Got a few quick questions, sorry didn’t read all the 100 posts :(
1- Can you send ‘infinite’ number of plane to attack a territory, a sea zone if there is no landing room EXCEPT for 1 carrier. Basically, this allows US or Japan to launch very powerful attack (while losing most of their air force). For example, can you attack a seazone with 10 fighters, but only 2 can actually land on the Aircraft carrier?
2- Technology and UK : Will a technology breakthrough be shared with Europe and Pacific UK?
3- Germany and Italy OIL NO. Is the OIL NO (persia, east persia, iraq etc) shared with both Germany and Italy? In other words, if Italy controls, say Iraq, does it also give +2 to Germany?
4- (Not very important ^^) : Say Germany or Japan gets a REALLY BAD turn 1, will you continue to play, or just reset the board? Last time, on G1, I failed to sink Canadian navy with 2 sub, failed my attack on BB + Cruiser, failed attack on France (France survived!) and Normandy. -.-