territories?  A third sub having no additional effect as the maximum value of the adjacent territories having been reached.

    this is not the case, each sub can disrupt 2 ipcs PER POWER is what gamerman is refering two, not two per tt.

    so if you had 1 sub in z97 it could disrupt 2 for it and 2 for ger.

  • @thatonekid:

    this is not the case, each sub can disrupt 2 ipcs PER POWER is what gamerman is refering two, not two per tt.

    so if you had 1 sub in z97 it could disrupt 2 for it and 2 for ger.

    That’s right.  Basically, as per Page 22 of the Europe manual, during your collect income phase you check (all players check) for convoy disruptions.  On each power’s turn, a single enemy warship can disrupt only 1 IPC of income (subs are 2 IPCs).

    Therefore, 4 Allied subs in Z97 would disrupt 8 IPC’s of Italy’s income if Italy controls territories bordering Z97 that add up to 8 or more IPC’s of income.  Then, on Germany’s turn the check would be made again, and if Germany controlled Yugoslavia and Greece, Germany would also have to subtract 4 IPC’s of income on her turn.  So in this manner, 4 subs would be doing 12 damage per turn.  8 to Italy, and 4 to Germany.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I know I saw this question asked here before, but can’t remember the answer, and the search function is beyond useless.
    Is Sicily connected to Italy or do you need a transport?

  • @Emperor:

    I know I saw this question asked here before, but can’t remember the answer, and the search function is beyond useless.
    Is Sicily connected to Italy or do you need a transport?

    Any island, that is a named island and if owned by a player power will have a distinct control marker, is a separate space and would require a transport to move between another island or continent in the same seazone.  So sardinia and sicily need a transport to move between each other or to the mainland.  The same with Ceylon, Cyprus, Crete, etc as they are named islands.

    Northern Ireland is not an exception, per se, as Scotland is the blanket term naming the territory for both Scotland and what is Northern Ireland, and the control marker connects both with the single name “Scotland”.  Same case with the north and south islands in New Zealand.

    Majorca, however, is NOT a separate space as it is not a named island and is part of Spain.  Niether is Gotland, which is considered part of Sweden.  Corsica, which is probably considered either italy or sardinia but makes no difference which as it’s not a space…   etc, you get the idea.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I know I saw this question asked here before, but can’t remember the answer, and the search function is beyond useless.
    Is Sicily connected to Italy or do you need a transport?

    Generally, speaking, I think it’s a moot issue since you also have Sardinia.

  • @Cmdr:


    I know I saw this question asked here before, but can’t remember the answer, and the search function is beyond useless.
    Is Sicily connected to Italy or do you need a transport?

    Generally, speaking, I think it’s a moot issue since you also have Sardinia.

    i do not understand why this is a “moot point” because of sardinia? that does not change the fact that you need a trns to travel from sicily to sit

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator




    I know I saw this question asked here before, but can’t remember the answer, and the search function is beyond useless.
    Is Sicily connected to Italy or do you need a transport?

    Generally, speaking, I think it’s a moot issue since you also have Sardinia.

    i do not understand why this is a “moot point” because of sardinia? that does not change the fact that you need a trns to travel from sicily to sit

    The only reason to go to Sicily is to deny the enemy a landing zone for any attacking fighters, but since Sardinia is an island in the same sea zone, to accomplish this you would need Sardinia AND Sicily.

  • Quick question: If I take Columbia, South America during the USA combat move; can I then non combat Mech and Armor from Panama (which should be one zone) into Brazil, thus gaining the 3 men and the 2 IPCs?

    Rather than transport to Brazil turn 4 I can get Brazil by land if this is correct.
    From Brazil, I should be able to wage war against the other South American holdouts that fail to see the just cause that fighting socialism represents.

    Edit: (Response to Post Below) Yes it would give the axis men, around the globe, if they can reach them. It would be part of a combined plan to land in Spain the same turn as a shortcut to Berlin, France, or Rome. I figured I could use my starting fast movers and a bomber to clear up S. America while I focus allied waves on Spain each round to enter Europe with only 1 US defensive fleet and a naval base at Gibraltar or neutral touching sz 91. This would give USA + 11 IPCs for S.America/Iberian Peninsula.

  • @JamesAleman:

    Quick question: If I take Columbia, South America during the USA combat move; can I then non combat Mech and Armor from Panama (which should be one zone) into Brazil, thus gaining the 3 men and the 2 IPCs?

    Rather than transport to Brazil turn 4 I can get Brazil by land if this is correct.
    From Brazil, I should be able to rage war against the other South American holdouts that fail to see the just cause that fighting socialism represents.

    Yes this is legal in the order which you describe.  This would make all other true neutrals turn pro axis, meaning Spain/Sweden/Turkey will go to the Axis.:(

  • @JimmyHat:

    Yes this is legal in the order which you describe.  This would make all other true neutrals turn pro axis, meaning Spain/Sweden/Turkey will go to the Axis.:(

    Their status changes to Pro-Axis, but they do not “go to the Axis” until the Axis gets ground units there during their own non-coms.

  • @Cmdr:




    Yeah, it wasn’t rules questions, but it wasn’t “mindless chatter”.

    Gamerman, where do you think would be a good place to post the topic in question?

    Um, I’d go with General Discussion, since it’s not about a specific version of A&A.

    Hey Jimmy most of us appreciate your sentiments - that you don’t want other stuff cluttering up the FAQ thread.  Just ask a moderator to go through the thread and delete posts that have nothing to do with answering FAQ questions.  It can be cleaned up by a moderator, and then all of us don’t have to be super careful to never post anything non-FAQ related.

    I will do so upon the request of both Krieghund and Gamerman as they are the main respondants of the thread.

    Sorry to keep kicking this dead horse, but I keep seeing posts in the main Forum of people saying things like, I checked the FAQ but couldn’t find the answer in 120 pages.  I think waiting for Krieghund and Gamerman to request a cleanup is wrong, you should be looking for that request from the newbies–The people who don’t know the rules so well and want to use the FAQ as a resource.  These people it seems have spoken, whether it be here or on the forum at large, this FAQ is too cluttered!

    Seriously, how many times have your read in a new post that people can’t find the answer they’re looking for in the FAQ thread?  It must happen at least once a week.  Is this not reason enough?  Also I will again offer my time to go through and clean it up if it is too daunting for the Moderators.

  • Question about moving spaces with an Airplane (figther) in A2

    In the manual it states:
    At page 27 of the Rules (Europe)and 26 (Pacific) it states … to determine range…when moving over water from a coastal territory or island group count the first sea zone entered as one space. When flying to an Island group, count the surrounding sea zone and Island group itself as one space each.

    What is than the allowed route. Red or Green?
    Well its a bit strange, with route Green3 is travel the whole seazone 49 using 1 movement point. (so got more distance than in Red3) but I still not 2 movement points to travel seazone 49 and land according to the rules. (see the picture to explain it

    (www).filesavr.com/APQE9EJMWIVTAS0 (cant seem to post it as an link so delete space)

  • I´m Germany . If i make a startegic bombin raid on the airbase in London , and the same combat move a combat in SZ 110. can the fighters from london scramble to the see fight if it get 3 hit`s? when did we see if scramble is possible? in the moment where see fight is occured? Or when?

  • all combat occurs at the same time, and since the UK decides whether or not to scramble before combat begins, he would get to scramble(or choose to intercept) regardless of the outcome of the SBR.  :-D

  • I agree, Jimmy.  No need to wait for some kind of OK from certain posters…  Somebody please start working on cleaning up this whole thread, for the good of everyone.  With the search function no longer working, it is important.  Jenn?  Can you, or is there some way to let Jimmy lend his services to help clean up?

  • Sponsor


    I agree, Jimmy.  No need to wait for some kind of OK from certain posters…  Somebody please start working on cleaning up this whole thread, for the good of everyone.  With the search function no longer working, it is important.  Jenn?  Can you, or is there some way to let Jimmy lend his services to help clean up?

    I would like that as well.

  • The Russian NO for Archangel and SZ125 can be denied by a German Sub, right?

  • @ViribusUnitis:

    The Russian NO for Archangel and SZ125 can be denied by a German Sub, right?

    Exactly right.  There is a subtle difference in the rules.  Sometimes, it mentions “surface warship” which is destroyer, cruiser, carrier, battleship.  Other places (like for Z125), it’s “warship”, which includes submarines.  Tricky.

  • can bombardments ever occur when there is a surface warship in the Sz you amphibious assault from? for instance, If there is one enemy destroyer defending the Sz, and you have a whole fleet, can some of your ships attack the destroyer and your other ships do a bombardment along with the troop landing?

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